Get more creative than ever!
2 min read

Hello Fruitsters! Your weekly update is a bit late this week for a number of reasons but mainly because of yesterday’s entertaining afternoon and the cool new stuff we are launching today.

The Rundown

Survival                                                                Skyblock

Number of players joined: 4692!                            Number of players joined: 5316!

Currently 616% of the monthly goal!                     Currently 321% of the monthly goal!

Current monthly top donator: Monkitteh                Current monthly top donator: OutcastGecko

Creative Server

Due to numerous issues with the inventory saving plugin, creative has been permanently removed from survival. This has given us the opportunity to bring creative on Fruit to the next level! Launching today is a dedicated creative server with more features and room to build than ever.
Plots are now 200 by 200 and Members+ have access to basic world edit commands! This creative server will also be the new home for the build team and will allow them to create more detailed and better events than before. At this stage the server is basic just to act as a replacement for the loss of the creative world. Over the next few weeks and months we will be adding loads of cool and unique things to it! It gives an equal opportunity for Skyblock people as well to enter the build comp.

Access it with /server creative

Players that have purchased bonus plots on survival will be able to get them carried over to the new creative server. This will be done over the next week or so. You will not need to claim them anywhere.

Data Loss

Our dedicated drive that run our MySQL databases and backups died yesterday afternoon rather suddenly. Luckily, this is not the drive that runs the server itself. Data wise this meant we lost any backups, Core Protect data, Chest Protection data and MCMMO. This has meant we have changed a few things.
We have replaced the old chest and entity protection system. To view a tutorial on how to protect chests, doors, itemframes visit /warp lockette ingame. You will need to re-protect your chests again!
Compensation for the loss of MCMMO levels can be found here.

Staff Applications
Feel like joining the Fruit Servers team? We are always accepting applications for event-coordinators, staff and builders. Check them out here.

Thats a rap!

A slightly different and shorter weekly update this week. There will be lots of new things this week including a beautiful GUI for those who have the SparkleGun perk done by MrMote

~ H1N9

End of Post.