April Recap
Written by Goldsta

Hello Fruitsters, this is Goldsta coming to you live from the icy depths of FruitPrison's Planet 13. It's a cold, unforgiving wasteland with dangerous enemies at every corner and Avengers Endgame spoilers being thrown around left right and centre. Lucky for you, there won't be any of that in this recap.

Fruitbowl News

Update 1.14
A quick word from our glorious overlord - "1.14 has dropped and I would currently describe it as a dumpster fire. Fruit wise, all of our custom plugins have been updated. We are now awaiting for more solid builds of 1.14 from Spigot to be picked up by PaperSpigot before considering an update. There are very few plugins as well which have been updated. This means stuff like VirtualPack, Chairs, Pocket Games, Prison's Custom Mobs etc will not work in 1.14 which is another reason for waiting."

April saw the rather sudden reset of FruitSkyblock, however it seems like players revelled in the opportunity to begin on level playing fields and race to the top of the leaderboards. Huge props to those Skyblock staff who went above and beyond to ensure everything went smoothly, you know who you are!

Thankfully Easter was not cancelled to help cover the costs of a bunch of imaginary developers for a server we have no intention of creating! This year's Easter crafting competition was about as competitive as we expected, only this time we had one winner walk away with BOTH major prizes! Congratulations to Tattwahs for being the first (and hopefully only) winner of both major prizes of a crafting competition. As for the events, staff across the 3 servers worked together to entertain everyone throughout the Easter weekend and it looks like everyone had a jolly good time.

Top Donors
I won't be fooling anyone, your donations will NOT be going towards a FruitFactions server. They will however, go straight towards more wholesome additions for all of our current servers. Keep it up!

Voting Competition
Huge thank you to everyone who has been voting regularly - voting has been super competitive as of late. This month there were too many winners for our normal prizes so instead all the winners will receive a $5 voucher. Please message Goldsta via the forums to redeem this. Congratulations to Euphoriella + Cidna + Stockerz + ChoccyLatte + MrRandom287 + Angarang!

Build Competition
We know you Fruitsters are capable of creating masterpieces, so we're a little surprised that we've once more failed to reach the minimum amount of entries required to hand out prizes. The two completed entries will be rewarded with a random token item on the server of their choice, we will not be hosting a build competition this month due to April's lacklustre efforts.

Top Players

FruitServers is an amazing community because of the people that are a part of it. Every month one player and one staff member from Survival, Skyblock and Prison are selected and acknowledged for their contribution to the server, whether it be ingame or behind the scenes.

Player of the month Survival - dieforestfic. A very friendly, courteous player who has become a familiar face on Survival. Well done!

Player of the month Skyblock - ItsSneakBoi. A helpful hand in any situation and all-round fun player to interact with whenever they're online. Congratulations!

Player of the month Prison - ItzBezz. Talkative, friendly, approachable. These are just a few words we can use to describe one of Prison's most popular faces. Nice work!

Staff of the month Survival - demski. While other staff have taken time off for various reason, demski has consistently gone above and beyond to ensure Survival's smooth operation. It's not just throughout April that we've seen this level of dedication from her, it's every single month dating back to when she first joined almost four years ago. Thank you demski.

Staff of the month Skyblock - Vixxiie. All too often we fail to acknowledge the efforts staff put in behind the scenes, the work that goes into making sure the server runs without hiccups on a day to day basis. With the recent reset, Vixxiie deserves recognition that is well overdue for keeping everything in check. Thank you Vixxiie.

Staff of the month Prison - Spleggeti. Prison has gradually gained momentum since opening last year, it's no secret that Splegg has worked incredibly hard to make things happen. Not only does he have an incredible presence on the server, he takes an active role in spearheading FruitPrison's progress. Thank you Spleggeti.

Survival, Prison, and Skyblock are lucky to have such strong moderating teams, however we are always accepting applications for all of our staff roles. Our wonderful Event and Build Teams in particular are still looking to grow so if you'd like to be a part of something special do consider looking into these roles. Think you have what it takes to join one of these fantastic teams? Submit an application at www.fruitservers.net/staff

As mentioned in previous months we always look forward to hearing feedback from you guys about possible improvements. If you have ideas, please share them with us either through the website, in-game, or via discord. We want to know what you think!

Looking forward to another busy month!

End of Post.