Holiday Hype!
3 min read

Well hElLO there my fellow fruitsters! Guess whos back again to deliver all the juicy news again this week?! Of course it’s the one and only #PastaSquad here, the best people ever to exist on this server : - ) Lets jump into the news shall we!

Donating Statistics:

Survival Skyblock
Players: 7,117 Players: 1,130
% of Monthly Goal: 344% % of Monthly Goal: 476%
Current Top Donator: LordMage123 Current Top Donator: Spleegg

Beyond The Bowl:

Both servers this week had their fair share of staff updates this week, with some people stepping down and many people stepping up!

On survival, we sadly saw the loss of Lizehh to our staff team due to IRL commitments. She will be dearly missed and we hope to still see her around in game! On a happier note, we saw the promotion of Kezzedy to T-Mod! Be sure to send a huge welcome!

Over on Skyblock we had heapsss of updates to share with you! We saw the promotion of very many players this week! Rae and Verlisper were promoted from Admin to Admin+ and TheChoccyMilk, PrinnyL0ord, Ink3d_, TheRealLexii & BigSauce all to T-Mod! What a team that is! Be sure to send them all a congratulations when you see them next!

Remember! Our doors are always open. So if you think you have what it takes to be a Moderator, Builder or Event-Coordinator!


On survival this week, we had 3 events, Craft that, Thunderdome and an interesting game of book writing. Lets hear some results yeet!

Craft That: Did you craft the items needed?!?? Unwoven_Sleeve, binkies_, sl1011, FanciestPotato, yarrum00 & Budddii.

Thunderdome: I hope you got zapped to heaven : - ) Znevle_, sl1011, LOCKYCURRIE, WittyQuip, Remex_, Budddii, Off1ine, brekkie, Kupa_Trooper & EthanKyeMatilda.

Book Writing comp: It’s finally here, for the first round, congratulations: EmDeLaCreme, dababychicken and brekkie.  Second round: H1N9, Goldsta, Madaam. And finally congrats to the third round winners: ExpressoYourself, brekkie and Znevle_.

On Skyblock, we had 3 events aswell! Bingo, Thunderdome and Spleef! Lets jump into some results:

Bingo: bingo bongo to the congo P4rk3r_The_Lord, AnAlphaLonzy, matrix360, hughie360, wolf465, AnAlphaLonzy & burger_kingsz.

Thunderdome: Did you get zapped over here too? Hughie360, Joodicate, matrix360 & BigSauce_.

Spleef: Snow spleef is the best spleef Budddii, YouAreBrewtiful, Auri_Borealis, Kezzedy & spleggeti.

Selfie Of The Week:

Congratulations Budddii for this amazing entry, we are all super excited to go and get going in prison.  Keep on sharing your happenings on the server with us through selfie of the week. Our weekly favourite picture gets a token!  Thank you for all your entries.

Be sure to enter your selfies here to potentially win yourself a prize! Each week we choose a memorable "selfie" to be chosen so if you think you have the instagram skills, try your luck!


Message a staff member in game to be joined with your loved one <3

























Build Competition:

This month everyone gets to let their imagination run wild with the very unique theme of Novels/Literature! Selected by our very own Remex_, this theme will see players reimagining the poetic beauty of imagery. When entering your build, please make sure you mention which book your build is from.

Competition Rules

- Build must be finished by 29th April.

- Players are restricted to working individually.

- Build must be completed on the Creative Server.

- Do not build chestrooms, spawners, massive farms etc. We want creativity, not everyday things.

- Only one entry per individual.

- No pixel art!

- Keep redstone minimal if you must use it.

- Do NOT copy anyone else's builds, not even ones you find on Google images!

- Minimum 5 entries. There will be no winners announced if we don't get at least 5 entries!

- Builds need to be started and completed within the same month. You cannot use assets from previous entries.

- Completed entries that don't earn a top prize will net the builder a token on the server of their choice.

Please place your entries here:

Bulk Bogan has a final remark, this is what he looks like irl

~ Pasta Squad <3

End of Post.