Written by Galy ~

Hey Fruitsters!


Welcome back to yet another post for the fruitiest of servers. Before I get too carried away with my renegading, we should probably get stuck into the juicy going-ons of this week!






Players Joined: 1,878

Players Joined: 10,332

Players Joined: 9,090

Players Joined: 937

Monthly Goal - 1635%

Monthly Goal - 441%

Monthly Goal - 13%

Monthly Goal - 267%

Current Top Supporter:

Current Top Supporter:

Current Top Supporter:

Current Top Supporter:






Survival has reset!

As always this brings a substantial amount of players back to the server and lag.

I want to make it quite clear, there is nothing more than we can do to improve the server performance.

There are however, a lot of things that you as a player can do to improve the server performance. These include:

- Not teleporting around the map as frequently

- Not relogging to fix chunks that aren't loading

- Not doing stuff with redstone

- Not having large villager farms


A message for all you Pixelmon grinders out there!

The 8th and final gym (for now) will be released very shortly! This gym will be far tougher than any of the others by virtue of some special custom clauses we'll be implementing. Word of advice - don't bring fairy types!

A couple of new perks can be found on the store. You'll notice there is a new Medic's Kit available, along with the Ultra Beast Info pack! More kits will be added throughout the week.

Crate rewards have been adjusted slightly, you now have a much better chance of winning all the rare goodies!

⊳ Survival ⊲

No staff updates this week.

⊳ Skyblock ⊲

No staff updates this week.

⊳ Prison ⊲

No staff updates this week.

⊳ Pixelmon ⊲

It's sad to say that our lovely Decoyy_ has had to depart the Pixelmon staff team. Decoyy_ first joined FruitServers as a builder and has made such an impact on the server with his ultimate building skills. We can't thank you enough Decoyy_ and we wish you all the best!

We are always on the hunt for new staff members for our moderating, event coordinator or builder teams, if you think you have something to offer why not put in an application via the website by clicking HERE!


Join us every night at 8pm AEST for our nightly events!

Check out this week's calendar for what games we will be playing.

Monday -

No Events scheduled

Tuesday -

Prison Event Night

Wednesday -

Digdown on Survival

Thursday - 

Skyblock Event Night

Friday -

Musical Chairs on Survival

Saturday -

Skyblock Event Night

Sunday -

Prison Event Night

Congratulations to all this week's winners.

Come along to events and you could win yourself keys or tokens!


♡ Fruity Marriages ♡

Wedding bells are ringing for this week’s happy couples!

                 ✰ Survival ✰ 

              ✰ Skyblock ✰









               ✰ Prison








Want to marry that special someone?  Contact a staff member

and they can help you on your way to wedded bliss!


Selfie of the Week

We love to see what you get up to during the week, so make sure you post a selfie to the forum thread before Sunday night to be in the running for a token.  When you post your selfie be sure to mention which server you took the selfie on, and write a caption for it also.

。☆° Post your selfies HERE  °☆。


Exploring the wonders of a strange, new world.

- Almighty_Dongers


H1N9 stole my bike-

- Cidna


↠ Build Competition ↞

The theme for August’s build competition will be Outer Space and Astrology!

This build comp is a big one! But we can always count on you guys to produce great builds. There is so much you can do with this theme, we can not wait to see what Pixelmon inspired builds you submit! Go give it a crack! You never know what you are capable of until you try!

Competition Rules

✔ The build is limited to 100x100 in size, we'd suggest marking out these dimensions beforehand. There is no height limit.

✔ The build must follow the theme - Outer Space and Astrology

✔ The build must be completed by 11:59pm 31st August, 2020 (AEST)

✔ You must work alone, you will be disqualified if others help you.

✔ All entries must be built on the Creative server.

✔ As cool as pixel art is, this isn't the place for it.

✔ Don't copy another person's work, BE ORIGINAL!

Entry and Prize Structure

A forum thread will be made where you can submit your entries as well as find out what the prize structure will be. To make things easier for everyone, please only submit your entry on the prize structure thread. Lazy attempts will receive a substantially smaller prize, you have been warned!

Remember - 15 quality entries and the prizes will increase!

We can't wait to see what you guys do with your amazing talents!

That’s all from me! Enjoy the new week and all of the memories it brings. Keep your eye out for that monthly post, a little Birdiesta told me it’s just around the corner!

Bayleecraft, condalicious and SpookyGaly


End of Post.