It's been awhile!
Written by RavynR

Wow what a crazy couple of weeks it has been! Hello everyone and welcome to the our first weekly post for May! Time sure does fly by!

Donating Statistics




Players Joined: 9,039

Players Joined: 3,361

Players Joined: 8,214

% of Monthly Goal: 153%

% of Monthly Goal:102%

% of Monthly Goal: 6%

Current Top Donator:


Current Top Donator:


Current Top Donator:



Welcome back to the survival portion of the post! Let’s get started with a joke from Technodono16

“Why did the banker switch careers? She lost interest!”

Don’t forget to submit your own jokes, stories, quotes or poems at the dropper at /warp food!

Staff Updates

This week we have sadly had to say goodbye to many of our American staff members, a huge thank you to SimpleDF, SouthernPapa318, Acaciiaa, smileLIKEaDONkey and Anya_Nees for everything they have done for our server.

On a slightly brighter note, we are happy to announce we have gained three new builders as well as some more Mod team members!! Welcome to the team Mai_Pie, _SJLee_, NotZeus, TheGreatWhiskey and MrYel1ow! Another huge congratulations to Blackrexy on losing his T and a grand welcome back to Pixerative (wish him a happy birthday)!!

Our Staff Squad is currently on the hunt for Event-Coordinators, Builders and ESPECIALLY Moderators! So if you’re interested in applying… follow this link!


What a great week this has been, plenty of fun was had! With the weekly Wednesday and Friday events taking place, we sure did see an amazing turnout from the Fruit players!

Wednesday saw Thor make an appearance and zap some fellow victims in ThunderDome! With plenty of electrifying shocks to be had, and a handful of players managing to survive. We congratulate; Chewdoo, Princesspoppy2, MinSana, Wallywalrus1, RubberZuccy, Cytoke, Cidna, Zeldagod1352, and Dieforestfic!

On Friday we had players get their dance moves on with some classical Musical Chairs! With plenty of boogying going on during the night, the fast movements of players made sure to snag up those chairs, eliminating players fast. Those that did get through had to fight to survive the next round of music. A huge congratulations to; Wallywalrus1, SpecialKaae, Zeldagod1532, Faiz77 and Brettdog!


We had many crazy events happening over the Easter long weekend but we also had a few mini-games going on! Here are our winners!!

Although some of her answers were slightly off, princesspoppy2 had the most correct answers on our giant easter egg hunt!

Due to the amount of entries for the word search we have decided to give out two prizes! Congratulations to Nicketta and Distractibles!

Somehow the spot the difference had EVEN MORE entries than the word search! Congratulations to our three winners, Sparkly_Bubble, KawaiiChan313 and MitchStero!

We run events every Wednesday and Friday night at 8pm AEDST but also run pop up events throughout the week so keep your eye out for those!

Selfie of the week

This week we are giving a prize to BrettDog! Not only is this a cute selfie, we love his business! (It is true, I do love lasagne)











It’s getting colder now and you know what that means: time to stay inside and play Skyblock! Here are the weekly updates!

Staff Updates

A big congratulations to HermezLove on her promotion to Mod+! Much deserved! KingNBubby has also joined the crew as a Trial-Mod, so please welcome him to the team!

We’re always looking for new staff to join our team! If you feel like you have what it takes to join our Skyblock staff team apply at


We played three events this week, picked by you guys! Thank you to everyone who voted on the strawpoll and remember! Come online a little while before the events to have your say in what we play. This week you guys picked Bingo, Maze, and KOTH!

We were all on the edge of our seat, but our lucky Bingo winners this week were DragonMaster978, xLightStrqfe, lindenw, SpoopyToo, D2xx, Pixerative, and _LilSunshine_. Congratulations!

Our Maze winners kept their wits about them. Surprisingly, a lot of people managed to get out this time! Congratulations AdentheAngry, nuggs13, TheTruePingu, OlAngryBurger, and No_Love_Ilz for being the fastest!

And lastly, we played a couple of rounds of KOTH. After some false starts, we determined our Kings, SpoopyToo and Grandma___! Good work!

Remember that you can win events for cool prizes and the chance to win the coveted event tokens! These tokens can be used to purchase limited edition items at /warp token in-game. For our event schedule, visit


















Selfie of the Week

“Off we go! Up, Up and away!” Congratulations Harriboo!

Remember! If you would like a chance to win an event token post your selfies in selfie of the week!


This week on prison we are happy to announce that Planet XII is now available!

Explore the desolate western planet and see which cowboy will be on top!

We are also excited to announce that due to the release of Endgame (please refrain from spoilers!) There are three custom cosmetic heads you can purchase on the website!

That's all for now guys! Thank you for reading through our weekly post! We have missed you all

-  Emilee_XIX, kuro_shibainu & Ravioli

End of Post.