Fruity Update!
Written by Tialis

Hello fellow fruisters! Crazy Cat Lady Tialis here bringing you the news post for this week - Please be gentle - it is my first time

Another thriving week on Fruits with lots of news to talk about so without further delay get comfy, grab your snacks and start feasting your eyes!

The Rundown

Survival Statistics -

Number of players since opening day: 1763
Current monthly donation progress: 642%
Current monthly top donator: Kelikai

Skyblock Statistics -

Number of players since opening day: 2801
Currently monthly donation progress: 18%
Currently monthly top donator: Fragstorm


Masive Update for Skyblock!

Skyblock's quest and prestige update is finally complete!  With loads more interactive quests now available in an awesome GUI!  We thank you for your patience while this update was done by the awesome Geek.

Type /quests to see whats new

Prestige ranks are now added on the server as well and this indicates the amount of quests that you have completed.  Your prestige rank is displayed in front of your name ingame. In future loads more awesome things will be added to work with this.

With this update as well a substantial amount of bugs have been fixed!  So make sure to check it out ingame!


Skyblock staff team has had a few changes this week with Bilfred_Kerman stepping down from MOD postion to allow more time for real life stuff - We thank Bilfred for their time and assistance and wish them well with their future endeavours - Please make sure you continue to pop in and say hello from time to time Bilfred :)  We also saw the promotion of Crabbman128 to TMod - I hope you are all being kind to him as he learns the ropes with becoming a staff member.

For the most part Survival staff team has stayed the same this week - We do have EnCrYpTeDPaNdA and MistofDuck on trial still, so be sure to ask them to help you out when you have trouble so they can learn their stuff. They also had a rather intensive initiation into the staff team this week so in all honesty anything you throw at them should be a walk in the park for them

Continuing on talking about staff matters we would like to mention that for the time being we will no longer be taking applications for Event Managers.  We feel we need to have a look at this postion and redefine the role to suit the server better.  We currently have no acting Event Managers as Canaries stepped down from the position earlier this week.  The current staff team will be handling and looking after all the Events for the forseeable future and we have some exciting stuff planned for you!!

A reminder that Ipoodalittle has been working very very hard to keep the Events page updated on the website so please be sure to check it out - You will find all the events planned for the next month available and also find detailed information regarding the weeks upcoming event such as how to play and rules. You can find a link to the events page here.

Teamspeak -

Guys some exciting news with Teamspeak! On saturday evening we reached our highest number of players using Teamspeak - there was a very loud and excitable 23 members online in one channel!!  To celebrate our new record Flopsta I mean Goldsta held a very special drop party for those who were on Teamspeak with lots of goodies given away as a thankyou for supporting the server and being an active member on Teamspeak.  Have you ever thought about using Teamspeak? You should! You will find a vast array of members and staff on Teamspeak pretty much any time of the day, it is a really nice way to get to know your fellow players and have a laugh and giggle.

Notable Weddings <3

IboughtaJeep and SquishyDolphin <3

xSilentKnightx and amber_mx <3

Youngbloods and Kelikai <3

Feel like getting married yourself?  Just ask a friendly staff member to marry you and you too can be joined in fruity matrimony!

1.9 Release

Yes! You read right! 1.9 is arriving on Friday!  After well over a year in development the next big Minecraft update is nearly here.  The server will be updating as soon as possible.  Until it is updated however you won't be able to connect using the 1.9 client.  Therefore, DON'T update until the server updates!  Or you will not be able to play.  We will keep you informed here on the website when we will update and once we have updated.  A tutorial will also be released detailing how to downgrade your Minecraft version if you have auto updates turned on still.

Got any questions about the 1.9 update? Post them below! Also, check out the full list of changes in 1.9 here.

Event -

Friday night is our regular event night with this week being hosted by our own fabulous Bloo! Bloo's Build Battles was a hit with everyone. Make sure you congratulate her

on a well executed and planned event.  I am sure that everyone who participated had loads of fun building the somewhat crazy and silly themes that were voted for! We intentionally randomized the teams so that everyone would have a chance to meet new people - we were really impressed with the teamwork that came as a result!  There were 3 rounds with approx 8 teams per round - each team had 20 minutes to build something according to the theme for the round which was voted for by the players participating.

Round 1 winners - Theme: Interpretation of Staff Members

1st place: Cahms, QuasarNebula, Quackaz and Jaloje

2nd place: Dimbotron, Nicocolo13, Le_Commandant and DatBaccaGurl

3rd place: LoshSmoak, Regalien, dababychicken and Mullac2765

Round 2 winners - Theme: Gardens

1st place: Nicocolo13 and Le_Commandant

2nd place: Iboughtajeep, EstherMC, Jaloje and StarlightARMY

3rd place: Cahms, 10Questionmarks, SquishyDolphin and dababychicken

Round 3 winners - Theme: Unicorns

1st place: MistofDusk, MissMelon, Caveman and ItsSquish

2nd place: Lagoona3, Mullac2765, EstherMC, ReddeadFlame31 and Shinha

3rd place: Ipoodalittle, Tukachinchilla and xxChaotic_Minded

Reminders -

Spawner Claim:

If you had purchased a spawner on the old map from the website you have until Tuesday 23rd Februrary to put in your claim to get it back.  These spawners must be ones that have you purchased off the website and not ones that you have won or bought off other players.  The link to the forum post can be found here

The Build Competition:

A reminder that there is only a week and one day left to enter this month's build competition.  With the theme being Oriental we are seeing some amazing entries already - competition is fierce but we encourage all player's to have a go and potentially see themselves winning some store vouchers!  If you need further information relating this please see the February month's post where you can find everything you need to know or ask a friendly staff member

Well Fruitlings, this is Tialis signing out - I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.  Have a fruitabulous week ahead! <3

End of Post.