11 Sleeps Already?!
Written by Bayleecraft

You hear that Christmas music getting closer! 11 sleeps till Christmas?! Wow what an intense year it has been and it's slowly but surely coming to an end!

Let's have a looksie at this week's top news and see the top highlights!





Players Joined: 10,339 

Players Joined: 15,137 

Players Joined: 903 

Players Joined: 1395 

Monthly Goal - 100%

Monthly Goal - 57%

Monthly Goal - 53%

Monthly Goal - 5%

Current Top Donator:

Current Top Donator:

Current Top Donator:

Current Top Donator:





Mooblooms have been added to Planet 4 on Fruit Prison! These bright, colourful cows add yet another level of depth to the gameplay. Like other mobs on Prison, they also drop specific items. We don't want you killing these beautiful bovines so instead, you have to shear them! The "Automatic Moobloom Shears" will be dropped by the secondary boss on planet 4 and will automatically shear all mooblooms in a radius of 5 blocks.

  • Yellow Mooblooms drop Sunflowers when sheared
  • Blue Mooblooms drop Blue Orchids when sheared
  • Green Mooblooms drop Tulips when sheared
  • Pink Mooblooms can drop Pink Tulips, Lilacs or Peonys when sheared
  • Purple Mooblooms drop Alliums when sheared
  • Warped Mooblooms can drop Warped Fungus, Warped Roots, Nether Sprouts or Twisting Vines
  • Crimson Mooblooms can drom Crimson Fungus, Crimson Roots and weeping vines

Be sure to check out /warp fruitmas on both skyblock and survival for some fun minigames and all round entertainment!


Only one new staff update this week! Please welcome to the team Adzman to the cool tmod squad!


No staff updates this week.


No staff updates this week


No staff updates this week.

We are always on the hunt for new staff members for our moderating, event coordinator or builder teams, if you think you have something to offer why not put in an application via the website by clicking HERE

Join us every night at 8pm AEDT for our nightly events!

Check out this week's calendar for what games we will be playing.

Monday -

Pixelmon Event Night

Tuesday -

Prison Event Night

Wednesday -

Snowman Fishing on Survival

Thursday - 

Skyblock Event Night

Friday -

Grinchicide on Survival

Saturday -

Skyblock Event Night

Sunday -

Prison Games Night

Congratulations to all this week's winners.

Come along to events and you could win yourself keys or tokens!

Fruity Marriages

Wedding bells are ringing for this week’s happy couples!


















Want to marry that special someone?  Contact a staff member

and they can help you on your way to wedded bliss.


Selfie of the Week

We love to see what you get up to during the week, so make sure you post a selfie to the forum thread before Sunday night to be in the running for a token.  When you post your selfie be sure to mention which server you took the selfie on, and write a caption for it also.

Post your selfies HERE

★Survival and Skyblock

✐ Build Competition ✎

Our build competitions are currently on a permanent hiatus due to a lack of participation! We hope they may return soon, but we will update you when we know more.

Another week bites the dust! Time for some well deserved dinner and beauty sleep! Have a good week fruitsters!

~Christmaxxy_, Bayleecraft, iGoner , MrRandom287 & _Ravioli!

End of Post.