
Welcome to the month of January!
Being the first month of the server, we have some special things planned, but before i go into any further detail, let me give you some information about this post.
These Monthly posts will become a regular thing on the first day of every month. They will be an overview of the previous month, and a detailed look at what is to come. They will also hold lots of information on Prizes, Winners of various competitions and much more. We hope you enjoy!
Voting Winners:
Every month we will have 3 top voting winners, these will be the people that have voted the most during the previous month. The prizes are as follows:
1st Prize: $15 Store Voucher & $7000 in-game money.2nd Prize: $10 Store Voucher & $5000 in-game money.3rd Prize: $5 Store Voucher & $3000 in-game money.
Top Players:
Each month we will also have rewards for the top players of the month. They will receive a badge on the website for their accomplishment.
These rewards will be chosen by staff. The rewards are as follows:Top Player of the month.
Top Staff member of the month.
BUILDING COMPETITION - PARKOURThis months building competition theme is parkour, you can take this in any way you like and/or do what you wish with it, just make it creative :)
Competition Rules:
- Build Must be finished by the 30th of January
- Users cannot work in pairs- Build must follow the theme of the month- Build must be created in the Survival worldPrize:
The Competition Prize for this month is a Nintendo 3DS XL!
This prize will go to the player with the most attractive, and creative build, so you better get started!The Entries will be judged by staff, and the Winners build may be featured in spawn!

How to post your entry:To post your Competition entry, simply create a warp and post it in the comments section of this post, or write the co-ordinates.
Updates and changes:[+] Added voting purchases to the Web Store[-] Removed Death Messages Plugin[-] Lowered Server Render Distance to 7 Chunks, instead of 10 (to decrease lag)
[+] Added Multiple items to the Web Store
[-] Removed Christmas theme at spawn[+] Added Titan Kit
[+] Added "High Roller" Tag
Coming Soon:
In-game Shop (Very Soon)
New Chest Locking plugin
Creative World (Member +)
And that's a wrap, 'Fruitheads'!
hope you enjoyed, and we will see you in-game!
End of Post.