Australia Day Reset on Survival

The time has come to say good bye to our current map, we have shared many good times there, but like all good things it must come to an end.
But this is not sad news, because we now have a BRAND NEW MAP on the way, lots of new land to explore, and many more good times ahead!
Survival will go down early Thursday morning, and will be down for a little while so we can update to the new map. Once everything is updated and stable we will announce the opening of the new map on the website and discord, so keep your eyes open for those announcements.
Like with every reset, we will be resetting everything, this include balances, builds, mcmmo, inventories etc. You will keep your ranks and perks. So take the next few days to stash anything you want to keep in your Fruit Collectibles, type /fc to add items. If you are not sure how to use Fruit Collectibles check out this tutorial.
If you have any questions about the reset leave them in the comments below, or ask one of our friendly staff in game.
What new builds are we going to see on the new map? I have always wanted to build a minecraft zoo
End of Post.