Written by gronditup

Hello Fruitasticle Peoples! Auz here bringing you another exquisite dab of Juicy Nectar from the holy Banana Elixir.


Hey reader. Yes, that's what we are to call you; reader. If reader is reading this, then guess what? Give up already? Fine I'll tell you. FruitSurvival is about to go Off with a BANG! So read on, and prepare to be blown away!

On a rather blue note: We are sad to inform you that The Juicy Times have been delayed for a short period. We are trying our best to minimize the delay of the article as much as possible to satisfy your eagerness – but we can ensure you this is allowing for a more fruity turnout. You can expect the article release within two weeks, bear with us Fruitheads!



  • Number of players since opening day: 9764
  • Current monthly donation progress: 424%!
  • Current monthly top donator: The88thMidnight

Successful Transfer

After consecutive weeks of troublesome latency issues, all of those have been resolved, hopefully ending any future downtime issues. We appreciate all of your patience, and we understand it is stressful for everyone involved. In the situation you experience issues, please report it in a timely fashion.

Double XP Weekend

Well Ladies and Pomegranates, our first Double XP weekend was a massive success, we are happy to announce that similar special events will be spawned in the coming weeks...

"Cool story, needs more dragons."

Website Changes

Welcome back reader. Well if you've made it to this page then you must have noticed the recent website changes and addition of the new Events Page. This was the first change on the website in a long time, and it's only the beginning. Prepare to see the a whole array of new updates and overdue polishes on the site. The following images are of the current Top Players for this month. They have been beautifully taken by our one and only xStarryDusk, and will be showcased on the upcoming Gallery Page. Here one will also find artistic fruitabulous shots, informative images, and advertisment material for new plugins and sale items.

The Staff

The introduction of the new staff application has been an enormous success, I'd like to personally thank every one of you who took the time to submit an application and offer support to the team, we really appreciate it! In saying that, it makes it was harder to select those to make it through to Trial, all entries were very well written and flaunted an impressive arsenal of maturity and experience. The new Trial(s) will be promoted by the middle of this week, so be sure to congratulate them!

This week has seen the promotion of MOD Pebbles, who has successfully completed her trial and is now a moderator. She has shown she is just the girl for the position, and we couldn’t be more excited to have her as part of the team.

Event Manager

Okay, if you think you have what it takes to write a post like this one at the end of every week, then you may be considering the role of Event Manager. Firstly, however, be warned; you will be in the spotlight and players on the server will to towards you as the fun, interactive Games Host. As fun as it is, it is also very time consuming and requires much mental power. Sorry if I'm being blunt, but it is not a 'cruisy' role managing events. If I haven't made you soil your pants yet, and you are still interested, splendid! AUZombie will be messaging all current applicants about organising a Teampseak interview throughout the week. We love the interest, and let's raise the bar!


The Hall of Fame

Here-ye FruitNuggets to the fabled Hall of Fame. Let's congratulate the newest promotions in the famous fruitabulous hall!

FRUIT-GOD The88thMidnight
FRUIT-GOD Illuumination
FRUIT-GOD Sienna_Iz_Me
FRUIT-NINJA MagicIllusion

Notable Weddings

Are you single? Fear not, Minecraft is scientifically proven to be one of the best ways to meet your soul-mate. Which is why FruitServers have the Marriage plugin. Simply sniff around for people you think may be your type, and ask a staff member to be the priest for your very own wedding! Here are some notable weddings that went down this week:

3teve - jacobfrybones

Blocker06 - Dark_Fade

Eraze - JedPlaysMC

Nathisttic - Carabella41

TheGnomeNinja - XRainbownerd18X


The HighRoller i$ the highe$t donator on the $erver, here i$ where we acknowledge their effort$ and $upport and publically $tate any runner-up$ that may be threatening the HighRoller. For a long time our Goldsta from the fi$htank ha$ held tightly on that HighRoller tag, although only thi$ week ha$ he ea$ed his gra$p. Blocker06 $natched the Golden Snitch for a preciou$ 3 minutes before Goldsta triumphed and won back the crown.

We are preparing big bonuses for the HighRoller through a number of plugins shortly, so it will be well worth it to fight for the crown in the hopes that Goldsta will let up.

Note: The HighRoller has a '$' before their username in-game

Forum Highlights

Feast your eyes on the highlights of our community forum!

Forum Games

- Fruit Puns

A fabulously fruity forum game brought to you by LuftWaffles. We had many entries of some hilarious puns relating to the food-type we all know and love. Thank-you LuftWaffles for the lovely initiative! Here are some of the highlights:

SimpleBiscuits: Orange you glad this is a pun thread?

SilverKitty_21: You guys are cherry funny


Forum Topic

- Superhero Powers

This weekly topic brought to you by our adorably smelly ipoodalittle, but don't let her name fool you, she is a beautiful Squidess. This week's topic went fashionably well, and here are some highlights of the responses we recieved:


"Teleportation because with arthritis getting around is too painful and telekinesis because I need to reach the level of laziness that is not even bothering to reach for the TV remote."


"The power to refill stuff,
don't like someone? refill their bladder,
empty drink? refill it. XD
empty stadium? refill it with people
dead ipod/phone/etc? Refill its battery."


"The power of probability.
Increase the probability of me winning the lottery to 100%
The Probability of me gaining the superpower of flight is now 100%"


Website Store Sale

The End of Financial Year Sale is continuing to be a great success, on sale are a multitude of goodies waiting to be used, including:

• Gameplay Modifiers

• In-Game Money

• Coloured Names

This sale is available until the 18th of July, so hurry in while you still can!

Event Competition

Competition Rules:

  • Build must be finished by the 30th of July
  • Users MUST work individually
  • Build must follow the theme of the month
  • Build must be built in the creative world
  • Only one entry per user

Here are some images for inspiration on this months competition, may they spark your very own Eureka! moment. Remember to browse here every week for a new inspiration on the theme.

The prizes for this month are as follows -

  • 1st Place: $20 Store Voucher and $7000 in-game money.
  • 2nd Place: $15 Store Voucher and $5000 in-game money.
  • 3rd Place: $10 Store Voucher and $3000 in-game money.

How to post your entry:

To post your competition entry simply reply to the JULY Post on the Home page of the website. And remember, it must be built in the Creative World!

Friday Event

This Friday saw the first server event complete. This week’s event was Hide and Seek – those involved had a blast; this is only a taste of what’s to come. The prizes were insane, and they're only going to get better! So be sure to keep an eye on the Countdown on the Events page, that's where the money is.

Event Winners

  • princesspoppy2
  • MissAngelaM
  • Illumination (Twice!)
  • YourBroScotty
  • houy_p
  • Whyyesitis
  • SkyrimFive
  • H3llScorpion

Meme of the week

Thank-you RedAlert_007 for your insanely funny, memorable quotes! We smile every time we hear them.

Photo of Shits & Giggles


Take care of yourselves, and be at one with the Fruit. Remember to check the Events page whenever you can to keep updated!

Love, that Zombie that rides chickens,


End of Post.