#Fruitoween - WEEK TWO STARTS NOW!
Written by Meloonnn

BOO! Ahahah surprisee!! You thought last week was my last post before Halloween… but boy you guys were wrong! Ive got a lot of spooky xoxoGOSSIPgikda to fill you all in on… so hold on tight and watch out for clowns… its only Melon here… nothing to be afraid of… yet :)

The Rundown

Survival                                                                Skyblock

Number of players joined: 10076!                          Number of players joined: 1759!

Currently 437% of the monthly goal!                      Currently 292% of the monthly goal!

Current monthly top donator: __Void__                 Current monthly top donator: RealBluMC

Beyond the Bowl

Sadly we have no new staff updates this week :) But if you feel as if you have a chance to become a staff member, feel free to enter! Applications will be viewed all throughout November.

Exciting News

Sorry to interupt the read, but i have some super exciting news for all of you!! Want to win a fruitsters key? Of course you do! And guess what.... its simple!! If you didnt already know our FruitServers has a Facebook page!! This page has lots of fun and exciting photos which are uploaded daily...for every 25 new likes on the Fruit Facebook page we will give away a free key to everyone online at 8PM AEST that night! So make sure you go like the page!!!!! Click Here!

Now as you all know we have a few amazing Halloween updates! Lots of new and improved things on our FruitServers for a while :D We have two new things you should especially check out!!!

Pumpkin Update (Click Here)                         Magical Potions (Click Here)


So congratulations on all of the amazing work this week in delivering items to the Wicked Witch! The support for this event has been amazing and I hope you are having fun. We have patched many bugs this week.

Top 3 Survival                                                             Top 3 Skyblock

ItsSquish, PawsRewind & Moonlight_S!                        Alll Aphroditie!

Pumpkin competition will be going through some further improvement this week! It is possible to get a bigger pumpkin than 100kg. Congratulations to this weeks winners.

On the 26th of October, we began our Halloween events and started off with some Musical Chairs over on Skyblock! We had an amazing new arena built by Aphroditie herself and you all had a blast! We have some results from the night and here they are!

Round One: _Grn                                                                   Round Two: _Grn

Round Three: RealBluMC                                                       Round Four: fuzzymax

On the 18th of October, we continued on our Halloween events with a brand new event which i believe will be seen again in the future as you fruitsters LOVED IT! The build team created an amazing map for a new event we like to call, Death Run! We may have had some technical issues with some tnt & redstone… but besides the point… Us staff members watched from above and had so much fun watching you all die :D Here are the results!

Round One: First - Light_Beacon                                  Round Two: First - MoonLight_S_

Second – Pizzafied                                                         Second - Light_Beacon

Third - MoonLight_S_                                                     Third - TheSilentKnight_

Fourth - leo19_8

On the 30th of October, yes we had another Halloween event! We began the night with a couple terrifying rounds of Rob the Nest! Which can I add, as always… you all enjoyed! Huge thanks to the Builders for yet another AMAZING build! Here are all the results!

Overall Winners! Congrats Green Team :D

Avvocado, SweeterThanSugar, AliWali, PawsRewing & TheSilentKnight_!

Thanks to all of you spooky Fruitsters who celebrated Halloween with us this year! As usual, we all really appreciate it and hope you had a blast with us!

Build Comp

Following tradition, the theme for the build competition this month will be Halloween! The competition will be held in the creative world, which means vouchers for this month's contest will NOT be counting towards your donation rank. Everyone is encouraged to enter, and the best entries may be used for events in the near future!

Competition Rules

- Build must be finished by 31st October.

- Players are restricted to working individually.

- Build must be completed in the Creative World.

- Do not build chestrooms, spawners, massive farms etc. We want creativity, not everyday things.

- Only one entry per individual.

- No pixel art!

- Keep redstone minimal if you have to use it

How to post your Entry

To enter this month's competition, please leave a comment either on this post or one of the following weekly posts stating so, or use a warp if you're building on someone else's plot. If you have run out of warps, please let a staff member know.


If you've won a voucher, please speak to H1N9 or a Community Manager about redeeming it. If you're really confident in yourself and you think you can nab a voucher in the next month, you'd be happy to know they do add up!

Notable Weddings

SURVIVAL                                                     SKYBLOCK

FoofyDesu + AliWali <3                                  Cozzie + mimosa2 <3

DannyAli + cuzaku <3                                    YoDa937 + 123icebuggy <3

Xanti0us + kirara_ <3                                      Steaks_28 + SunoKelly <3

Light_Beacon + MoonLight_S <3

Godz_Mistake + Practical9 <3

RapidFirez+crazyking072005 <3

Now for real... This is my last post before Halloween! But I would just personally love to wish you all an amazing Halloween! Whether you celebrate it or not :D If you have any feedback on the posts please make sure to let me know below as it all really helps! We would love to see all of your fruity halloween skins & spooky decorations around the server so feel free to join in on the spirit! It wouldnt be a weekly post without the Screenshots of the Week & Meme of the Week so lets get into it!

Screenshots of the Week

Survival:                                                                                       Skyblock:

Meme of the Week

~ Melon

End of Post.