Winter Approaches!
5 min read

Hello once again fruity folk, this is Ahtnamas80 here again, which means it is time to check in with all the happenings around the server. It has been another fruity week full of fun events, friendly catch ups, sensational skywars and prison break outs!  As we approach the middle of the year we have some exciting things coming up over the coming weeks and months, so make sure you keep your eyes open.  For now, lets sit back and relax as we jump into this weeks news.




Players Joined:13470 Players Joined:5435 Players Joined:6290
Monthly Goal - 816% Monthly Goal - 772% Monthly Goal - 232%
Current Top Donator: Current Top Donator: Current Top Donator:




Dont forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.And join us on Discord.

Creative this week has had a number of updates, including to the plugin that manages plots. We have also upgraded the world edit plugin and improved permissions. This should make the server run much smoother, especially while using world edit. Please report any bugs!

★SurvivalIt was another busy week for the survival team, as we welcomed three new team members, PoshKid, V0rty and TheVariableMan who were all promoted to Trial Mod.  Finishing his trial period, and receiving a promotion to Mod was pcjaxson100, congrats to all!★SkyblockThis week we saw two new additions to the Skyblock staff team, with Rappart and H4T3Karma receiving promotions to Trial Mod, welcome to the team!We are always on the hunt for new staff members for our moderating, event coordinator or builder teams,if you think you have something to offer why not put in an application via the website by clicking HERE

Join us every night at 8pm AEST for our nightly events! Check out this weeks calendar for what games we will be playing.

Monday - Build Battle on Creative
Tuesday - Prison Games Night
Wednesday - TNT Run on Survival
Thursday -  Skyblock Games Night
Friday - Prop Hunt on Survival 
Saturday - Skyblock Games Night
Sunday - Prison Games Night

Another fun week of events, full of plenty of winners!  Those clever players who won prizes this week are:

★SurvivalRockRammer, nebula_ pikaclouds, xMrYoshi, 8_sam_8, mart1n_2006, hoyz91, hakunamatata0805, _Ravioli, cslewisluong, buttjamint, Smol_misty, princegetti, ExpressoYourself.The Weekly Wordsearch Winner: hakunamatata0805! Next weeks theme is Types of Biscuits, go to /warp wordsearch to enter.★SkyblockNebula_, Tazzmin, erinrazle, Mamabyul, condalicious, ExpressoYourself, Tacomans41, Rappart, NinjaPuggys, TheTruePingu, Caydo__, Xtalize, Dazzagc, Natjatasja, Envoxed, trixpeeaa, Kevro43, NormanBoxHead, Cactus_Koala, compassHR, Tally_Ho, _NiceDice_, hakunamatata0805, Seitanist666, _Ravioli, Iyyz, Bayleecraft, 273Kelvin273, tcb1925, _Balake_, black_templa, mart1n_2006, Arbory,RockRammer, snowpeaa.The Weekly Wordsearch Winner: Skittzle! Check out /warp wordsearch and have a crack at this week's theme Royalty!★PrisonCongratulations to all our winners!

Fruity Marriages - Wedding bells were ringing for this weeks happy couples!

  Survival Skyblock
buckwild3234 Domination
Silliconne PotatoJacket

Want to marry that special someone?  Contact a staff memberand they can help you on your way to wedded bliss.


Selfie of the Week - To enter Selfie of the Week upload your image to the forum thread HERE


- Atha_nasia wins a token for her lovely shot of the view during lunch.

★Skyblock★ -  Classic H1! Great selfie Kevroe43! Contact an Admin or Event-C to claim your prize!

We love to see what you get up to during the week, so make sure you posta selfie to the forum thread before Sunday night to be in the running for a token. When you post your selfie be sure to mention which server you tookthe selfie on, and write a caption for it also.Post your selfies HERE~★~

Build Competition - Theme for May is DYSTOPIAWill you volunteer as tribute and fight your way through the Hunger Games, or will you search the members of your faction for Divergents? How will your distopia develop?  We think you could have a lot of fun with this theme, and we look forward to seeing what you can come up with.Find more information on the build competition including how to submit your entries HERE

Competition Rules

  • The build is limited to 100x100 in size, we'd suggest marking out these dimensions beforehand.
  • The build must follow the theme - Dystopia!
  • The build must be completed by 11:59pm 29th May, 2020 (AEST)
  • You must work alone, you will be disqualified if others help you.
  • All entries must be built on the Creative server.
  • As cool as pixel art is, this isn't the place for it.
  • Don't copy another person's work, BE ORIGINAL!

Entry and Prize Structure
A forum thread will be made where you can submit your entries as well as find out what the prize structure will be. To make things easier for everyone, please only submit your entry on the prize structure thread. Lazy attempts will receive a substantially smaller prize, you have been warned! Remember - 15 quality entries and the prizes will increase!  Keep you eye out on the forums, the post will be up soon for this months competition.

Thank you for joining me again this week, dont forget to get cracking on those build comp entries, as time is running out fast.  The more that enter the better the prizes! I look forward to heading over to the Creative Server to check out all your amazing builds!  Until next week, stay safe and have fun!


End of Post.