Farewell #Fruitoween
Written by Ahtnamas80

Hello Fruitsters!  Just when you thought it was over, I am here with one last trick up my sleeve, Melon is missing, last seen hanging around the wicked witch tempting her with some delicious pumpkin cookies, so I, Ahtnamas80, am here to fill you in on all the fruity news of the week.

The Rundown

Survival                                                                Skyblock

Number of players joined: 10212!                          Number of players joined: 1759!

Currently 52% of the monthly goal!                      Currently 32% of the monthly goal!

Current monthly top donator: __Void__                 Current monthly top donator: RealBluMC

Beyond the Bowl

We have an exciting staff update this week, with the wonderful Dusty_Tornado being promoted to admin on skyblocks, so next time you see him don’t forget to congratulate him, and thank them for all the wonderful work they do for the community.  If you feel you could contribute by becoming a member of the staff, applications are open all thoughout the month of November.

Exciting News

Sorry to interupt the read, but i have some super exciting news for all of you!! Want to win a fruitsters key? Of course you do! And guess what.... its simple!! If you didnt already know our FruitServers has a Facebook page!! This page has lots of fun and exciting photos which are uploaded daily...for every 25 new likes on the Fruit Facebook page we will give away a free key to everyone online at 8PM AEST that night! So make sure you go like the page!!!!! Click Here!


What an exciting time we had over the last few weeks with all the Halloween events, but unfortunately it is nearly time to say goodbye to the Wicked Witch, who will be flying away from us at any time now (when exactly is a mystery)  as long as she can still fit on her broom after eating all the wonderful recipes you have been feeding her.   So if you have any of those delicious items sitting in chests, hurry now and give them to the Witch before she is gone for good.

On the 30th of October We had an amazing firework show hosted by LL9, the sky light up in beautiful oranges, purples and reds.

On the 2nd of November we had a busy evening starting with a skin competition with prizes going to the fruitsters with the scariest skins.  We saw some truly creative and creepy skins out there.

1st Place – Light_Beacon

2nd Place – SweeterThanSugar

3rd Place – FoxNC

After that you twisted and turned through a labrynth of traps and pitfalls in a maze, with a prize going to the first fruitloop to make it out alive;

1st place - Light_Beacon

Finally we ended an amazing night and Halloween with a  drop party, with fruitsters grabbing up loads of special ingredients, spookeys, and elytras.

On 4th of November we spent an evening in front of the bingo boards, with many of you lucky fruitsters taking home prizes.

Round 1 – Jyln                                   Round 5 – EnergisedJuice

Round 2 – DatGurlJadey                    Round 6 – Youngbloods

Round 3 – Godz_Mistake                   Round 7 - Jyln

Round 4 – Jyln

On the 5th of November we had a few exciting rounds of Hide and Seek on skyblocks.

Round 1                                                       Round 3

DatGirlJadey found VeritasAtlas                 DatGirlJadey found Sunokelly

Shamalamba found Kurtizmo                      and 123icebuggy

Round 2

123icebuggy found Kurtizmo

Sunokelly found VeritasAtlas

Thank you to those who come along to the events, you help to make these nights fun!   Also a big thank you to the amazing build team, who did some incredible work for the community over the Halloween season!

Build Comp

The theme this month is Christmas, and includes an extra special prize for the winning build!  Along with winning a voucher to treat yourself with some amazing perks from the webstore, the winning build will be showcased at spawn for the month of December!  This competition will be held in survival, which means the vouchers will count towards your rank.

Competition Rules

- Build must be finished by 31st November.

- Players are restricted to working individually.

- Build must be completed in the Survival World.

- Do not build chestrooms, spawners, massive farms etc. We want creativity, not everyday things.

- Only one entry per individual.

- No pixel art!

- Keep redstone minimal if you have to use it

How to post your Entry

To enter this month's competition, please leave a comment either on this post or one of the following weekly posts stating so, or use a warp if you're building on someone else's plot. If you have run out of warps, please let a staff member know.


If you've won a voucher, please speak to H1N9 or a Community Manager about redeeming it. If you're really confident in yourself and you think you can nab a voucher in the next month, you'd be happy to know they do add up!

Notable Weddings

SURVIVAL                                                     SKYBLOCK

Bradumo + kittcat247                              Hoppo97 + HYBRID2k

___Void__ + AliWali                                   ___Void__ +AliWali

IronicToast+RootCause                          Kurtizmo + VeritasAtlas

demski + Vexatious_                                                              

Well that brings us to the end of another weekly post, it has been a blast bringing you the news this week, but thankfully the lovely Melon will be back next week with all the latest gossip.  But of course, I can not leave without the Screenshots of the weeks and Meme of the week.  See you in the fruitbowl.

Screenshot of the week.



Meme of the Week



End of Post.