Fantasy Hide n Seek!
Written by ipoodalittle

Hello everyone!

For this week's Friday night event we have Hide 'n' Seek ... fantasy style!!!! Our lovely builders EnCrYpTeDPaNdA, Cahms, Redeadflame31 and Aphrodiite_ have worked hard to push this build out fast so you can all enjoy hunting for the various cunning staff members in disguise!

The aim of the game is simple. Find the baby chickens hidden around the area. Each chicken is a staff member, some staff will be stealthy and hide in those hard to reach places ... others mess with you by hiding in plain sight! When you have found a baby chicken, let the chat know. That staff member will also let us know and you will recieve a prize at the end of the event. Staff members can choose to give hints on their location to you ... but just to make it more difficult for you ... some of us are going to be silent as the grave ... so better listen for the clucking noises really hard!

NO Magic carpet use is allowed.

NO flying is allowed.

Just for you users who can be bothered to look at the events page, here's a special sneak peak of the new map!

End of Post.