Bringing You The Fruity News!
Written by Lagoonaa

:O Hola Fruities! It’s the powerful Event-Co couple ‘Meloona’ here bringing you this juicy update with yet another weekly post! Sit back, relax, grab some snacks and enjoy the ride! We have a lot of xoxoGOSSIPgikda this week! So let's dive straight on into it, Shall We? ~ We Shall

The Rundown


Number of Players Joined: 7341

Currently 93% of the Monthly Goal!

Current Top Donator: VolcGames


Number of Players Joined: 5779

Currently 17% of the Monthly Goal!

Current Top Donator: Bloo

Beyond The Bowl

Sadly, there hasn’t been any staff changes this week on Fruit Survival, but! We saw the promotion of Lessorno to V-Mod on Skyblock!. Staff applications are open throughout the entire month including builder applications! So if you think you have the building skills it takes, try your luck in applying!


On the 6th of July we had a very time consuming event…. Yes.. It was Prop Hunt! Throughout the night 5 lucky fruitsters took home some amazing prizes for all their time and troubles ;) Let’s hear some results shall we!?

1st Place ~ aVeryAussieMeme!

2nd Place ~ SparkleyFlopcorn!

3rd Place ~ Mad_Master!

4th Place ~ ItsSquish!

5th Place ~ AmberGold_!

What a fun night it was! I hope you all had fun on this wonderful Wednesday!

We also had 2 different events over on Skyblock, on the 8th of July, we started off with what was supposed to be a few rounds of Parkour.. We managed to get through one solid round as it was too hard for alot of you fruitsters…. We decided to hand out prizes to anyone who was still bothered to attempt this course.. And then we moved onto a very tricky round of Hide and Seek! Hype! Lets hop right into the results!


With the help of a checkpoint, our only player to complete the parkour: Le_Commandant. Even though this parkour was such a struggle for some of you, four of you special fruitsters held the rage inside of you and continued on the parkour with all your hearts desire! Good Job to MagicOC, teterine, Lessorno & AmberGold_!

Hide n Seek:

GlitzyDonut found EstherBunny!

Le_Commandant found MiniMelon!

InFanite_Striker found Lessorno!

Le_Commandant found Lagoona!

Le_Commandant found Quakky!

What lucky fruitsters you were on this lovely Friday night! :) I hope you all had a fun filled night and won some interesting prizes! We hold many events every week! Be sure to check out the Events Calendar to be ahead of the game!

Build Comp:

This month we have decided to try something a little bit more different with the build competition.  Our competition will be judged a little differently, so stay tuned for the end of the month to find out how we will be judging it!

Theme ~ Free Choice!

Competition Rules

- Build must be finished by 30th July

- Players must work individually

- Build must be approximately 70x70 at minimum (height not included)

- Build must be completed in the Creative world

- Do not build chestrooms,spawners,massive farms etc. We want creativity, not everyday things

- Only one entry per individual

- Keep redstone minimal if you have to use it

I want you to be creative and build me something that you have always wanted to build, or something out of a game you play,show you watch etc. The options are endless here . However… Keep in mind that builds that clearly lack effort will not stand much of a chance.

Notable Weddings

This week on fruit we saw some lovely little fruits tie the knot with their loved ones!


<3 AmberGold_ + Briezyy <3

<3 Jylololon + ItsSquish <3


<3 Ozzehh + Tr1umF <3

<3 Sprinklenotor + pineapplelover02 <3

<3 ausscraft + lilbet <3

<3 GlitzyCookie + GlitzyDonut <3

<3 Jylololon + ItsSquish <3

Thats a Rap!

Well that’s it for this week fruits and fruitettes :c I hope you all enjoyed a very first #Meloona post, and many more to come! But of course, it wouldn’t be a weekly post without the screenshots and meme of the week! So lets jump right in!

Photos of the Week

Survival: Another fruity #Fruitselfie! A huge fruit selfie, that would have taken a long time to get everyone to focus! Nice photography *ching* Photo Credit ~ AmberGold_

Skyblock: Event Photographyy!!!! ‘Lets all try to hide as chickens all squashed in one block!’ Righteo dusty.. We look like white loaves of bread! Photo Credit ~ EstherBunny

Meme of The Week:


End of Post.