Anzac Build Battle Recap
2 min read

Hello FruityFruitsters!! Hope you lots had a wonderful day!! IkkiAmnesia, HelloMelon and iMeoww here presenting you our first event recap post~~ Excited?? YES? Alright then, let's hop right into the highlights!!!! Oh! Make sure you grab yourself some snacks and drinks because it's show time~~~~~!!!

BBB Recap

BBB also known as Bloo’s Build Battle is a creative way of constructing ideas around certain themes and building it within the area given, with the use of teamwork of course. Last night we had lots of players with many wonderful ideas joining in and were ready to take us through a tunnel filled with their creativity. There were 3 rounds and the themes were: Cute Fluffy Animals, Treehouse, Anything/Freestyle. After several minutes of indecisive choice making, we’ve finally come to a conclusive result. Here are the results of tonight’s Bloo’s Build Battle:

Round 1 Theme: Cute Fluffy Animals

1st Place | RedDeadFlame31, DababyChicken, Valkyriie_, Melongrip, 4t4

2nd Place | Lagoonaa, Hudstache, Scion_2124, StarlightARMY

3rd Place  | EasterBee, Oko, SMan27415, Chickay_San

Round 2 Theme: Treehouse

1st Place   | Quackaz, SirNebula, Warpiggles, Valkyriie_

2nd Place  | Dababychicken, StarlightARMY, Sparkleychloe, 4t4

3rd Place | Ambrosium, Lagoonaa, EasterBee, Sir_Kelikai

Round 3 Theme: Freestyle?

1st Place  | Lagoonaa, Dimbotron, TJ_PVP, Ambrosium

2nd Place | EasterBee, Quackaz, Reddeadflame31, 4t4

3rd Place  | Valkyriie_, Azzo_, 3teve, SirNebula

Staff Choice Award: Valkyriie_, Azzo_, 3teve, SirNebula

Congratulations to the winners mentioned above!

This concludes the Event: Bloo’s Build Battle for the night. A special thanks to all the staff that attended to help out with the event and again, thanks everyone who participated the event! We hope you enjoyed it and can't wait to see all you fruity flops again very soon!

End of Post.