April Recap

Hey everyone!
I've returned to reality after taking an amazing holiday around Europe, what an adventure that was! April seems to have flown by far too quickly, most of you spent the majority of your holidays grinding it out during the Easter holiday competition where people fought to win a very special major prize! Enough jibber-jabber, on with the post!
Fruitbowl News
Easter Holiday Competition
With the Easter holidays happening, the elusive easter bunny decided to show up and hand out special goodies in exchange for rare items that you could craft! As with every major holiday competition, there was a grand prize awaiting the winner of the competition. This grand prize is the incredible Steelseries 700 gaming mouse. There was also a much requested major improvement to this competition, with there being 2 major prizes available now instead of just 1 across both servers! Congratulations to both Devlon5 and Mr_Horizon! I would strongly recommend everyone begin hoarding items now in preparation for the next major event. There's going to be some changes made, no spoilers though!

An incredible result from both servers, thank you all so much for your support! Special mention to skyblock as this is by far the most successful month we've ever had! With the incredible amount of support you guys have shown, you can expect plenty of cool things being added to make your survival and skyblock experience as unique as possible.

Skyblock Nether
As most of you would know by now the skyblock nether has been opened! Access has been restricted slightly to ensure it doesn't become too easy to farm resources in the nether and build an incredibly large island very soon after joining the server. As of right now you can only access the skyblock nether via nether tokens which you can win in the voting crates. However! Rejoice in knowing that nether tokens will become available in the online vote store soon.
Mothers Day Events
With Mothers Day right around the corner, you can expect to see some fun and very special events happening on the day. Now that our build team is larger than it has ever been, they will be coming up with great things at a very rapid pace. Hype!
Voting Competition
Well done to everyone, it's so good to see multiple voteparties happening every single day! Congratulations H0tb0x and Brilashy on tying for 1st place this time around, with Chloeisaperson snagging third place!

Voting is a very simple way of showing the server your support, and you get rewarded for it by receiving keys to open super special crates in-game! Not only that, the 3 most dedicated voters receive donation vouchers at the end of each month which they can use to spoil themselves (or others)! Please note that these vouchers do NOT count towards your donation total.
Build Competition
Last month H1N9 introduced the thread entry system which players were encouraged to use to submit their build comp entry. It's quite disappointing to see that there have been no threads at all this time around for the build competition. Hopefully we see a much better turnout this month as we're going to revisit a theme we've used once a long time ago. The theme for the month of May will be Parkour! Get creative, show us what beautiful builds you can come up with!

Competition Rules
- Build must be finished by 30th May.
- Players are restricted to working individually.
- Build must be completed on the Creative Server.
- Do not build chestrooms, spawners, massive farms etc. We want creativity, not everyday things.
- Only one entry per individual.
- No pixel art!
- Keep redstone minimal if you must use it.
- Do NOT copy anyone else's builds, not even ones you find on Google images!
- Minimum 5 entries. There will be no winners announced if we don't get at least 5 entries!
Top Players
FruitServers is an amazing community because of the people that are a part of it. Every month one player and one staff member from both Survival and Skyblock are selected and recognized for their contribution to the server, whether it be ingame or behind the scenes.

Player of the month Survival - PtownNoob. Ptown has been instrumental in helping the staff ever since he joined the build team. His amazing help throughout April has earned him this special award.

Staff of the month Survival - frettje003. Guarding the server while the aussies get ready for bed, frett has made himself known amongst those who log on during the quieter hours as the friendly face you need to approach if you need help. Well done frett!

Player of the month Skyblock - Sparkly_Bubble. Transitioning from survival to skyblock, Sparkly has waltzed onto skyblock with her friendly attitude and impressed everyone with her kindness. Well done Sparkly!

Staff of the month Skyblock - SweeterThanSugar. Sweet has worked hard this month with the skyblock reset and coming up with spontaneous events to keep the skyblockers happy. He's also supported the new skyblock staff with any and all queries they have. Well done Sweet!
Beyond the Bowl
As we're well into the new year people are on their way back to school/uni/tafe among other things. This means players and staff alike are finding themselves tied down with other priorities, which means some valued members of the community have had to step down from important roles. As always, this means there are vacancies to be filled in the Mod/Event-C/Builder roles and we are going to be accepting applications throughout the month.
If you feel like you meet the criteria for these roles, I'd strongly encourage you to apply. If you're unsure of the criteria at any point in time, please feel free to ask staff members to clarify things.
That concludes yet another monthly post. I look forward to seeing you all in-game!
End of Post.