Easter Event Recaps!
6 min read

Hello everyone!! Hoping you had a great easter weekend! And here now, we bring you the juicy recap of the long weekend events!! :D So sit yourselves down, grab some popcorn, and relax!

Prop Hunt Winners

For this easter version of Prop Hunt, the competitors had to find 6 special items! The items selected were, Rabbit Droppings, a Bunny Tail, Bunny Dust and Easter Egg and some Fluffy Bunny pants ... and lets not forget the bunny food ... the Carrot!!!! The game took about an hour, with some members finding things easily, and others struggling! But through it all, 5 winners emerged successfully!






Good work to all these winners! The prizes were delivered shortly afterwards! The winners recieved a complete Fluffy Bunny suit of armour!

Hide and Seek Winners:

Hide and Seek is back ... with an sweet chocolaty twist!! This easter special of hide and seek had a pretty island decor and beneath a lushious chocolate river complete with chocolate factory!

Round 1-

Ambrosium found ipoodalittle

JALOOOOOOOOOJ found YoungBloods

HelloMelon found Cahms

Ambersta found demski

Hadaru found pebbles_

avalon03 found Dexylicious

Apotoxin found MistofDusk

BadgerNootNoot found ReddeadFlame31

Round 2:

Ambersta found demski and Cahms

Hadaru found H1N9

ItsSquish found Pebbles_

Le_Commandant found ipoodalittle

DiamondPirate found ReddeadFlame31 and YoungBloods

SparkleyFlopcorn found Dexylicious and Kelikai

Ambrosium found MistOfDusk

Round 3:

SparkleyFlopcorn found Pebbles_

Ambersta found demski

QueenLagoona found MistOfDusk and ipoodalittle

Le_Commandant found Kelikai and Dexylicious

DiamondPirate found YoungBloods

Clankyy found Cahms

ItsSquish found ReddeadFlame31

Obstacle Course/Relay winners

For this event players had to complete 3 parts. The first part, they had to boat race, through the waters, weaving through the many perils! The second part was horse racing, leaping across walls and doging candy trees! Finally, they had to pig race ... and every moment was filled with the fear of the pig finally getting that juicy carrot!!

The Winners:

Round 1: SparkleyFlopcorn

Round 2: dogbeet

Round 3: QueenLagoona

Round 4: DiamondPirate

Boat Race Winners:

This fantastic boat race, was build by Demski and filled with beautiful colours. Not to mention the center piece which is a giant rabbit on a big bouncy ball!! Players were required to dogde many obstacles in the water, with only few skilled enough to make the finish line!!

Heat 1 (Couples)

1st - MistOfDusk + S1L3NT
2nd - SparkleyFlopcorn + Cahms
3rd - Le_Commandant + DatBaccaGirl

Heat 2 (Couples)

1st - Kelikai + Ninfruitja
2nd - Le_Commandant + DayLightCanvasXD
3rd - (NONE)

Heat 3

1st - Ninfruitja
2nd - Clankyy
3rd - Cahms

Heat 4

1st - Aer1aL
2nd - Le_Commandant
3rd - ItsSquish

Heat 5

1st - Kelikai
2nd - DatBaccaGirl
3rd - Mr_Nebula

Heat 6

1st - Briezyy
2nd - Dexylicious
3rd - EasterMC


1st - Mr_Nebula
2nd - HelloMelon
3rd - xSilent_Knightx

Build Battle winners:

Round 1 - CandyLand

First Place: MistOfDusk, HelloMelon, GameboyDevanced

Here we have a spaceship thing flying into a rainbow ... not really sure whats going on here O.o

Second Place: Cahms, Dinnersawr, Quackaz, ReddeadFlame31

Taking inspiration from the beautiful Hide and Seek easter build, this team created a chocolate river sounded by cotton candy trees!! (wink wink, nudge nudge Cahms and Reddeeadflame31 ... so predictable :P)

Third Place: Namanax, Jalo, EasterMC, dababychicken

Lollipop, Lollipop ohhhh lolly lolly lolly!! This build is the meaning of candyland! Filled with lollipops and a candy cane!!!

Round 2 - Oceans

First Place: Dexylicious, Namanax, MistOfDusk, SparkleyFlopcorn

This stunning build features a modest boat moored at an island filled with forbidden fruit!!

Second Place: DiamondPirate, Briezzy, QueenLagoona, GhostSly

A beach with beheaded people warning ye pirates away ... what tribe lives here ... *cringe*

Third Place: ausdjt2, Cahms, Le_Commandant, Quackaz

TSUNAMI!!!!! A city about to be engulfed by a tsunami ... in a representation of many doomsday movies.

Round 3 - Easter

First Place: SparkleyFlopcorn, EasterMC, TJ_PvP, ausdjt2

Here we have EasterMC herself, hugging a cute flubby bunny!!

Second Place: itsSquish, Apotoxin, Quackaz, ReddeadFlame31

Here, again in inspiration of the Hide and Seek build we have a cute fluffy (large) bunny, hopping through candy forest next to a chocolate river.

Third Place: Le_Commandant, Clanky, HelloMelon, DiamondPirate.

Here we have 2 bunnies ... chilling with their strange ... lemur ... looking friend!

Staff pick winners: Dexylicious, Namanax, MistOfDusk, SparkleyFlopcorn

These members were chosen and recieved an extra prize for their Oceans build.

Capture the Flag

Using out existing map, we held a capture the flag event when the server reached 60 players online! We again randomised the teams and this time ... was quite a shock. Out of 6 rounds the score stood at ....*drum rolls*

Red Team: 5

Blue Team: 1

So ... this is an unexpected turn of events ... givent hat Blue team dominated the last event!. Congratulations to the winning red team!!

Of the course of all the rounds the staff watched closely, and at the end we picked out 2 outstanding players, one for each team! So without further adu, please congraulate:

ItsSquish for the Red Team!

QueenLagoona for the Blue Team!

Egg Hunt

For the easter egg hunt, we simply placed many chests all over the Hide and Seek island and the players simply went through them and gathered the easter eggs. It really was just a relaxed final event to cap off a perfect easter weekend! And afterwards, players got to cash in their found eggs ... which sent Goldsta broke!! :O

We all hope you had a fantastic Easter weekend! We sure did as well!

With special thanks to these lovely builders and staff:

Cahms and ReddeadFlame31 - For the first Easter Island which held the stunningly pretty yet luscious Hide and Seek and Egg Hunt! You did a great job guys!!

Dexylicious - For placing some final bits and pieces here and there giving more detail!

Demski - For the Boat Race and Chicken Run (which sadly couldn't be used). Boat race was stunning and full of colour and wonder!!!

ipoodalittle - For the Prop Hunt and some decor on the Second Easter Island ... them eggs really did look fabulous!!

Tialis - Even though she has left us, and even though we didn't get to use it, Tialis did a wonderful job on the Rabbit Maze! it was bursting with colour and cuteness!!

Briezyy - For the Obstacle Course/ Relay! Helping bring a different style of racing for all to enjoy and challenge themselves with!

Goldsta - For putting up with our stressing and constant harrassment for some editing magic!

Aphrodiite_ - For giving us the initial island!

Bloo - For creating new areas for an Easter Build Battle special!

EnCrYptEdPaNdA - Even though he too has left us, he also helped a great deal with this preperation and also deserves a mention!

All other staff - Thank you all for your help in hosting, monitoring and preparing events! And we hope you also had a great time participating with the community!!

Thank you everyone of you for making this possible! And members make sure you give your thanks to these amazing builders and staff who worked every day and night to bring this all together for you!

- ipoodalittle

End of Post.