Marching through to April!
Written by Kuro_Akihiro

Aloha! A less eventful week but that doesn’t mean the fun stops! Let’s get it started!

Donating Statistics




Players Joined: 5,107

Players Joined: 9,950

Players Joined: 7,281

% of Monthly Goal: 1114%

% of Monthly Goal: 226%

% of Monthly Goal: 68%

Current Top Donator:


Current Top Donator:


Current Top Donator:



Another week has gone by and starting to reach the end of the month, but we are still having heaps of fun! Even though autumn has just crept in make sure to not catch a cold!

Coming into the weekly feature please give it to KawaiiChan313 with her quotes!

“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality” - Lewis Carrol (Alice in Wonderland)

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” - Walt Disney

“One person’s craziness is another person’s reality.” - Tim Burton

Be sure to submit your jokes, stories, quotes or poems at the dropper at /warp food!

Staff Updates

This week we are proud to notify everyone that 2 of our fabulous staff NaaTilly and Spike_M have been promoted to Mod+! Give a round of applause to these two magnificent individuals and wish them to continue on the hard work!

Our Staff Squad is currently on the hunt for Event-Coordinators, Builders and Moderators! So if you’re interested in applying… follow this link!


Wednesday we had another  Spleef event to find the best of the best as well as who our true friends are ;) We have this time’s speedy winners LittleSSavage, SoFriendly, Swimshadyy, ExpressoYourself, wallywalrus1. Also special mention of the VIPs who won twice who are Block_Assassin, FarCryHawk and Swimshadyy! kuro_shibainu also sneakily beat all the other staff in the staff round!

First time on the new map we have held our Dig Down on Friday! Our fastest diggers that beat the obsidian are jdrocks21, chrome_error404, ExpressoYourself and koen0806! For the staff round we have the wonderful DiamondMaster98!

We run events every Wednesday and Friday night at 8pm AEDST but also run pop up events throughout the week so keep your eye out for those!

Selfie of the week

Katnaka’s wowed us with the large sculptures! :o











Hey, welcome back to your weekly Skyblock news! Thanks for checking in!

Staff Updates

No staff updates this week! :(

You should definitely consider changing this next week! We’re always looking for new staff to join our team! If you feel like you have what it takes to join our Skyblock staff team apply at


This week we got to play three events: Spleef, Bingo, and Magical Chairs!

Our Spleef winners hip-hop-hoorayed their way to victory! Congratulations Splegetti, ExpressoYourself, Bayleecraft, Emilee_XIX, and FarCryHawk!

This week’s lucky Bingo winners were Lagoonaa, splegetti, Ascacos, _BlackWool, kuro_shibainu, and longboww555! Good work, guys!

Last but not least, we played Magical Chairs! This week’s best dancers pop, locked, and dropped their way to victory! Congratulations FarCryHawk, Pixerative, and Euphoriella!

Remember that you can win events for cool prizes and the chance to win the coveted event tokens! These tokens can be used to purchase limited edition items at /warp token in-game. For our event schedule, visit






Selfie of the Week

No selfie of the week! :(

Remember! If you would like a chance to win an event token post your selfies in selfie of the week!


Our fantastic xtixie has passed his trial and has now joined the mod team!

Bosses from planet 6 and onward have been buffed! So beware as a misstep may get you killed!

Have you guys heard of planet 11 yet? It’s only mere days away from being unleashed!

Build Competition

The Build Competitions are back again! Time to start warming up those world edit tools and creative minds going! For this month we would like YOU to build us a TREEHOUSE!!! We are shaking in anticipation of what all of you are entering into the competition so please enter for your chance to win!

Competition Rules

  • The build must be a Maximum of a 80 x 80 blocks. To stay within this boundary, we suggest creating a border to work within.
  • The build must have some sort of tree and some sort of house!
  • Build must be completed by March 30th 8pm AEDST.
  • You must work alone, if you do not you will be disqualified.
  • All entries must be built on the creative server.
  • As cool as pixel art is, this isn’t the place for it.
  • Don’t copy another person’s work, whether it be from in or outside of the server. BE ORIGINAL!
  • We need at LEAST 5 people to participate to hand out prizes, so spread the word!
  • This build needs to have been started and completed within the month of March.
  • Completed entries that don't earn a prize will net the builder a token on their server of choice.

Tha-tha-that’s all folks! I hope you guys had a lovely read! :3

  • kuro_shibainu & Ravioli

End of Post.