Written by iGoner

Sit down! This week we are gonna strip you down, clean you up, give you a goodie bag, nice orange jumpsuit, clean sheet and a towel because you are home in the brand new fruit prison!


✿ Skyblock



Players Joined: 8,959 

Players Joined: 14,269

Players Joined: 100+

Players Joined: 913

Monthly Goal - 848%

Monthly Goal - 178%

Monthly Goal - 71%

Monthly Goal - 199%

Current Top Donator:

Current Top Donator:

Current Top Donator:

Current Top Donator:





New Shop Perks ?!?!?!

Survival, Skyblock and Prison have some brand new perks available for purchase this week!

There are two super cool new trails including soul and soul fire. For survival, you can purchase them individually. For all three servers though, they are already included in the particle trails bundle.

We have also added the most adorable Mooshroom pets as well!

Thank YOU!

I am very excited that we were finally able to release the Prison Revamp yesterday. A significant effort has gone into this server and the new update makes it better than ever! We would love to hear your feedback. A massive thanks to all of those who support us buy purchasing perks for making the revamp possible.

Prison Revamp !!!

After many months of hard work and commitment from our dedicated Prison team, we're proud to bring you the long-awaited FruitPrison revamp. The revamp is aimed at introducing a host of quality-of-life improvements as well as improving on all of the features which make our wonderful Prison server so unique. Although everyone on the Prison team contributed to the success of this project, we need to give a special shout out to both spleggeti and B3ast619 who worked tirelessly to ensure this massive undertaking was brought to fruition. We can't wait to see you online and hear your thoughts!

Do not forget to allow the texture pack so you can see some of the amazing textures that have been made! Patrol the planets or cruise the comets in the amazing vehicles but make sure to whip out your celestial surfer when investigating the native alien flora!

Event Hype !!!

It has been very busy behind the scenes on Survival this week, and there has been a lot of work being done to get things ready for some exciting things we will be bringing to you in the next month. First, as mentioned in the last weekly post, after the issues we had with the last end reset, we will be doing another one this Friday at 8pm, remember this will be a dragon fight with a difference, there will be extra challenges in the way of killing the dragon, so take the time now to prepare.

Schoolies !!!

Also, with another school year coming to the end, we would like to congratulate all those who are completing their studies this year, to celebrate we will be holding a SPECIAL SCHOOLIES WEEKEND next weekend, where there will be a range of events, including the opening of our BRAND NEW NIGHTCLUB featuring our very own staff as DJ's, this promises to be a lot of fun, so be sure to pop on and help celebrate with us. Check our discord closer to the weekend for up to date info on event times. (A GIANT thank you to Benjabot_ for the incredible work he has put into this)

Dying for a Duel

A few of you have noticed we have been working on a new feature we will be introducing very soon, duels! This will add some very fun features and game modes to pvp battles, we will bring you more info as we get it finalised, so keep your eyes open for that.


Finally, make sure you check out the monthly post on the 1st of December, where we will be announcing all the festive fun we will be bringing you during the holiday season (might be a good idea to start planning those Christmas outfits now!) It is sure to be a lot of fun over the next few weeks, i can not wait! See you around the fruit bowl.

Hello fruitlings!
We have a very exciting month of December ahead of us and the staff and I are extremely excited to share it all with you. Without spoiling too much, here is a sneak peak! For Christmas, Skyblock will be hosting 12 consecutive days of festive events and activities for you all to enjoy, and you’ll feel a little bit of Christmas every day you login. But the festive season extends to more than just Christmas for Skyblock this year, so watch this space!


This week we saw Condalicious step down from the event team. We are all wishing her the best with whatever she chooses to pursue from here on out!


An infamously known player has joined the ranks of the skyblock staff this week . . . . a round of applause and a warm welcome for Xtalize!!!


Congrats to B3ast619 on the promotion to Mod+ on the first day of the reset!


An exciting monday on Pixelmon with 2, YES 2 promotions! Big congrats to Raqus on Mod+ and welcome back Ravioli to the event team, excited to see what kinds of mischief you will be causing on pixelmon!

There is always room for more talented, ambitious and helpful people on the staff team! If you think you have what it takes please put in an application HERE

Join us every night at 8pm AEDT for our nightly events!

p.s. there are some really cool prizes!

Check out this week's calendar for what games we will be playing.

Monday -

Pixelmon Event Night

Tuesday -

Prison Event Night

Wednesday -

Bingo on Survival

Thursday - 

Skyblock Event Night

Friday -

Dragon Fight on Survival

Saturday -

Skyblock Event Night

Sunday -

Prison Event Night

Congratulations to all this week's winners.

Come along to the events and you could win yourself epic collectables and even keys or token shards!

Fruity Marriages

Wedding bells are ringing for this week’s happy couples!






















Want to marry that special someone?  Contact a staff member

and they can help you on your way to wedded bliss.


Selfie of the Week

We love to see what you get up to during the week, so make sure you post a selfie to the forum thread before Sunday night to be in the running for a token!!! When you post your selfie be sure to mention which server you took the selfie on, and write a funny caption for it also.

Post your selfies HERE





✐ Build Competition ✎

The theme for November’s build competition will be Christmas! However, it needs to be usable for one of the following events - Regicide, Hide and Seek or Capture the Flag.

This build comp is a big one! But we can always count on you guys to produce great builds. There is so much you can do with this theme and we can not wait to see what builds you submit! You never know what you are capable of until you try!

Competition Rules

  • The build is limited to 200x200 in size. There is no height limit.
  • The build must follow the theme - Christmas!
  • The build must be completed by 11:59pm 29th November, 2020 (AEDT)
  • You are permitted to work in teams of THREE (3) at most! Prizes will be split accordingly.
  • All entries must be built on the Creative server.
  • As cool as pixel art is, this isn't the place for it.
  • Don't copy another person's work, BE ORIGINAL!

Entry and Prize Structure

A forum thread will be made where you can submit your entries as well as find out what the prize structure will be. To make things easier for everyone, please only submit your entry on the prize structure thread. Lazy attempts will receive a substantially smaller prize, you have been warned! Remember - 15 quality entries and the prizes will increase!

Well Prisoners that concludes the morning meeting! Please proceed to the yard and conduct exercises! All jokes aside though this has been a massive week. Get hyped there are some really exciting things coming from all the servers not too mention the countless hours of fun that the prison reset has in store for you!

Until next time ~

~Ghastlly_, Bayleecraft, iGoner and MrRandom287 <3

*sips tea and eats tim tams*

End of Post.