Written by Goldsta


Hello everyone, Goldsta is back to bring everyone up to date on all that has happened in what has been an incredibly hectic start to the year. Everyone has been working tirelessly to bring you all the very best they have to offer. Enough jibber-jabber, get comfy and catch up on all the news!

Fruitbowl News

- Creative Server
For a very long time, we had our creative world available to players on the survival server. There wasn't enough reason at the time to consider setting up a separate creative server and as such, it was kept that way for a long time. However shortly after the recent map wipe we began receiving reports of players losing their inventories when switching between survival and creative. We were unable to replicate the glitch, however it resulted in us permanently removing the creative world from the survival server and instead setting up the Creative Server.

What's new with the Creative Server, you ask? Everyone is given basic world edit capabilities upon becoming a member there. There is also a Creative donation store where you can purchase aesthetic perks or extra plots.

- Fruitervey 2017
Recently our glorious overlord H1N9 allowed players to complete a little survey where you were given the chance to pass on your feedback regarding many things. As thanks, one lucky player chosen at random will be given a $100 voucher. As the survey is now over it's time to announce the winner!

- Donations
A huge thank you to everyone who has been supporting the server. The developers have been working non-stop to make special things happen for you guys. Very recently we saw the addition of improvements to the Sparklegun perk thanks to theMote, there's plenty more fun stuff coming your way in February.

- Voting Winners
Voting is a very simple way of showing the server your support, and you get rewarded for it by receiving keys to open super special crates in-game! Not only that, the 3 most dedicated voters receive donation vouchers at the end of each month which they can use to spoil themselves (or others)! Please note that these vouchers do NOT count towards your donation total.
Well done to these dedicated voters, this time around 3 people tied for 1st so they will all get the top prize.

- Build Competition

Unfortunately this month there are no winners due to the lack of entries. To avoid this in the future, we are now making it clear to players that we need to have at least 5 entries for the build competition or else there will be no winners. The lack of entries is especially disappointing as the prize would've contributed to your donation total.

Moving forward, the build competition theme for February will be Valentines! A fitting theme for the month of love. All entries are to be done in the new Creative Server. As you all now have basic world edit access, we expect to see some truly amazing entries! Vouchers earned from competitions held in the Creative server will not count towards your donation total.

Competition Rules
- Build must be finished by 28th February.
- Players are restricted to working individually.
- Build must be completed in the Creative Server.
- Do not build chestrooms, spawners, massive farms etc. We want creativity, not everyday things.
- Only one entry per individual.
- No pixel art!
- Keep redstone minimal if you have to use it.
- Do NOT copy anyone else's builds, not even ones you find on Google images!


If you've won a voucher, please speak to H1N9 or a Community Manager about redeeming it.

Top Players

Fruit Servers is an amazing community because of the people that are a part of it. Every month one player and one staff member from both Survival and Skyblock are selected and recognized for their contribution to the server, whether it be ingame or behind the scenes.

Player of the month Survival - Popstar_Poppy. Little poppy has been an absolute pleasure to have around. Helping everyone she can while also making friends on teamspeak, Poppy is most deserving of the special award this month. Well done!

Staff of the month Survival - MateA78. Much like his partner in crime Ahtnamas80, MateA maintains a consistent presence on the server and works hard to ensure players are kept in line. He's always around on teamspeak to share a laugh with players too. For your efforts MateA, you've earned this special award. Well done!

Player of the month Skyblock - Moonlight_S. Known better for frequenting the survival server in the past, Moonlight has definitely made a name for herself on skyblock. A friendly face always willing to assist anyone and welcome everyone with a smile, Moonlight is most deserving of the special award this time around. Well done!

Staff of the month Skyblock - Doodly_Spoderman. Don't be fooled by the ridiculous name and the derpy skin, Doodly has very quickly become a huge asset to the skyblock server. Maintaining appearances from morning till night and working hard to keep things in order, Doodly has certainly earned this month's special award. Well done!

Beyond the Bowl

As we're well into the new year people are on their way back to school/uni/tafe among other things. This means players and staff alike are finding themselves tied down with other priorities, which means some valued members of the community have had to step down from important roles. As always, this means there are vacancies to be filled in the Mod/Event-C/Builder roles and we are going to be accepting applications throughout the month.

If you feel like you meet the criteria for these roles, I'd strongly encourage you to apply. If you're unsure of the criteria at any point in time, please feel free to ask staff members to clarify things.

That's the end of another monthly post, I hope you all enjoyed!

I'll see you all online

End of Post.