Happy New Year Everyone

Wow, didn’t time fly! We are now saying goodbye to 2021 and saying a very well deserved hello to 2022! 2021 has been a very difficult year for everyone, and I am sure quite a few of us are all happy to see what 2022 has instore for us! So kick back and have a read of the Year in Review for FruitServers!

Happy New Year everyone! I for one am very happy to say goodbye to 2021, and while it may have been a very chaotic year full of lockdowns, home schooling and working from home, we also had Fruit Servers to help get us through the tough times. It was a very busy year on the Survival server, with 2 map wipes, lots of new blocks and items, and fancy new caves to explore. We shared so many good times at events, bought home a joint win at the Fruitlympics with Prison, partied at warp fest, laughed our way through the joke competition, celebrated holidays together, oh and sometimes even found time to go mining and build. I have loved spending time with the community we have built together, and I look forward to all the memories we are going to make in 2022. None of what we do would be possible without the efforts of the staff, who are a very dedicated, hard working bunch, I would be lost without their support and we just wouldn't be able to do a lot of what we do without all the hours they put in. Thank you to all the staff, I hope you know how much I value you all! So here is to an awesome 2022! and as always, i will see you around the fruit bowl.

Prison is excited to announce a very unique type of Event for Players to attend! Introducing Raid Boss Events to allow the community to team up and fight the boss! Every Sunday of every Month, players will have the chance to fight the Raid Boss, for some awesome prizes! The Top 3 players who have dealt the most Damage of the Fight get a Prize and a fancy Trophy to Flex on the other players.
Prison Scavenger Hunt 2!
Before we begin, a big thankyou to BrockChoy for the idea and the creation of the first one of these! Some of you veteran players may remember something similar to this way back when but now it's time for the sequel!
How to Play:
Each Planet (2-14) has a hidden collectible that you must find! This collectible relates directly to the boss and can be anywhere. It is your job to find all 12 of these collectibles before the end of the month! What's that I hear you asking? 12 collectibles in 4-5 weeks?!?! That sounds impossible! Fear not prisoner! Every now and then hints will be given out (on Fruit Prison Discord) that will help you locate the collectibles. Each time you find a collectible, it will be added to your inventory but you only get 1 of each planet collectible so don’t go giving it away! The first 5 people to complete their collectible sets get a major prize! While everyone after this who manages to complete the set will get a much smaller (but still cool) prize. Speak to the Prison Scavenger Hunt NPC on Planet 2 to get started! (You can find it at Planet 2 spawn to the left in the old coming soon section opposite the staff hall). Good luck and Happy hunting! Remember, the quests are the ONLY way to get the collectibles, so make sure to select them and FOLLOW what they say to be eligible for the prizes.
- You cannot share the collectibles you find, they are yours so keep them!
- You must do the Planets in order (starting at 2 and ending at 14).
- You can work together but be aware that backstabbing is completely legal so be careful!
- Cheating is not allowed! This includes telling other players the location of the collectibles once you have completed the hunt (or are 2 or more Planets ahead. IE, Someone searching for the Planet 4 collectible could not help a person searching for the planet 2 collectible).
- Have fun!
The Wandering Trader has wondered off planet 10 and has now landed himself on Planet 13, I wonder where he could have gone to? Head on over to Prison and Find him for his new collection of items he has to offer! The Monthly Reward Quest will once again be on Planet 10, Head to the Sentinel to find out what to do to Claim your Monthly Reward.
★ Donations ★
A huge thank you to everyone who has contributed this month, your donations go towards continuing to develop fun new content for everyone.

★Vote Competition★

Reminder to everyone that votes are tallied up for the post a few hours before the end of the month so sneaking in a couple of votes right at the end may not help.
Keep up the great work everyone, please message a Community-Manager or H1N9 to redeem your voucher.
★Top Players★
FruitServers is an amazing community because of the people that are a part of it. Every month one player and one staff member from each server are selected and acknowledged for their contribution to the server, whether it be ingame or behind the scenes.

Apocalypsing has been a part of the fruit community for a while now, she is a friendly player who loves to have a chat and a joke with anyone. Always happy to lend a helping hand to someone in need, Apoc is a wonderful member of our community, and deserving of this recognition.

FallenSnowAngell has been a very notable player on Skyblock this month, through their great involvement with the community and overwhelmingly friendly aura. Well done Fallen!

Tqex is one of Pixelmon’s newer players, even so, they have proved time and time again that they are a valuable member of our community. With their consistent dedication to setting up various player warps, to helping those in chat. Thank you and well done, Tqex!

shivelry has been helpful to all players who have joined while they were online. From their kind attitude towards all players, to their willingness to go out of their way to make sure the players know how to play the server, It really does help the staff out and we thank you for it, Well Done Shivelry

MateA78 has been a real help for the Survival community this month, taking out the time from saying endless dad jokes to make sure our server runs smoothly. Day and night they have worked hard to ensure this Christmas and New Year is a celebration for everyone. Thank you for the all the adventures on the team so far, keep it up MateA78!

Ellen has been a reliable staff member on Skyblock since she joined the team, and in the last month especially has gone above and beyond in helping players and making herself approachable to all. We appreciate your commitment to the server, well done Ellen!

Cozza’s activity since Pixelmon’s reset has been superb, and has gone above his usual standards in engaging with the community and offering an additional hand in preparing for future content, offering his wealth of knowledge about the Pokemon universe. Thank you Cozza!

princesspoppy2 has been a rather recent addition to the team, but her efforts for creating the Crafting Comp planet and her willingness to help out has not gone unnoticed. Well Done Bobby
We are lucky to have such a strong staff team to help make Fruit Servers great! If you are intested in joining one of our amazing staff teams, we are alway looking for more people to join in the fun. You can fill in an application for a staff role HERE.
Well Folks, thats the end of the December Recap, I hope you all have enjoyed the read and I shall see you in the New Year! Pinch and a Punch for the First day of the Month!
End of Post.