
G’day fruitloops :) Can you hear that? Christmas is just around the corner and people have begun celebrating already! This is your Community-Monkey Goldsta bringing you another monthly recap. November was very quiet over in Fruitopia but I can promise you December will be very, very different!
-Fruitbowl News
15900 Players!
We’ve finally surpassed the 15k mark, and what a journey it has been. We’ve seen an influx of new players since school is finishing up for the year, and it seems like you’re all rocking up at the perfect time because we’ve got SO many juicy surprises planned! Keep on inviting your friends because you certainly don’t want to be away from Fruitservers during these holidays!
Donation Goals
November was a very interesting month for donations. As usual our monthly goal for Survival has been knocked clear, but we fell short on Skyblock! Not to worry, you simply will not be able to resist the urge to spend money when you see what we have planned over these holidays!
Skyblock has been in beta for quite a while so November saw its official opening! Many players were able to celebrate through skywars and the huge, week-long sale that was held. If you’re bored of survival and wish to challenge yourself or your group, you NEED to give skyblock a chance! Be sure to visit the official Skyblock bugs/requests thread if you've got something to report.
Skyblock site:
Server IP:
Server command: /server skyblock
In order to show new players that we’ve got more than just survival on offer, the Fruit-hub was created. Here, players will come face to face with a monstrous, majestic….pineapple! Credit to Gamerbabe for this glorious creation. The Fruit-hub will allow players to choose between Survival and Skyblock. You can also choose to continue hanging around in the empty, barren Hub. We won’t judge you. Probably.
Fruitservers is and always has been about its beloved community. The team takes a great deal of pride in working with your wonderful people, and we enjoy interacting with you at every opportunity. With that in mind, we'd like everyone to try and contribute their juicy knowledge to the Fruitservers wiki which can be found here, and their pictures to the Fruitservers gallery which can be found here. In our endeavours to organise and format the wiki neatly, we have to remind all players that the wiki will be monitored by staff and normal rules/policies still apply.
Fruitservers Gallery:
Fruitservers Wiki:
Congratulations to these winners! To be one of next month's winners, you'd better start voting!

Voting is one of the best ways you can help the server, and you get rewarded for it with keys! Vote consistently enough and you may end up taking home the top prize for the month, a little coupon to spoil yourself with. Not only that, your vote points get stored up and can be spent online in the vote point store.
Vote point store:
Build Competition
We thought we’d spice things up for November and give all of our minigames enthusiasts something to work on, so we chose the theme be Minigames! We received some very impressive entries! There were also some unimpressive entries…..let’s not go there. Congratulations to these winners!

The theme of December's build competition is Christmas! To get ourselves in the mood for the most joyous time of the year, we’d like you feisty fruits to come up with your best attempt at a Christmas themed build!
This build competition will be held in the survival world.
Competition Rules
-Build must be finished by 30th December.
-Players MUST work individually.
-Build must follow the theme of the month.
-Build must be completed in the survival world.
-Only one entry per user.
1st Place: $20 store voucher.
2nd Place: $15 store voucher.
3rd Place: $10 store voucher.
How to post your Entry
To enter this month's competition, please leave a comment with a warp to your build under this post. If you have run out of warps, please list the coordinates or alternatively, try to get a staff member to set a warp for you.

Slight changes have been made to the reward coupons given to top voters and build competition winners. Unfortunately these vouchers no longer contribute to your donation rank, and you will no longer be given a coupon code. This means you will have to message H1N9 through the website if you've earned a voucher and your perks will be applied manually.
Top Players
This is for you players who make the Fruitbowl what it is; a friendly, enjoyable experience for all every day, and every night. Every month one player and one staff member is selected and recognized for their contribution to the server, whether it be ingame or behind the scenes.

Player of the Month: Ashleighmichelle. Actively participating in everything Fruit has to offer, Ashleighmichelle has certainly made a name for herself in the relatively short time she has been here. Whether you’re on the forums or ingame, you are sure to find this courteous, friendly individual contributing one way or another. Well done!

Staff of the Month: ipoodalittle. Working in the background to complete the tasks nobody else wishes to handle, ipoodalittle undertakes the arduous job of managing the Fruitservers wiki, handling feedback forms on the website, and serving as the head of support. Those countless hours spent writing up important documents and tutorials earns you this one ipoodalittle, well done!
-Beyond the Bowl
November was a fairly quiet month for staff additions. There were no trial-mods this month, however we did finally see the trio of trials from last month get promoted! Big congratulations to Rohdawg1998, SaintFlow and Sleapy on their steady rise to Moderator! We are also very proud to announce demski’s promotion to the rank of veteran-moderator! The build team has also seen some new additions. The following players bear the prestigious title of Builder: Daemondark, RedDeadFlame31, Turbolettuce. Remember to congratulate them when you see them online!
Moderator applications will be open until 11:59pm Monday, 7th of December. Builder and Event Manager applications are open all month long.
Thanks for reading. We hope your holidays are everything you hoped for, and more!
~This merry little post has been brought to you by Goldfish
End of Post.