Written by gronditup

Hello Fruitabulous Peoples! Auz here bringing you another exquisite dab of Juicy Nectar from the holy Banana Elixir.


Greetings FruitMates, and hopefully you had a fun-filled Weekend curing Zombie Villagers and mining Emeralds. But enough small talk; time to get down and dirty with this weeks update, so get a solid grip on your rocking chair!



  • Number of players since opening day: 10933!
  • Current monthly donation progress: 314%!
  • Current monthly top donator: KingGoldsta

Friday's Game

Last Friday's Fairytale Quiz went splendidly! It was conducted on both TeamSpeak and In-Game. So make sure to join us on TeamSpeak! I guarantee you'll be in for a good time..

In-Game TeamSpeak

1 Makermagee

2 Willis

3 Dark_babe

4 Willis

5 Willis

6 Willis

7 DarkFireScorpion

8 Willis

9 Reddeadflame31

10 Loopsy

11 SkullLover99


2 Reddeadflame32

3 QueenSnowgies

4 Dark_babe

5 Loopsy

6 EnchantedLover

7 TorTor99

8 EnchantedLover

9 Reddeadflame31

10 QueenSnowgies

11 TorTor99

12 SkullLover99

13 Dark_babe

14 Darkfirescorpion

Make sure to visit the EVENTS Page on the website to see the countdown for future games! Thanks again and see you at the next game!


Hall Of Fame

This was a humungous update in the Hall of Fame this week! It was a rare feat, but the server managed to hit 3 FruitTitans in one day! A big congratulations to UltraX7, RohDawg1998 and demski! Also, recently we have seen over half a dozen new FruitNinja's! Most of these were from generous players voting for those Pears who were insanely close to Ninja. This is why we are such a close family and community; sharing and playing together with our shovels. :)


Congrats to KingGoldsta on his trek to Admin! Even though his name is ridiculous, his promotion was well deserved. Give him a congratulations if you see him in-game! (You will, he is always online) ;)

Builder Rank

A builder is a player who has stood out for their dedication to the server and their efforts are reflected by the creations they've made in FruitSurvival. It is a difficult rank to earn, and on average may take a few weeks to prepare for.

- What rules do I have to follow as Builder?

All builders must follow the server rules as any other player, without any exceptions. Donor specific command rules apply to builder ranks as well.

- How can I apply for Builder?

To apply you must have created one or more buildings in FruitSurvival. We recommend you read the following suggestions below for they can be useful. You can only apply for builder as an individual, that means the build has to be built entirely by yourself! We want this rank to be a highly elite rank, so no group builds, sorry. Also the build must be on the server, and have a warp set.

- Suggestions before applying:

  • Apply with a building that takes you multiple hours if not several days or weeks to complete.
  • Try to create something original that no one has done before.
  • Never apply with a building that is not completely finished.
  • Never try to apply with a building made on another server as it is necessary to be able to physically see the structure.
  • Set a warp to your build and take some screenshots of your creations in different angles (You will need this to apply).

This month's build competition of Fairytales is a perfect way to attempt and prepare for the new upcoming Builder Rank. Use this time effectively and attempt to make a beautiful build if you are interested in applying for this rank.

Applications available on the 1st of September!


Build Competition

Hello there. Alright so this month we need to flick the creativity switch. The theme is fairytales however this can be quite broad. It basically means anything Fantasy related can be exploited by your sneaky use of block placement and colour choice. It would be incredible for us to see a story behind the build, incorporate signs, decorative armour stands, detail can go a long way. You could do anything from a Humpty Dumpty wall with a large round egg on top, or even Hansel and Gretel's Cottage, all the way to the extremeities of Minas Tirith from Lord of the Rings or a giant Nimbus 2000 from Harry Potter (Lol). If you think your idea may seem a little far fetched, consult a staff member to see if it falls into the appropriate theme.

- Competition Rules:

- Build must be finished by the 30th of August- Users MUST work individually- Build must follow the theme of the month
- Build must be created in the survival world- Only one entry per user

- Prizes:

1st Place: $20 Store Voucher and $7000 in-game money2nd Place: $15 Store Voucher and $5000 in-game money3rd Place: $10 Store Voucher and $3000 in-game money.- How to post your entry:
To post your competition entry, simply create a warp and post it in the comments section of this post, or write the co-ordinates.

- This months Build Competition Rewards will apply towards your rank

Forum Topic

This weeks Discussion Topis is: 'Favourite Fairytale Hero or Villan?'

Joining in on this topic may help you with ideas fo your build!

Meme of the Week


So have a very fruity, Happy Ending. Remember to check the Events page every week to keep updated!

Love, your fantabulous Baby Zombie Pigman,

Auzbae x o

End of Post.