Written by Jylon

Oh Hello There my Lovelies, Welcome to the Weekly Post Once Again!


Hello Hello everyone! It is I, Octo-dad here to give yo- I mean Jylon here to give you the weekly update about what's happened in the last week! So strap in, buckle your seatbelts and please have all limbs inside the vehicle at all times because this is, The Weekly Post.


  • Number of players since opening day: 12503!
  • Current monthly donation progress: 151%!
  • Current monthly top donator: Snowgies

Friday’s Game

On Friday night we held a horse racing event instead of couples night due to the staff thinking we would have more fun with that, and we did! We and all of you enjoyed it and we're glad you Fruitsters can haves alls the funs withs usss.
A HUGE Thank you to the staff team and especially MrsZombie for building the Horse racing arena and for handling all the redstone, Thanks beautiful <3

RACE 1                                       RACE 2                                        RACE 3                                  RACE 4
1st -    EnviousViper                1st -   Sleapy                               1st -    Demski                      1st -  TorTor99
2nd -   KawaiicatMC                 2nd -  Jylon                                2nd -  VibrantDuckicorn    2nd - KawaiicatMC
3rd -    Alphos                            3rd -   PC_GAMER_2001         3rd -   Coopa96                    3rd -  Auzgoo

RACE 5                                       RACE 6                                         RACE 7                                  STAFF RACE
1st -   KawaiicatMC                  1st -   iMeoww                             1st -   Tortor99                      1st -   Demski
2nd - Sleapy                              2nd -  Demski                              2nd -  Apatix4869                 2nd -  Jylon
3rd -  Apatix4869                      3rd -   KawaiicatMC                    3rd -   Stevysloth                  3rd -  Snowgies


Wow! Look at all those racers ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to thank all  who participated and all those that enjoyed themselves, we couldn't of made it this far without all of you! :)
Do not be down and sad if you didn't cross the finish line fast enough, the next event will be surely more fun than the last!

Make sure to check the event page during the week to stay updated with future games!


Website Changes

So let me just remind you all of how our very own chamer has worked very hard on the website to create some new features to not only help you little Fruitys out but to let us communicate and know each others more. AUZombie has created the new HELP page for you to not only test your skills on knowing the staff team but for an easier way to brush over the rules instead of being in-game to do so. Not only that but now we have a support page! This is where you little shy ones can ask us questions in the Live Chat Support and we'll respond as soon as possible, sounds great right? There has also been the addition of a STAFF page which is the home to all of the applications from now on. Make sure to have a look around the website to make note of all the changes.


If you feel as though you can bring a good role to Builder be sure to prove us so, and if you think you have what it takes to be a Moderator, then prove yourself young Fruitlet for we do not take your foolishly, padiwaan. do not fret! The applications shall be opened again at the start of next month!

Newly Wedded Couples

Do you feel as if those diamonds aren't enough for you? Is there a special place in your block just fit for another?
Then why not get married in-game ya big bundle of love!? We have the ability to marry anyone with one press of the ENTER key, don't be shy! Even these love birds got married in the previous week, Let your smitten side be unleshed!

Jaloje and CUCUMBER <3
TAG4957 and DrivingMeCrazyyy <3
_NoticeMyNodus and Pvm_Zac <3

Did I miss a wedding? let me know in the comment section below!


Build Competition

As I hope all of you would know, this month’s build competitions theme is….. Pixel Art! This month we want to see as many entries as we can! Even if you don’t consider yourself to be the best builder in the world, just give it a go and you might even surprise yourself!

Some inspiration:

gotta go fast!


1st Place: $20 Store Voucher and $7000 in-game money

2nd Place: $15 Store Voucher and $5000 in-game money

3rd Place: $10 Store Voucher and $3000 in-game money.

- How to post your entry:

To post your competition entry, simply create a warp and post it in the comments section of this post, or write the co-ordinates. Good luck to you!

Happy Father's Day Sale Has Ended!

We hope you and your Father had a fantastic Father's Day, thanks to all that purchased an item while this limited sale was on! Don't be down in the dirt if you missed it, there's plenty more special sales to be had yet, just be sure to stick around! We do have some sales at holiday times... *wink*

Meme of the week

Screenshot of the week


Guardian temple built by cyber_dragon_1

Well that's it for this week Fruitsters! Be sure to have another great week and may my tenticles guide you forward ~Jylon

End of Post.