Happy Mother's Day!

Hope all of you had an amazing week!
❀ Survival ❀ |
✿ Skyblock ✿ |
❀ Prison ❀ |
✿ Pixelmon ✿ |
Players Joined: 7,113 |
Players Joined: 2,889 |
Players Joined: 3,488 |
Players Joined: 1,552 |
Monthly Goal: 161% |
Monthly Goal: 65% |
Monthly Goal: 2% |
Monthly Goal: 12% |
Current Top Donator: zzDeathGdzz |
Current Top Donator: Godfreyy |
Current Top Donator: MystiicThornx |
Current Top Donator: Spawny21 |

Happy Mother's Day to all of the fantastic mums out there! We hope you have had a wonderful day - not that you need a special day to be nice to your mum. The 2022 Mother's Day Special is in the store for a limited time only, so make sure to check it out.

Fruitography - Time for a brand new competition Fruitsters! Show us your creative side this month and join in our Fruitography competition.
For the next 3 weeks of May, submit pictures of your activities ingame for your chance to win a rare ingame chat tag and to be featured on our Instagram. To enter, take fantastic pictures ingame, get a bit creative and then upload them to our Discord in the #Fruitography channel.
Up to 3 winners will be announced each Sunday!

Hey Prisoners! Thanks to all of you who came for our KitPVP opening! We have taken all your feedback onboard and will now be opening the event full time for all you players to join! You can join as you would join a normal event (/event join) and can only leave in the spawn room by typing /event leave. So what are you waiting for?
Get your kit selected and start battling to the death!

★ Prison ★
This week we congratulate, kaskx and AllSignsPoint2 on their MOD Promotion, while the Event-C team welcomes a new member RebornIV to the team on the Prison Server!
We are always on the hunt for new staff members for our moderating, event coordinator or builder teams, if you think you have something to offer why not put in an application via the website by clicking HERE

Join us every night at 8pm AEST for our nightly events!
Check out this week's calendar for what games we will be playing.
Monday - |
Pixelmon Event Night |
Tuesday - |
Prison Event Night |
Wednesday - |
Thunderdome on Survival |
Thursday - |
Skyblock Event Night |
Friday - |
Dig Down on Survival |
Saturday - |
Skyblock Event Night |
Sunday - |
Prison Games Night |
Congratulations to all this week's winners.
Come along to events and you could win yourself keys or tokens!
Pixelmon Rental Team Tournament
Every Sunday night at 7pm AEST we hold our weekly Pixelmon Rental Team Tournament. For those of you that may not be aware, you will be supplied with Pokemon during these tournaments. If you’ve just started on the server you’ve got the same chance of winning along with the big bad Pixelmon sweats!
The winners of our weekly tournaments are awarded with Shiny Token of their choice! Why not come give it a shot and see how you go!

Fruity Marriages
Wedding bells are ringing for this week’s happy couples!
Survival |
Skyblock |
xx_pogboy69420_ |
❤ |
simplidh |
Ghoulz_Neo |
❤ |
Cmore_ |
V3rg0 |
❤ |
LeEggLord |
Agent_Kartoshka |
❤ |
Montyanya |
Arnold_ |
❤ |
RiasGaSuki |
Want to marry that special someone? Contact a staff member and they can help you on your way to wedded bliss.
Selfie of the Week

We love to see what you get up to during the week, so make sure you post a selfie to the forum thread before Sunday night to be in the running for a token. When you post your selfie be sure to mention which server you took the selfie on, and write a caption for it also.
Post your selfies HERE
Enjoy your time on FruitServers and we'll see you all around the FruitBowl!
Memmie_ & The Event Team
End of Post.