January Monthly Recap

O to be Young and Februous! Welcome to the month of February!
As we waltz into warmer weather, we find solace in the daily deliverance of Fruitservers affairs.

A reminder about our dedicated Discord Bot! Fruit Bot has upgraded and will now help you get member on the amazing Fruit Servers Discord.
Member Linking is quick and easy:
Step 1: Type /discord verify, in-game
Step 2: With the given code, type /verify <code> in any channel of the Discord.
Step 3: Enjoy a free 100 website points, on us!
If you have member on the server you receive your code from, you will also be assigned the Member role on Discord. If you already have member, it is important for you to link as well. Many of the current (and future) features of the bot won't work if you haven't linked properly, so ensure that you do - and enjoy a free gift from us!

The Monthly Rewards Quest is on a random planet this month, and it's your job to find the NPC for which requests you to find the Lost Tomb! Maybe that's a hint for which planet!
Planet 11 is the place to be to find the Wandering Trader for the month of February! Be sure to find him, as he has the Final Piece of the Miner Set up for Grabs!

Fruity Quests
Season 13 of Fruity Quests is here, and there is nothing unlucky about this season! Get ready to celebrate the month of love with Valentines themed quests, you can work towards earning some awesome rewards while thinking of that special someone in your life. On the topic of special someone, we are excited to announce that StashOfSeeds has joined the Quests team, welcome aboard stash, we can not wait to see what you come up with! For those of you extra talented questers, this season there is a new Tier 10 reward, so get working on completing those quests now, you will need a lot of XP to get all the way to tier 10! As always, an amazing amount of work goes into each season of quests, and it just wouldn't be possible without the dedication of the quests team BorisOz, St0nkatr0n and StashOfSeeds, thank you guys for all your hard work!
Claiming Horses
The horse claiming system has been fixed, and is now ready to be used again. To claim a horse it needs to be tamed and have a saddle, sit on the horse and type /h claim. You can now also name the horse before you claim it, and it will keep the name you give it.
★ Donations ★
A huge thank you to everyone who has contributed this month, your donations go towards continuing to develop fun new content for everyone.

★Vote Competition★
Reminder to everyone that votes are tallied up for the post a few hours before the end of the month so sneaking in a couple of votes right at the end may not help. Props to everyone for keeping voting as competitive as it has been, looks like everyone is eager to win themselves a voucher! Great work SlothLovesShrek on 1st, lceMocha on 2nd, and Hiccupps on 3rd! Keep up the great work everyone, please message a Community-Manager or H1N9 to redeem your voucher.
★Top Players★
FruitServers is an amazing community because of the people that are a part of it. Every month one player and one staff member from each server are selected and acknowledged for their contribution to the server, whether it be ingame or behind the scenes.

LeRothy - Rothy has been an amazing help this month, his activity was amazing as well as his helpfulness around the server with all there is to do. From creating the Scav Hunt which was a massive success, to helping with some behind the scenes features. It's been a great help, and you definately deserve Staff of the Month! Congrats!

The Event Team - With so many hands on board, the Event Team on Skyblock has blown everybody away with their high energy, organisation and can-do attitude. Huge props to punksten and sloth who are both very new to the team, and Xero for leading them into the unknown. They're certainly a trio to watch! Congratulations and well done.

Since joining the staff team Kloeno has diligently worked at learning the ropes, to become a very reliable, hard working and valuable member of the team. Always looking out for the community, Kloeno is a true asset to the Survival server, Congratulations Kloeno!

Wildborr has shown excellency in all areas this month, showing reliability and compassion for the server in his daily endeavour to hold down the fort on Pixelmon, enough so to deserve him his newly acquired promotion to Mod+. Congratulations and well done WildBorr!

Dreadd has been an overachieving player on the recent month on Prison, Dreadd has always been there to help new players learn about the server and thrives to find a solution to any question a player asks, even if he does not know the answer to it. Congrats Dreadd

BelcherMC has been one of Skyblock's most reliable players for quite some time now - whether it be with assisting new players with learning the ropes to helping older players learn some new tips and tricks, BelcherMC is always one of the first to raise his hand to help someone out ! We appreciate you (and your well timed dad jokes) Belcher!

claudiaiia is always ready to welcome new players, answer any questions that come up, or just have a friendly chat with whoever is around, They are a wonderful part of our community, and a joy to spend time with online. Congratulations claudiaiia!

M0OnBoy has been a loyal member of our Pixelmon server since the very beginning, and throughout this time he shows us time and time again how valuable he is to us by helping others, attending tournaments and events, and being a role model for our new players. Well done, and congratulations, M0OnBoy!
Fruitservers is lucky to have such strong moderating teams, however we are always accepting applications for all of our staff roles. Our wonderful Event and Build Teams in particular are still looking to grow so if you'd like to be a part of something special do consider looking into these roles. Think you have what it takes to join one of these fantastic teams? Submit an application at www.fruitservers.net/staff
If you're reading this, you're a gigachad gamer
End of Post.