Bloo's Build Battle Recap!
4 min read

We are all very happy to announce that this event was one of the most favourable and unique events to happen in Fruit Servers, and it couldn't have been better without any of you. Every plot created by members were full of original ideas, and were all executed in successful and hilarious ways. Thank you to all members who participated for bringing up the cheery and good atmosphere on the server all night long. This post will contain pictures of the winning plots made with teamwork, creativity and dedication along with their makers.

The First Round

The first round theme was Staff Member Interpretation! Competitors were asked to build things that was similiar to how they view the staff! There were some most interesting things! A golden "star", panda's and yes ... there was some piles of poop for ipoodalittle ...

1st place:

Cahms, Quasar_Nebula, Quackaz, and Jaloje.

Here we have a facial statue of Tialis and ipoodalittle. There is also a cute lil panda munching on some bamboo for EnCrYpTaPaNdA, and we can also a golden star ... for Goldsta!

2nd place:

Dimbotron, Nicocolo13, Le_Commandant, and DatBaccaGurl.

This one was most amusing to watch being built! It began with a ... not sure if possessed or passed out drunk Sleapy ... on the bed. Next build was a chair ... we were rather confused then. But then H1N9's head was built (my lord thats a big forehead!) It was as if Sleapy was being lectured by the big headed Wizard of Oz! .... Naturally the wise ol' wizard has his trusty Goldfish by his side!

3rd place:

LoshSmoak, dababychicken, Mullac2765, and Regalien.

Now this is a very obvious staff member dedication! Losh's head was made surrounded by a beautiful garden and treehouse! It's so beautiful to see LoshSmoak helping build Losh's head in its natural habitat!

The Second Round

The theme for the second round was Gardens! This produced a wide range of variations in peoples gardening style, some were plentiful with plantlife, others were neat, well groomed and modern.

1st place:

Nicocolo13, and Le_Commandant.

First place was awarded to one of our two duo pairs! Together they built a beautiful, elegant garden, complete with flower statue in the centre. The garden was neat. yet plentiful in nature.

2nd place:

IBoughtAJeep, EstherMC, Jaloje, and StarlightARMY.

This garden was very rich in nature, with a basic stone path you can really feel you're walking through a wilderness!

3rd place:

Cahms, 10QuestionMarks, Squishy_Dolphin, and dababychicken.

This garden was very simple. with various melons and shrubs strewn around, complete with 2 waterfalls. A small quiet retreat awaiting a user reading to relax!

The Third Round

The theme for the third and final round was Unicorns! This was very interesting to watch being built by other staff, we even had a few staff enter! We saw many interesting things! Although we'd like to make a special mention to EnCrYpTaPaNdA for his majestic build ... we recommend everyone go and take a look at it!

1st place:

MistOfDusk, MissMelonn, Caveman and ItsSquish.

In this build we had different coloured unicorns poping out of the wall above a garden ... even though they seem to be vomiting rainbows...

2nd place:

Lagoona3, Mullac2765, EstherMC, and Shinha, Reddeadflame31

In this build we have a statue of a majestic unicorn and a pixel art of a .... cat thing shooting rainbows outta its butt? I'm not sure how that fits into the unicorn theme but .. it works!

3rd place:

ipoodalittle, TukaChinchilla and xxChaotic_Minded.

This build was built with the assistance of our very own talented Administrator ipoodalittle. As we can clearly see, this unicorn is launching off like a rocket after letting loose with the rainbow gas! The gardens were also majestic and plenty of cake was to be found!

Congratulations to all winners. Let's make the next event even better than this one and strive on to be the best Australian server there is! We would love it if you could comment below with different theme ideas for us. The themes will be used and put to a vote next time we host Bloo's Build Battle!

Also, as a staff building exercise, we may be arranging an event with just the staff competing! We would love it if the users could suggest themes for us in which they can vote for what we staff will be subjected to!

End of Post.