Capture the Flag Recap!!
1 min read

Hello everyone!! So the event we had on Friday nigth was Capture the Flag as we all know!! It was full of fun and exciting battles, some gruesome deaths and if we're honest ... a bit of team killing occured (shame on you flops!).

So the teams consited of:

Blue Team:

Dimbotron, MountainMoose, Dattbaccagirl, Itsquish, Apotoxin, dababychicken, quackaz, xsilentknight, jaloje, lecommandment, cucumber, eitherside, ambersta, Bloo, Cahms, EnCrYpTeDPaNdA.

Red Team:

Mad Master, dexylicious, SparkleyFlopcorn, dogbeet, MissMelon, pandagirlella, DeathFrostz, QueenLagoona, EasterMC, icytouch, ross_of_rosmans, Sleapy, Briezyy, QusarNebula, badiect, Bageriffic, Terrifried.

These members did well ... athough red team lost spectacularly! We did 5 rounds, and the team that scored the most points won.

Blue Team scored 5 points

Red Team scored 0 points ... (guys ... what was going on?!)

For each round we decided to select one MVP players from each team. These players are the ones who performed the best in the team that showed real skill! So the players are below!

Round 1:

Blue team: ItsSquish

Red Team: Mad_Master

Round 2:

Blue team: Cucumber

Red Team: Dexylicious

Round 3:

Blue Team: MountainMoose1

Red Team: QueenLagoona

Round 4:

Blue Team: Le_Commandant

Red Team: H1N9

For round 5 we sadly couldn't choose as there was much cheating occuring ... although we'd like to point the finger towards a certain someone who told ipoodalittle to "bite me" when they were scolded for cheating!!!!!! *cough* H1N9 *cough*

It was a wonderful evening full of excitement! We had a great turnout with about half the server at the event!! And afterwards there was a winning team photo!

Prizes for the winning team will be delivered to their /homes shortly.


End of Post.