Beat the Heat
Pixelmon decided to be the misbehaving child this week. The SSD in the server box failed, resulting in a total loss of data. What was even worse is that the box was moving the daily backup off the box at the time. As a result, we lost all of the backups, and the offsite backup was also corrupted as a result. This has meant that there has been a significant amount of data loss on the server. We have had to revert to a very old backup which was downloaded a long time ago. The only good bit of news is that given the map is relatively new, we have all of the generated maps from that. Was a mammoth effort by the whole team, working pretty much around the clock, to get the server back online and playable again.
Your Purchases (Commands and Rank) should come back on login. This should occur when you join the server (give it a few minutes). If you have changed your name since you purchased the commands, this system will not work. Name changes suck and everyone knows this.
If you are missing stuff, fill out this form:
Finally, there will be a compensation kit ingame with /comp
Survival Event Feedback
Are you interested in giving us your suggestions and feedback on our events? Do you have a creative mind and have any ideas for some future events? The Survival Event Team are looking at ensuring that all our events are something you will love playing with us on Wednesday and Friday nights! Let us know your thoughts by sending your messages here.
2X Legendary & Shiny Pokemon
Getting Pixelmon back on track was an enormous task, thank you to everybody that helped us get back online as soon as possible!
In addition to the compensation package for players to claim for free, Pixelmon will have double spawn rates for legendary and shiny Pokemon to help you all catch up to where we left off.
If you encounter any issues as we iron out the final wrinkles, please don’t hesitate to reach out to staff.
★ Survival ★
This week around the fruitbowl we congratulate ZakXXXX and Vipersmile on their promotions to Mod! You guys have done a great job so far!
We are always on the hunt for new staff members for our moderating, event coordinator or builder teams, if you think you have something to offer why not put in an application via the discord by clicking HERE
Fruit Events
Join us every night at 8pm AEDT for our nightly events!
Please note: Events are now using Australian Eastern Daylight Time. Depending on your state/country the events might be an hour later for you!
Check out this week's calendar for what games we will be playing.
Congratulations to all this week's winners.
Come along to events and you could win yourself keys or tokens!
Fruity Marriages
Wedding bells are ringing for this week’s happy couples!
Want to marry that special someone?
Contact a staff member and they can help you on your way to wedded bliss.
Selfie of the Week
We love to see what you get up to during the week, so make sure you post a selfie to the forum thread before Sunday night to be in the running for a prize. When you post your selfie be sure to mention which server you took the selfie on, and write a caption for it also.
Post your selfies HERE
Have fun around the FruitBowl!
Memmie_ and the Events Team
End of Post.