It's beginning to look a lot like Fruitmas
3 min read

Merry Fruitmas Fruitsters!!!  Ahtnamas80 here again, filling in for Meloonnn.  This week everyone has been busy mining and building, getting their new homes set up on the new map, and we are seeing some truly amazing things pop up all over the server.  Now with Fruitmas beginning, the fun is only just starting in the fruitbowl, as we have lots of surprises in store, it truly will be the most wonderful time of the year!  So let's jump right in to this weeks post....

The Rundown

Survival                                                                  Skyblock

Number of players joined: 862!                               Number of players joined: 2855!

Currently 430% of the monthly goal!                      Currently 139% of the monthly goal!

Current monthly top donator: NoBeef                     Current monthly top donator: HikiriOni

Beyond the Bowl

This week we have lots of new and interesting staff updates starting with the departures of Dimenius from his Moderator position on Survival and EstherBunny from her Veteran Moderator position on Skyblock! These two fruitsters have done so much for us over their past time as staff members and it is very sad they have stepped down, we thank them for all their efforts and they will be missed dearly! On a more positive note, we had two very new and special promotions over on our Skyblock servers! We saw Crabbman128 and Cadius76 progress from Trial Mod to the Moderator team, welcome to the official team!!  These two staff members have shown themselves to be a wonderful addition to the skyblocks staff team, so feel free to have a chat with them or ask for help if needed, and don't forget to congratulate them on their acheivment.  We had two promotions over on Survival, we saw MateA78 progress on from Trial Mod to Moderator, welcome to the official team!! We also saw our lovely staff member Ahtnamas80 progress from V-Mod to Admin. Both of these positions were deeply deserved so dont forget to congratulate these two!! - Meloonnn

Exciting News

Sorry to interrupt the read, but i have some super exciting news for all of you!! Want to win a fruitsters key? Of course you do! And guess what.... its simple!! If you didn’t already know our FruitServers has a Facebook page!! This page has lots of fun and exciting photos which are uploaded daily...for every 25 new likes on the Fruit Facebook page we will give away a free key to everyone online at 8PM AEST that night! So make sure you go like the page!!!!! Click Here!


This week we had a surprise event from H1N9, who hid presents all over spawn.  It did not take you fruitsters long to hunt them all out, and win some lovely prizes.

On Friday we tested the new survival spawn with our first Hide and Seek game on the new map.  The staff had lots of fun hiding in amongst all the fruit, watching you all run around like the chickens you were looking for.


Tonight saw the arrival of Santa's Elves, looking for some help feeding Santa before his big night.  For all the info on the recipes and the awesome prize, check out the forum post below.

Help christmas elves santa needs feeding

Build Comp.

Now surely your beginning to wonder why this section of the post already looks different and that is because this month we will not be running a build competition D: BUT! Don’t be too sad! The months going to be packed full of Christmas events and hopefully some other surprises along the way to keep you all in the festive spirit before the end of the year! Don’t worry, we promise it will all be worth the wait!

Notable Weddings

SURVIVAL:   Karbzee + steak28 <3                       SKYBLOCK: Karbzee + steaks_28 <3

TroyGaming + SoCrispyNezzah <3                          SwimOsprey41 + DonkeyRoketClint <3

Jinafa + Reanimation <3                                         PointyArrow + Razzbry<3

GangstaMelon + ManicalMuffin <3

NinjaSloth + CaramelKid <3

Henbuscus + ook03 <3

Fluba_bro367 + beatnix23 <3

That’s a rap

Wow we made it to the end of another post!  I can not wait to see what else fruitmas is going to bring us this year, make sure you stick around to find out, and I will see you all soon in the fruitbowl!  Oh, I wouldn't forget the Screenshots of the Week & Meme of the Week so here we go.....

Screenshots of the Week



Meme of the Week


End of Post.