Full Steam Ahead

Donating Statistics:
Survival |
Skyblock |
Prison |
Players Joined: 10.600 |
Players Joined: 2,929 |
Players Joined: 5,225 |
% of Monthly Goal: 1,872% |
% of Monthly Goal: 2,117% |
% of Monthly Goal: 97% |
Current Top Donator: Headlouse |
Current Top Donator: XSUGARISMX |
Current Top Donator: Dazzagc |
Welcome everyone! Before we get into this huge weekly post, H1 has a message about the Easter Crafting Competition.
Congratulations to Headlouse on winning Survival's Crafting Competition and Xtalize for winning the Easter Crafting Competition on Skyblock! Full winners will be announced in the monthly post. The Easter Crafting Comp was super successful and I would like to thank PrincessPoppy for helping to put the recipes together.
- Social media
We will be posting regularly to our Facebook and Instagram accounts. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
Greetings Survival! It’s been quite a busy week so let’s get straight into all the good news!
First up, our Community Manager Ahtnamas80 would like to say a few words about the scavenger hunt that took place in the past couple of weeks.
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Scavenger hunt! We hope you all enjoyed hopping between movie destinations! :) Out of the players that participated and entered the draw, our winners have been chosen! Congratulations to;
1st) Littlx_queen ( Token voucher )
2nd) Maku_X ( token Voucher )
3rd) Caleb45806 ( Token Voucher )
4th) Huq_ ( 5x Token )
5th) CrabbMan128 ( 5x Token )
6th) ClockWera ( 5x Token )
7th) Crusher8902 ( 3x Token )
8th) TheMoJo200 ( 3x Token )
9th) Nebula_ ( 3x Token )
10th) FITZY_04 ( 1x Token )
11th) TheNaomi ( 1x Token )
12th) Kevroe43 ( 1x Token )
13th) MrBearXD ( 1x Token )
14th) XSUGARISMX ( 1x Token )
15th) BuckWild ( 1x Token )
We would like to thank every single player who participated as well as the wonderful staff members who helped create some movie magic areas! Shoutout to Kuote, Vallkyrrie, Stockerz, Wittyquip, Decoyy, AidenMcG, Caarebearr, Pyrotato and Demski - and thank you to the rest of the staff team for helping to make the event run as smoothly as possible!
Staff Updates
No Staff Updates this week.
Our Staff Squad is currently on the hunt for Moderators, Builders and Event-Coordinators! So if you’re interested in applying… follow this link! https://www.fruitservers.net/staff
On Wednesday we played countless rounds of Paint Run! Lagoona, derangd, spleggeti, voidslaver, klarq, pixerative, xilrr, slideyskull, dekeyracer palrr, coconuq IMG8903218png, xMrYoshi and Pyrotato_ were all lucky enough to take some prizes home.
On Friday we played some casual Hide and Seek in Candyland. Buttjamint, Dazzagc, eaglestripe, Enchies, gamma_NULL, Headlouse, Jenaya, Joji17999, lilfrog_, Maybethelion, mgroom72, Nebula_, poppy_chan, silicone, sparkly_bubble, voidslaver and xXPrinceSanderXx were all able to find the hidden rabbits.
The winner of this week’s wordsearch is Chloeconda!! Come check out /warp wordsearch for next week’s wordsearch and try to find the 10 hidden words!
Trixpeeaa |
❤ |
Bunnyy__ |
imnotyourmother |
❤ |
Zeusiee |
Selfie of the Week
No selfie this week :(
For your chance to win a token, remember to put a selfie in the forum post!!
Welcome back to another week in the sky!
To start us off, H1 has a few messages.
Recently we made some changes to the handling of redstone on Skyblock. These changes make it the same as survival where we have stopped poorly designed redstone contraptions, in particular redstone clocks, from lagging the server. It is still possible to build very large farms and everything you normally can but the configuration might need to be a bit different. The skyblock staff can assist if you need help!
The island reset glitch that some players have been having should be fixed tonight.
Skyblock hit 92 players online last night which is a record! A massive congratulations to the entire staff team who have done amazing work with this reset, improving the player experience for everyone.

