9 min read


Hellooooo children of the Fruitbowl! This is Big G (Thank you Noodleb0i, Tia and Panda for this glorious nickname) bringing you another monthly update. It's been an incredible month, our most successful one ever! Do yourself a favour and grab a few snacks before sitting down to have a gander at this juicy post!

-Fruitbowl News

Survival Map Wipe

It has now been a full month since our beautiful little server had its survival map completely wiped in order to pave the way for exciting changes. We've had a few fun new perks added, like the Crouch Vanish and the beautiful aesthetic addition, Wing Particles! Many player-made hotspots have stolen the spotlight, special mention to the following players!

  • WilIis and his /warp museum - A unique shop in the midst of a wonderful town. Drop by and pick up a rare painting now if you haven't done so already!
  • Briezyy and Tialis have combined their efforts to create /warp shopper - They have everything you need!

  • Aphrodiite_'s /warp love - Our favourite wedding venue is back and it's looking better than ever!

  • Sleapy's /warp ironman - A hotspot for players wanting to make easy money! Sleapy and a few others have generously donated spawners to create a public iron farm. It is also a grief hotspot! (<--not a fun fact)

2180 Players! - Survival

This has already been mentioned before, our unique player count of over 17000 was reset when we had a map wipe just about a month ago. In this brief time, we've had almost 2200 faces join the Fruitbowl! What's more impressive is that about 700 of these faces appeared in the first 4 days after the map wipe. Staggering figures, only possible thanks to the wonderfully enthusiastic fruitloops - you lot! Did I mention that we managed to amass 76 players at once during the Valentine's Day weekend events? Well, yes it has been mentioned in a separate post but I will mention it again because seeing statistics like those puts a smile on the team's faces! Thank you everyone.

2995 Players! - Skyblock

Almost 3000 different fruity faces have joined our beautiful Fruit in the sky. Wonderful statistics, all we need now is to gather more regular players because so many of you are quite clearly missing out! We will also work on organizing events for Skyblock, and yes it will be more than just your odd Skywars game. If you have any suggestions at all, please forward them to staff ingame or through the forums - we love hearing each and every one of your suggestions!

Donation Goals

I will take a moment to once more thank this amazing community for another astoundingly amazing month - our most successful so far actually! We managed to reach an insane 724% of our donation goal, that's $3619 in one month for survival! Rest assured, this is all going straight back into the server and towards fun new additions to keep you lot happy! Skyblock has once again flopped and fallen short of it's donation goal by a large margin. Worry not, our hard working developer GeekxBoy is working tirelessly to pump out updates for everyone! Quests have been updated in recent weeks and are still in the process of being improved - Drop by and challenge yourself if you've got the gall!

New Rules

Although it has been a full month since the map wipe, we feel the need to emphasize the fact that our rules were revised and are much fairer now. We have also provided extra information for each rule in the event staff are not online to provide you the seed of knowledge you need to understand each rule. The rule set over on Skyblock will also be updated shortly to reflect what we expect of players and what we would not like to see. We cannot emphasize enough just how important it is to become familiarized with these rules and to know them like the back of your hand. Ultimately, they're around to ensure a fun,fair playing field for all!

Special Events

Our Valentine's Day weekend was jaw-droppingly well received. We were so overjoyed that we've decided to hold these sorts of weekends for future events, and they'll run with less hiccups than before (yes, I am referring to the mess that was Valentine's Day Spleef). Have you got suggestions for events? You're encouraged to bring your ideas to staff, however we'd like to emphasize that only those events which have been planned properly and have had everything taken into account will be taken into consideration. The Event tab on the website is not to be ignored anymore, as one of our Admin's, ipoodalittle has been hard at work providing info about upcoming events and also writing quick little recaps after each event has finished. Do yourself a favour and keep your eyes peeled for more news of exciting and possibly new events! Speaking of event-filled weekends, I'm pretty sure Easter is just around the corner. Get excited, we have amazing things planned for that weekend.


Fruitservers is and always has been about its beloved community. The team takes a great deal of pride in working with your wonderful people, and we enjoy interacting with you at every opportunity. With that in mind, we'd like everyone to try and contribute their juicy knowledge to the Fruitservers wiki which can be found here, and their pictures to the Fruitservers gallery which can be found here. In our endeavours to organise and format the wiki neatly, we have to remind all players that the wiki will be monitored by staff and normal rules/policies still apply.

Fruitservers Gallery:
Fruitservers Wiki:

Recent Weddings

<3 Illuumination + Aphrodiite_ <3
<3 Eeung + Oiinii <3
<3 xAngela + Karbon_ <3
<3 YungCreations + Tricep <3
<3 EasterMC + Terrifried <3
<3 Gameboy82356 + Nazrina

I know I referred to February as the month of love in my last monthly post, but I never expected everyone to surprise me the way they did! So many divorces, so many failed partnerships! I think you all need to visit the Love Guru for advice (and maybe purchase some of his super rare items).


