Events on events on events!
Written by Lagoonaa

Hey hey hey fruiti-toots, it’s your favourite pasta squad here, Lagoona and Bulk. Yes we are back again for another weekly post! Sit back and enjoy the show as we have a loooooot of things to go through this week… Like.. a lot.. So lets get right into it!

Donating Statistics:

Survival:                                         Skyblock:

Players: 4,167                                Players: 11,208

% of Monthly Goal: 90%                % of Monthly Goal: 72%

Top monthly donator: Timahh13    Top monthly donator: bearneccissity

Beyond The Bowl:

This week and last survival  and skyblock have had a few staff updates

On Skyblock we saw KingGodfrey, xLocox, Spleggie and bearnecssity all move from Trial Moderator to Moderator :D Make sure to congratulate them!

We saw the promotion of SimpleDF from T-Mod to Moderator, welcomed RhedaWarrior back to the position of T-Mod and welcomed Sleepy_Ninja to our staff team as T-Mod. Be sure to give these players a congratulations next time you see them!

Our doors are always open, so if you think you have what it takes to be a Moderator, Event-C or Builder, try your luck at sending in an app!


Since the monthly post, we haven’t been able to share our event results with you : ( So we have a big event section this week as we have lots of results to share!

On Survival:

First up we have Bingo!

We had 4 rounds of our much loved bingo (and im still not convinced the builders didnt cheat) but here we have it!

Round 1: LifeOfBlu

Round 2: Remex_ and Andrewx_

Round 3: AlexWolfe26

Round 4: demski

Congratulations you 5 :)

Next up was regicide which you all got to kill H1N9, unfortunately H1 cheated but you still managed to get a kill on him! Hereee we goo

Th3Sn1p3r killed Bulk_Bogan - Robotninjamonkey killed RhedaWarrior

H1N9 killed XX_jamtin_XX (friendly fire :() - LockOn55 killed demski

ThinkGeek_ killed PtownsDad - Static58 killed Sleepy_Ninja

PebbleBo killed Sparkly_Bubble - Polarbear98789 killed redquartz

PtownsDad killed Remex_ - Jyln killed Reeke

Static58 killed Apocalypsing - Brekkie killed ReddeadFlame31

And the biggest kill of them all…

Robotninjamonkey killed H1N9

We also had 2 MVPs of this match.. Jyln and Static58

Congratulations for killing our staff team :D

Next up is Cart Crash, created by our Event-C Bulk_Bogan himself. Apart from our staff taking our time replacing the minecarts… It went very well! Except here are our winners…

Round 1: Blue team

Round 2: Blue team

Round 3: Blue team

Unfortunately our Red team struggled that night….

Last but not least, we had 2 rounds of craft that on a Friday night, where we had 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.

Round 1:

1st place: Siel_Kosane

2nd place: LifeOfBlu

3rd: NaaTilly

Round 2:

1st place: polarbear98789

2nd place: Siel_Kosane

3rd place: Shuriken42

Lastly, we had a quick game of simon says

Round 1 winner: dababychicken

Round 2 winner: GigiMC

Round 3 winner: Timahh13

Round 4 winner: Timahh13

Round 5 winner: Th3Sn1p3r

Round 6 winner: Timahh13

On Skyblock:

Skyblock hosted a fun filled Thunderdome event, and I'm so sad I missed it :( But here are the results!

Round 1: Ascacos

Round 2: Jadieee

Round 3: YouAreBrewtiful

Round 4: Nikcrazyivan69

Round 5: TimeKiller7

They also had a beautiful game of bingo :D Where they had many many rounds :O

Round 1: Cayman_

Round 2: iFlames

Round 3: Jadieee

Round 4: starstrikerzz

Round 5: Sir_sheepalot

Round 6: Mr_Enard

Round 7: Benchy

Congratulations to all the fruitsters above! I told you we had a lot to get through…

Selfie of the week:

This week I couldn't resist choosing this post because I laughed to hard when I saw it... Congratulations chloeisaperson!

Make sure to enter every week for a chance to win a special prize!


Message a staff member in game to be joined with your lover <3































Build Competition:

February's build competition theme will be Fantasy! Get your builder hats on and show us what you can pull off.

Competition Rules:

- Build must be finished by 27th February.
- Players are restricted to working individually.
- Build must be completed on the Creative Server.
- Do not build chestrooms, spawners, massive farms etc. We want creativity, not everyday things.
- Only one entry per individual.
- No pixel art!
- Keep redstone minimal if you must use it.
- Do NOT copy anyone else's builds, not even ones you find on Google images!
- Minimum 5 entries. There will be no winners announced if we don't get at least 5 entries!
- Builds need to be started and completed within the same month. You cannot use assets from previous entries.
- Completed entries that don't earn a top prize will net the builder a token on the server of their choice.

thanq to seadog_ for the lovely example photo :)

Thats a wrap!

Well folks, that's it for this week sadly :( Be sure to join us each week for all the juicy details and xoxogossipgikda :D

Cya next week!

~Lagoona and Bulk

End of Post.