August Recap

What happened to August?
Greeting fruitsters, another month comes to an end, and it is time for another monthly recap. Spring is already here, and I for one can not wait to say goodbye to my winter woolies and hello to the sunshine again. So much has been happening around the fruit bowl this month, with new maps and new items, new builds and new mobs, there is so much to see and do, so lets jump into this months update!
Fruitbowl News
It was an exciting time this month, as we said a fond farewell to our old maps to make way for the 1.13 and 1.13.1 updates, and boy what an update it was! The oceans of minecraft exploded with life and colour, and I have spend many a hour just swimming around taking in the beauty underwater. When I was not admiring the coral or playing with dolphins, I was riding up and down in the bubble streams, just so much fun! Unfortunately, the update came with its share of problems, lots of broken plugins, and lag issues, and our team is working extremely hard to fix all these problems as quickly as they can, and we genuinly appreciate all their tireless hard work. So, please bear with us while we deal with the things that are still broken, and worry not, it will all get sorted out soon.
Creative has been updated to 1.13.1 and has been reset. For those of you who wanted build schematics I will attempt to get them later this month. World Edit is not working and has no eta for working. Please report any bugs to a staff member.
Prison will be updated to 1.13.1 this week. It is a lot more complex to update than either Survival or Skyblock and hence why it has taken so long. At this stage it is not possible to connect to.
1.13 Starter Kit
Don't forget, the FREE 1.13 Starter Kit is still available in the limited availability section of the store, gets yours now while you can.
New Perks!
Ever wanted to go swimming with dolphins? How about swimming AS a dolphin? Thats right! Now available at the store are new disguises of 1.13 mobs, including dolphins, turtles, phantom and fish. Also available is Silk Spawners, the ability to pick up your own spawners using a pickaxe with a silk touch enchant. Tired of hearing the same dings in game when someone new joins? Then Notification Sounds is for you, change the notification sounds in game to something you find more appealing. Skyblockers you can add some colour to your islands with the new red and green island borders and finally Carpet Colours, jazz up your magic carpet with some coloured glass.
Thank you once again to all those fruitsters who donated, Survival and Skyblock once again surpassed their donation goals. These donations allow us to continue to improve and grow, so keep your eyes open for new content coming soon!

Voting Competition
Another important way you can help support the server is by voting, and you can also bag yourself a$10 voucher if you happen to be one of the top voters for the month. It was another close competition this month, with many of you fighting over the top place. Please remember that votes are tallied a few hours before the end of the month, so sneaking in a few votes right at the end may not help.
Three players tied for for place this month, the lucky winners are doctre_shots, doctre_sween and Jadeos. Congratulations! Contact Goldsta to organise your prize.
Build Competition
Due to the map resets, the August build competition was cancelled, so we will run the same competition for September, except now you will have the ability to use all those new colourful blocks!
This months theme is WINTER WONDERLAND!! Will you build a magical snow forest or a village of snowmen? All we need is something to do with the theme of WINTER!! Once again this competition will have size specifics but they will be slightly different so be sure to pay attention!!

Competition Rules
- The build must be a Maximum of a 100 x 100 blocks. To stay within this boundary, we suggest creating a border to work within.
- The build must have something to do with winter.
- Build must be completed by August 30th 8pm AEST.
- You must work alone, if you do not you will be disqualified.
- All entries must be built on the creative server.
- As cool as pixel art is, this isn’t the place for it.
- Don’t copy another persons work, whether it be from in or outside of the server. BE ORIGINAL!
- We need at LEAST 5 people to participate to hand out prizes, so spread the word!
- This build needs to have been started and completed within the month of August.
- Completed entries that don't earn a prize will net the builder a token on their server of choice
Top Players
FruitServers is an amazing community because of the people that are a part of it. Every month one player and one staff member from both Survival and Skyblock are selected and acknowledged for their contribution to the server, whether it be ingame or behind the scenes.

Player of the month Survival - Galalie - A friendly, generous player, who is always ready with a warm welcome or a helping hand. Galalie has been a delight to interact with, and has been a stand out player for the month of August. Well Done Galalie!

Staff of the month Survival - Ahtnamas80 - It is fantastic this month that we have been able to welcome Ahtnamas80 to the community manager team. She will be taking a leading role in the daily management of survival allowing Goldsta to spend more time with prison. You all know who she is so please make her feel welcome to this new role!

Player of the month Skyblock - Mz_Tee - Mz_Tee has shown themselves to be an honest and helpful player, someone who is always plesant to be with. It has been a pleasure having them on the server. Congratulations Mz_Tee.

Staff of the month Skyblock - Geekxboy - Where would we be without Geekxboy? The endless hours spent pouring over lines of code, to bring us the best skyblock experience we can get! His efforts during the latest update are greatly appreciated, as is all the hard work he puts in to the servers. Thank you for everything you do Geekxboy!
Survival, Prison, and Skyblock are lucky to have such strong moderating and build teams, however we are always accepting applications for both of these roles. Our Pasta Squad saw the recent addition of Ms. _Ravioli, however the event team is still looking to grow so if you'd like to be a part of something special do consider looking into this role. Think you have what it takes to join one of these fantastic teams? Submit an application at
As mentioned in previous months we always look forward to hearing feedback from you guys about possible improvements. If you have ideas, please share them with us either through the website, in-game, or via discord. We want to know what you think!
Well that brings us to the end of another monthly recap, so it is bye for now, see you in game!
End of Post.