Weekly Update!
Written by Dusked_

Greetings my fellow fruitsters! It's your friendly neighborhood Duck here bringing you the weekly post for the first time, spare me! So let's dive right into this update shall we?

The Rundown:


  • 3134 Players since the 1.9 reset!
  • 273% of the Monthly Goal! (This is crazy!)
  • Monthly top donator : melongrip

The donation progress has more than doubled since last week! This truly is an amazing feat, keep it up fruitsters!


  • 3442 Players have joined Skyblock since opening day!
  • 58% of the Monthly Goal!
  • Monthly top donator : Bloo

Currently monthly goal is slowly rising, and I personally think we can make the goal this month! If you haven't considered taking a look at Skyblock, I strongly recommend you do!

Fruity Flop News!

Survival and Skyblock  have been in 1.9 for about 2 weeks now, and there have been some impressive new builds using the brand new PurPur and End Brick blocks! Keep em coming!

As you all should already know from last week's post, most of the 1.9 items are in /warp shop , but if something you’re looking for is not at the shop, a fellow fruitster may be selling it at our fangled new Player Market located at /warp market

Unfortunately the mcMMO issues have not been yet resolved,  but our beautiful developer Geekxboy is working his tail feathers off trying to resolve the issues. Hopefully mcMMO will be up by the time of the next weekly update! (Fingers crossed!)

Survival has hit a brand new player record as of today with 82 people online!

Speaking of record breaking, teamspeak hit 30 out of 30 players during the Capture The Flag event, therefor teamspeak capacity has been increased to 40 players!

Staff Changes!

Starting on a postive note both melongrip and Dexylicious have been promoted to the rank of BUILDER this week! These two individuals building skills are amazing! Please be sure to congratulate them when you see them online if you have not done so already! Well deserved guys!

Onto the sadder notes about this weekly update, Mavinnn no longer felt the same passion towards his role as he had when he first joined, therefore he has departed from the staff team.

RohDawg1998 has stepped down from his staff position due to internet problems conflicting with his ability to be online. Hopefully RohDawg’s internet problems will be sorted sooner rather than later, so he can reclaim his position on the staff team.

Upcoming Events And Reminders!

Oh boy fruitsters… is this week going to be crazy fun! Easter is just around the corner and you know what that means fruitsters…. 4 days of Easter events! The staff and build team have been preparing tones of events and fun things to do during the Easter!

H1N9 our dashingly handsome owner has send out Invitation to the Easter Events to all of you fruitsers! You all should have a new message in your inbox explaining when and what events will be taking place on the certain days! I encourage everyone to take a look at the invitation!

Not only do you gets get spoilt rotten with chocolate IRL, but you also get 4 days of events! How incredibly lucky!

A friendly reminder to all my fellow fruitsers, be sure to be keeping up with the EVENT section of the forums located to the left of the HOME tab on the top of the webpage. ipoodalittle has taken the initiative to post all the information you need to know about the events and their recaps once the event has finished! The EVENT section also comes with a nifty calendar showing all of the upcoming events, so i encourage you to go over and take a look!

A new warp has been set up by Noodleb0i . /warp 420 Is a public skeleton farm in the nether for all you fruitsters to use!


This week the following couple have been bound together by marriage:

  • DecayedSeraph + Alexanor
  • Ross_Of_Moss + Badicet
  • Keyaruh + Crimson_storm24

May your marriage flourish throughout the days!

Build Competition!

This month's crazy build competition is allowing teams of two! However you still may work individually if you like. The deadline for the entries is the 30th of March so get your hard hats on and get building!

Well that’s all from me this week flops! I hope you’re all as hyped as i am about the upcoming easter events!

~Dusk The Fluffy Duck.     Quack Quack !!

End of Post.