We have some amazing new items in the crates. Thanks to our super talented _Scyy we have 2 new types of tokens. An amazing god token which gives players a 30 minutes or 1 hour of god mode which can be used to fight scary withers or go diving in a pool of lava. The other token is the fly token which grants players 30 minutes or 1 hour of flight. Whether you are just going to be zooming around spawn or placing a new row on your cactus farm these are some amazing tokens. Be sure to report any bugs to a staff member!
A new spawn map means new and awesome content for you to explore!
CONGRATS to our amazing crafters Xtalize, XSUGARISMX and LuckysLass21 for winning the crafting comp. Please contact H1N9 on the website if you have not already received your prize.
Staff are always trying to squish the annoying little bugs but with new and exciting items in game come unwanted bugs so please keep your eyes out and report anything that seems broken to staff
Staff Updates
No staff updates this week but we are always on the hunt for new amazing staff :)
Feel like you got what it takes to be a part of our Skyblock staff team? Are you a well-connected, active, social-butterfly? If so, feel free to apply at https://www.fruitservers.net/staff
We had so much fun on Thursday night!
First up was Sardines! The best seekers of the night were: Bayleecraft, Nebula_, trixpeeaa, Crezzie, Renaeissance, BrainAids, Sir_Puddin, Xtalize, itsethanle, _xXDedukKingXx_, kirbykelly and Artistacat! Whew! That’s a packed can of sardines...
We then had Corners! The lucky winners who chose the right corners were: Artistacat, Dynatherium and bupteddie! We’d also like to shout out the best dancers of the night: Renaeissance, Xtalize and trixpeeaa!
Lastly, the fruitgods unleashed their wrath at Thunderdome! Our survivors of the night were: voidslaver, HeeblyWeebly, ImPrettyCool, SamWithAPlan, and Dynatherium!
Saturday Night Games reached a player count of 92 players!
First up was Hide ‘N’ Seek! Those with an impressive staff-chicken radar were: Seitanist666, kirbykelly, Nebula_, ItzBezz, bupteddie, trixpeeaa, meanttobeyours, tcb1925, SamWithAPlan, Briarious, D2xx, Kevroe43, itsethanle, Envoxed and finally xD_Wishes!
Then players hopped valiantly from block to block at Parkour! Our most skilled jumpers of the night were: trixpeeaa, Cayman_, SamWithAPlan, Nebula_, ItzBezz, ExpressoYourself, Dynatherium, LilLychee, voidslaver, itsethanle and Derangd!
We then finished the night off with Maze! Those with the best sense of direction were: Benjabot_, Nebula_, DR1LLA, buttjamint, D2xx, BraidAids, NinjaPuggys, Derangd, NotChungus, Kevroe43 and Ascacos!
Congrats to all of our winners!
lIlOrochilIl |
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theodorefiji |
BrainAids |
❤ |
Thumkerr |
Antzune |
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PavlovRS |
❤ |
D0dgyDanny |
Selfie of the Week

Kevroe: Just chilling with my fav builders <3
Kevro43 submitted this amazing photo of the talented builders doing the manikin challenge. Congrats! To receive your Event Token, please message an Admin in-game.
If you want a chance to win an event token, make sure to post your funny moments or any memorable screenshot at the link below!
>> https://bit.ly/3bspu2n <<
Hey there Prison players! This week we’ve got some exciting messages from H1 regarding new prison features!
The prestige system on Prison is finally complete! This will allow players to rankup from Planet 13 and go back to planet 1. We are still working on different prestige bosses which will feature new skills and difficulty. PLEASE NOTE that when you rankup, your lemon pod storage, backpack and balance will be cleared! Please ask staff ingame if you need any help or have any questions. We look forward to bringing out new rewards for prestiging in the not too distant future.
We are now limiting the number of chests that people can place on their island - this will apply to all new islands and not existing ones. This is to make prestiging more balanced for the entire server.
The backpack issues on Prison have been fixed. You can now mine with a full inventory and expect the blocks that you continue to mine to be sent to your backpack.
We are going to be moving all cells to a new plugin over the coming weeks to fix some issues with the current plugin. If you are currently renting a cell, this will not impact you. We will steadily convert over the ones that are rented when they expire.
On to events, where we hosted three events on Tuesday, Lilypad Drop, Spleef and Bingo!
Our winners for Lilypad on the night were: Reubs, Its_rothy, Xtalize and B3ast619. The players with the best reflexes in Spleef were: Shakoda, Xtalize, Reubs and ItsRothy. Our Lucky Bingo winners of the night were: buttjamint, spleggeti, Decoyyy and SkellyBG.
Sunday Night we hosted Paint Run, Anvil Drop and Bingo!
The fastest runners of the night for Paint Run were: Netzaltali, chloeconda, greenlanternsmum, lagoonaa, Its_Rothy, Opalz and Trixpeeaa. Our quick winners for Anvil Drop were: B3ast619, SkellyBG, buttjamint and Reubs. To finish off, our fortunate players in Bingo were princeggeti, Crezzie, Chloeconda, b3ast619 and buttjamint.
Build Competition
Build Competitions have returned!!

This month's theme is Fantasy!
Competition Rules
- The build is limited to 100x100 in size, we'd suggest marking out these dimensions beforehand.
- The build must follow the theme - Fantasy!
- The build must be completed by 11:59pm on Tuesday the 28th April, 2020 (AEST)
- You must work alone, you will be disqualified if others help you.
- All entries must be built on the Creative server.
- As cool as pixel art is, this isn't the place for it.
- Don't copy another person's work, BE ORIGINAL!
Prize Structure
- Less than 5 entries = A token on the server of your choice along with varying cash prize (20k~150k)
- Between 5 and 10 entries = Standard vouchers for top 3, varying cash prize (50k~250k) for everyone, and 2 tokens for each entrant on the server of your choice.
- More than 10 entries = Standard vouchers and an extra plot for top 3, varying cash prize (300k) for everyone, and 3 tokens for each entrant on the server of your choice.
As we're trialling a new prize structure, we're keen to hear people's thoughts and feedback. Looking forward to seeing renewed interest in the build competition!
For more information we suggest you head to this forum thread!
Well, that was quite a long weekly post. Be sure to check out the upcoming monthly post for even more news.
- Bayleecraft, MrRandom287 & Ravioli
End of Post.