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Written by Lagoonaa

Omgg hi fruitsters! It is the one and only Lagoona and the amazing Melon here today delivering you this weeks fruity post! Get yourselves ready for a bumpy ride, we’ve got a lot of fruity news to bring to you this week! Lots of xoxoGOSSIPgikda this week! Lets jump into this post. Shall we? ~ We shall!

The Rundown


Number of players joined: 8219!

Currently 123% of the monthly goal!

Current top donator: __Kelsey__


Number of players joined: 6389!

Currently 147% of the monthly goal!

Current top donator: Crabbman128

What lovely statistics we have here!

Beyond The Bowl

The survival team hasn’t had many changes this week.. But last week, we lost our V-Mod Mobbmaster step down due to busyness IRL :c He will be missed <3

We saw the promotion of SweetEmotion to T-Mod over on Skyblock!! Lets all wish him good luck on his moderating! And on a much sadder note, our beloved Nousey has stepped down due to also busyness IRL and we also lost the amazing MC_Gomps from our amazing Skyblock team. All of these players will be missed dearly <3

Speshul Messages

The /rules have been updated! So go and check em’ out and familiarise yourself! We don’t wanna see you guys breaking the rules :( Hope you all have had an amazing week!

~ Staff Team


On the 7th of August we had a very mysterious and special event that we hadn't done in a while.. SKYWARS! I hope you all had fun and won a few rounds, if not.. Don't worry Lagoose didn't either.. But we hope you all had a great night!!

On the 10th of August, we had a couple of very quick rounds of spleef and can i just say most of the staff team enjoyed you players falling throughout these rounds. We had a total of 6 player rounds and 1 staff round at the end, so lets hear some results!

Round One: kurtizmo                  Round Two: ItsSquish                     Round Three: Jyln

Round Four: kurtizmo                  Round Five: Le_Commandant      Round Six: Le_Commandant

Staff Round ~ First: Briezyy         Second: Meloonnn                        Third: Ahtnamas80

On the 12th of August, we had a total of 2 very exciting rounds of Bloo’s Build Battle! Minus H1’s team cheating in the first round.. All of you fruitsters had alot of fun and showed off your amazing building skills! We had quite a few results so let's see how the night rolled out!

Round One Theme: Biomes!

First Place:  LadyAmaya_, PoggleLoggle and  A_Big_Meaty_Oreo!

Second Place: Le_Commandant, FoxNC and GlitzyDonut!

Third Place: TheSilentKnight, _TheWolfPrince_  and Lilst!

And disqualified for cheating -  H1N9, Bloo & MistofDusk! Norti staff team!

Round Two Theme: Food!

First Place: Meloonnn, ipoodalittle and melongrip! (The non-cheating staff team :D)

Second Place: Le_Commandant, FoxNC and _LittleSavage!

Third Place: BlockerZeroSix, ___Vex _ and TheSilentKnight_!

Build Comp

This month's theme: Disney

Competition Rules

- Build must be finished by 31st August

- Players must work individually

- Build must be completed in the Creative world

- Do not build chestrooms,spawners,massive farms etc. We want creativity, not everyday things

- Only one entry per individual

- No pixel arts!

- Keep redstone minimal if you have to use it

How to post your Entry

To enter this month's competition, please leave a comment ON THIS POST stating so, or use a warp if you're building on someone else's plot. If you have run out of warps, please let a staff member know.

Notable Weddings


Imanomster + frettje003 <3


No marriages :(

Thats a Rap!

Sadly.. We have reached the end of our weekly post :c There will be many many more to come! So don’t get too upset! Lets jump right into our screenshots and meme of the week! Whooosh!

Photos of the Week!

Survival: ‘Youngbloods & Jyln, up to mischief? Oh no! Watch out!’ Photo Credit ~ YoungBloods

Skyblock: ‘ #Selfie of Bloo & Gold’ Photo Credit~ Goldsta… wait gold uses the forums?

Meme Of The Week:

Happy International Melon day!! :D

~Meloona out <3

End of Post.