Happy Australia Day!
Written by Bayleecraft

Players everywhere! School shall soon commence. What next!

Donating Statistics:




Players Joined: 360

Players Joined: 5,205

Players Joined: 1,562

% of Monthly Goal: 791%

% of Monthly Goal: 406%

% of Monthly Goal: 42%

Current Top Donator:


Current Top Donator: 


Current Top Donator: 


Server Announcements

A Message from H1;

Welcome back to a brand new map! We have quite a few new features behind the scenes with this update that you will see over the coming weeks. For the first time, we are introducing a dedicated events world which will allow us to do heaps of cool stuff into the future.

The new map has been a massive effort to get ready. I would like to especially thank Ahtnamas80, Terra and Aiden for their support.

The event team have also been busy testing a brand new plugin...

Spawner Claims for some reason broke with the map reset. As soon as this is fixed, you will be able to claim them in the new map.


Players are running everywhere! That could only mean one thing!

Staff Updates

No staff updates this week!!

Our Staff Squad is currently on the hunt for Moderators, Builders and Event-Coordinators! So if you’re interested in applying… follow this link! https://www.fruitservers.net/staff


On Wednesday we played the fun but dangerous game of Thunderdome!! The members who were able to survive the deadly smites were Xtalize, MousaGame, ghostieplier, Depressiom, Ionte, Tally_Ho, Ohskrrrt, andddd UnReal_FlipZy

On Friday due to the reset there was no event sadly :( join us soon for more events!

Selfie of the week

“Long live warp Bezz”

Congratulations to Princesspoppy2 on winning Selfie of the Week! Be sure to submit your selfies to our forum thread for your chance to win a token!!


There were so many marriages if we listed them all it would take up the entire post! Here are a select few of our favourites!!










Long time, no see! Welcome back to another healthy dose of Skyblock news!

Oh, honey!

A reminder that if you have not yet claimed your Bee Kit, to do so now! You never know when it’s going to disappear from the shop. As your bees multiply, be sure to keep track of how many you have; as cute as they are, they’re also another source of lag! Claim your free bee kit here >>  https://bit.ly/2Rz2E0o <<

Staff Updates

No staff updates this week! :(

We’re always looking for new staff to join our team! If you’re active, friendly, and feel like you have what it takes to join our Skyblock staff team, feel free to apply at https://www.fruitservers.net/staff


On Monday, we had everyone on the edge of their seats with our favourite, Bingo! Those who called Bingo Bongo the fastest were Cheesemelt, hakunamatata0805, Seitanist666, TheBouncyFrog, RealMoshy, and Gorge0us! Congratulations!

We also played Corners! Those that bop bop bop, bopped to the top were Shakoda, lyyz, and TheBouncyFrog! Great dancing!

And our last event for Monday Games Night was another crowd favourite, Thunderdome! Thor’s hammer was ablaze, but Xtalize, kick1213, Opalz, and xAquaFusion managed to escape his wrath!

Join us every Monday and Saturday night at 8pm AEDT to experience our games night yourself; and even earn some cool prizes! We can’t wait to see you there!


Congratulations to this week’s happy couples!











Selfie of the Week

Congratulations Briarious! Cute selfie!!

Remember! If you would like a chance to win an event token, post your selfies in selfie of the week!


Hello and welcome to the Prison portion of the post!

On Tuesday we played many rounds of Spleef!! The lucky winners were Xtalize, Shakoda, itzbezz and 69ben_shapiro Afterwards, we played some fun Dig Down!! The winners were Shakoda, Rothy1975 and ItzBezz!

On Sunday we started with the Obstacle Course! The fastest players tonight were ItzBezz, ExpressoYourself, Netzaltali, Rothy1975, Silver_Nightfall and Reubs!!

We then moved onto prison drift! The winners were; ItzBezz, Rothy, Silver_nightfall, Netzaltali, Xtalize, Opalz, Spleggeti, Reubs and ExpressoYourself

Build Competition

There is no build competition at the moment. However, If you have suggestions for themes for future build competitions, please let us know in this forum thread. (https://www.fruitservers.net/forum/m/24982408/viewthread/32747290-build-competition-expression-intereststheme-ideas/post/137668583#p137668583)

Another week down, School approaches soon, what will happen next, nobody knows.

- Bayleecraft, MrRandom287 & Ravioli

End of Post.