Well done to these dedicated voters, you've each earned a $15 store voucher to spoil yourself (or others!) with.

Voting is one of the best ways you can help the server, and you get rewarded for it with keys! Vote consistently enough and you may end up taking home the top prize for the month, a little coupon to spoil yourself with. Not only that, your vote points get stored up and can be spent online in the vote point store.

Vote point store:

Build Competition

February's build competition attracted some fantastic entries! The chosen theme was Oriental, so players were expected to submit builds with allusions to East-Asian culture and/or themes. The entries definitely did not disappoint, congratulations to these winners!

We've decided to add a bit of a twist this to this next build competition. We will allow, and actively encourage players to get into teams of 2 to tackle this competition! The chosen theme for this month is Pirates! You may interpret this however you wish, however straying too far from the theme will only result in you hurting your chances of winning. This build competition is being held in the survival world, as we've already had two in a row hosted in the creative world.

This build competition will be held in the survival world.

Competition Rules

-Build must be finished by 30th March.

-Players are encouraged to work in teams of 2 at the very most, however you may work individually.

-Build must follow the theme of the month.

-Build must be completed in the survival world.

-Only one entry per individual/duo.

-Only one person needs to enter on behalf of the duo, but it needs to be specified if they are duo or solo.


1st Place: $20 store voucher.

2nd Place: $15 store voucher.

3rd Place: $10 store voucher.

How to post your Entry

To enter this month's competition, please leave a comment with a warp to your build under this post. If you have run out of warps, please list the coordinates or alternatively, try to get a staff member to set a warp for you.


If you've won a voucher, please speak to Goldsta about redeeming it. Please remember that these vouchers do not count towards your ingame rank, and they may be used on others too! If you're really confident in yourself and you think you can nab a voucher in the next month, you'd be happy to know they do add up.

Top Players

This is for you players who make the Fruitbowl what it is; a friendly, enjoyable experience for all every day, and every night. Every month one player and one staff member from both Survival and Skyblock are selected and recognized for their contribution to the server, whether it be ingame or behind the scenes.

Player of the month Survival - EasterMC. Easter (known as Esther until very recently!) has been an absolute joy to have on the server. Pleasant to interact with on teamspeak, active on the forums, consistent with voting, and a very vibrant personality to talk to on the server. EasterMC does it all! Keep up the great work EasterMC.

Player of the month Skyblock - Eiar. This award goes to our most loyal skyblock-goer, Eiar. You've been there from the beginning and you've stood by our skyblock server even during its darkest hours. For your continued loyalty and your unwavering enthusiasm for a server which is so unfortunately underappreciated all the time, you receive this prestigous award. Thank you Eiar.

Staff of the month Survival - Tialis. From the moment she joined the server 3 months ago, until now. Tia has worked tirelessly day after day to make sure everyone is kept happy. I'd like to think she's done a fantastic job! Constantly going above and beyond for the players, it's time we recognize Tia's wonderful efforts. Well done Tia!

Staff of the month Skyblock - iiTzThatAsian. Better known by his nickname Ryu, he has made his presence well known amonst the inhabitants of the Fruit in the sky. Always there to greet new folks and teach them the ropes, Ryu is more than deserving of this month's prestigous award.

-Beyond the Bowl

An incredibly action-packed month - that's how I'd describe February! Unfortunately we've had to bid farewell to our Event Manager Canaries as he no longer found enjoyment in his role, and sadly minecraft altogether. We hope to see him return when his love for minecraft inevitably rekindles itself! On a much happier note, we welcome MistOfDusk and EnCrYpTeDPaNdA to the team who, only hours prior, passed their trial with flying colours and were promoted to the rank of Moderator! Congratulate these two when you see them in game, and be sure to make yourself well acquainted with them. They don't bite (most of the time). Skyblock also welcomes its newest trial-mod, Crabbman128! Please make him feel welcome when you see him.

With the departure of our only Event Manager, we've decided to hold off on accepting applications whilst we work on refining the role or creating a suitable replacement for it. We thank you for your patience, and we promise to deliver an exciting role that will captivate everyone! Moderator applications will be open only for the first week of the month, if you're interested you are encouraged to apply. Please be aware of the minimum requirements before you submit an application. Builder applications will be open throughout the month.

Thanks for tuning in to this monthly update, hope you enjoyed it!
We've got another busy month planned, unpack your bags and get comfy in the Fruitbowl!

End of Post.