Fruity Fruitmas

Santa Clause Is Coming!
Hello Friends of Fruit Server! Please enjoy another Weekly Post.
❀ Survival ❀ |
✿ Skyblock ✿ |
❀ Prison ❀ |
✿ Pixelmon ✿ |
Players Joined: 7,616 |
Players Joined: 2,615 |
Players Joined: N/A |
Players Joined: 2,059 |
Monthly Goal: 259% |
Monthly Goal: 544% |
Monthly Goal: N/A |
Monthly Goal: 9% |
Current Top Donator: 0Shuvi0 |
Current Top Donator: Ronkley |
Current Top Donator: N/A |
Current Top Donator: ChiefTarsier297 |

Hi Fruitsters. Christmas is nearly here! Don't worry, we still have heaps to keep you busy in the mean time. Voting has now started for the tree decorating competition so make sure you get you vote in soon! If you have not finished your tree yet you better get a move on the competition closes on 23rd December.
For anyone who has missed a day of the advent calendar and would like to collect the trophy items you can trade 50 Fruitmas cookies for a trophy. So trade with the head elf at /warp craft to win Frutimas cookies before it is too late.
There is still time to send gifts to your friends at the elf post office. All gifts will be available for pickup on 24th December so don't forget to pop by and see if anyone sent you something.
There is a new word search and spot the difference at the grotto so don't forget to enter for a chance to win a token. Congrats to StayToasti, Celeste and HiluxPrincess who have already won themselves a shiny token.
The Elf selfies photo comp is still running so enter all your cute pics on the discord forum and if yours is chosen it will be featured on the instagtam and you will get a fancy chat tag to show off.
The Fruitmas crafting comp is underway which means the guild hall is open again. If you enjoy collecting full sets of items from the comp then check out /warp guildhall and you could earn some special rewards.
Staff have put an enormous amount into of work into Fruitmas activities and events over the last few months so make sure you let them know how awesome they are!
We hope that everyone has a happy and safe Fruitmas!

Hey trainers! We've got a BIG announcement!
This Monday Dec 19th, will be the first 1.16.5 reset! We are very excited to see you all on a brand new map!
The server has been updated to Pixelmon Version 9.1.0, this means you will need to update your modpacks before you join!
The reset will take place in the afternoon, which means server will go down at approximately 5:30 PM AEDT, this means there will be no events on Monday. The server will not come back up until the reset has been fully completed.
As always we have some changes and things to look forward to:
The backpack perk will be making its return, those of you who have already purchased backpacks will have the perk automatically. However if you purchased more than one backpack this will take some time to fully fix as they need to manually be added.
The server shop has had a major overhaul! Adding new modded blocks and items, with some much needed price changes to farmable items!
Gyms will also be making their return, with the first one releasing after 1 week in to the new map!
Some things to note about the reset:
EVERYTHING is wiped, including Pokemon, balances, Pokedex and the world map.
Donor ranks and any perks purchased from the donor store will carry across to the new map.
If you have any questions about this process, drop a comment below or get in touch with a staff member
I hope everyone is hyped as much as I am and I can't wait to see you all on the new map!

This week we welcome another Event C to the wonderful Pixelmon Server! Please give a warm welcome to ChickenJunior_1.
OMG! A big congratualtions on the promotions. We would love to congratulate Punk and Ron on their EPIC promotion to Event C + and a massive congratulation to Marsletoe on Mod+
We are always on the hunt for new staff members for our moderating, event coordinator or builder teams, if you think you have something to offer why not put in an application via the website by clicking HERE

Join us every night at 8pm AEDT for our nightly events!
Please note: Events are now using Australian Daylight Savings Time. Depending on your state/country the events might be an hour earlier for you!
Check out this week's calendar for what games we will be playing.
Monday - |
Pixelmon Event Night - No Events Tonight |
Tuesday - |
Pixelmon Event Night |
Wednesday - |
Steal The Cake on Survival |
Thursday - |
Skyblock Event Night |
Friday - |
Build Battle on Survival |
Saturday - |
Skyblock Event Night |
Sunday - |
Skyblock Event Night |
Congratulations to all this week's winners.
Come along to events and you could win yourself keys or tokens!

Wedding bells are ringing for this week’s happy couples!
Want to marry that special someone?
Contact a staff member and they can help you on your way to wedded bliss.
Selfie of the Week

We love to see what you get up to during the week, so make sure you post a selfie to the forum thread before Sunday night to be in the running for a token. When you post your selfie be sure to mention which server you took the selfie on, and write a caption for it also.
Post your selfies HERE
Happy Holidays! Stay safe during the school holidays. We look forward to seeing what eveyone is up to on their time off from school!
- Memmie_ & The Event Team
End of Post.