June Recap

Welcome to the June Recap! We're now half way through the year and unfortunately the Corona Chaos shows no signs of slowing down! Thankfully your friendly neighbourhood staff team over at Fruitservers knows just how to keep you busy until all the lockdowns ease up! There's no better place to be than the Fruitbowl until order is restored, so let's get comfy while we run through what was another fruit-filled month.
Fruitbowl News
Fruitlympics has arrived! 7 different events will be played over the course of a little more than 1 week - Survival vs. Skyblock vs. Prison! This is your opportunity to attain glory for your favourite server, your time to shine and prove your superiority (in events at least). All scheduled events have been added to the Event Calendar on the site so be sure to stay updated on everything. We look forward to seeing everyone attend! I've also heard some whispers that there may be a special crafting competition coming up to commemorate Fruitlympics...
With only a few months to bring this project to life, it wouldn't have been a stretch to call FruitPixelmon too ambitious even by our standards. Somehow, our incredible Build Team and Developers were able to prove me wrong and boy am I glad they did. FruitPixelmon has only been around a week and a half but its popularity has been unrivalled since launch. For most of us this is our first step into the realm of modded Minecraft so we're working hard to address all feedback and produce the best experience possible for everyone. Make sure you're active on our discord because that's where our numerous changes are first announced.
★Minecraft 1.16
1.16 has been released. As always, it will take us time to update everything before we can move to the new version. Each major Minecraft update gets messier and messier to do. From this perspective, we will be taking things slow and not rushing into the update otherwise. New updates bring a lot of lag, bugs and crashes which is not what any of us like. It can take weeks for spigot and everyone to start updating their stuff, never mind making it bug free. Players are able to connect with 1.16 clients already. A date and time for when we will update to 1.16 will be announced asap. For Survival, this will involve resetting the nether to bring all of the new pointless features into the game.
★New Community-Manager
For those who weren't able to make it to Skyblock's event night on Saturday, you missed out on a very special promotion. Young Ascacos has shown unwavering loyalty to FruitSkyblock from the moment he rejoined the team, and has worked incredibly hard behind the scenes to shape the server into the best Skyblock experience possible. Anyone who has served on the Skyblock team alongside him will attest to his work ethic, on Saturday we had the pleasure of rewarding his hard work by welcoming him to the Community-Managers table.
Yet again a fantastic month for the Fruitservers network, thank you to one and all for your continued support. FruitPixelmon may have finally released but rest assured, there's plenty more planned for the rest of the year!

Voting Competition
Reminder to everyone that votes are tallied up for the post a few hours before the end of the month so sneaking in a couple of votes right at the end may not help. Props to everyone for keeping voting as competitive as it has been, looks like everyone is eager to win themselves a voucher! Well done to Rappart on securing 1st place, and to SkellyBG and hoyz91 on securing equal 2nd! There's now a total of four voting sites so I expect voting to become even more competitive.

Build Competition

June's build competition produced some good results! Congratulations to Atha_nasia, Poshkid, and Aleecha. The theme for July's build competition will be Pixelmon Towns/Settlements!

Competition Rules
- The build is limited to 100x100 in size, we'd suggest marking out these dimensions beforehand. There is no height limit.
- The build must follow the theme - Pixelmon Towns/Settlements!
- The build must be completed by 11:59pm 30th July, 2020 (AEST)
- You must work alone, you will be disqualified if others help you.
- All entries must be built on the Creative server.
- As cool as pixel art is, this isn't the place for it.
- Don't copy another person's work, BE ORIGINAL!
Entry and Prize Structure
A forum thread will be made where you can submit your entries as well as find out what the prize structure will be. To make things easier for everyone, please only submit your entry on the prize structure thread. Lazy attempts will receive a substantially smaller prize, you have been warned! Remember - 15 quality entries and the prizes will increase!
Top Players
FruitServers is an amazing community because of the people that are a part of it. Every month one player and one staff member from Survival, Skyblock, Prison, and Pixelmon are selected and acknowledged for their contribution to the server, whether it be ingame or behind the scenes.

Player of the month Survival - St0nkatr0n. You'll find him on discord almost every night chatting away in big channels, St0nkatr0n has become very popular in a short amount of time. Keep it up St0nkatr0n!

Player of the month Skyblock - Tally_Ho. A veteran member of the FruitSkyblock community, Tally_Ho is a friendly face to all and enjoys being helpful to players while staff aren't online. Good work Tally_Ho!

Staff of the month Survival - PoshKid. One of Survival's many new faces, PoshKid has stood out from the crowd by going above and beyond from the moment he joined the team. You'll frequently find him on discord while he's online on Survival, always happy to stop what he's doing and lend a hand (or an ear!) to anyone who needs it. Well done Poshkid.

Staff of the month Skyblock - Majestyy_ (Galaxxy_/Ephidia/Lovexxy/GothixWolf/WhoKnowsWhatTheHeckItWillBeNextMonth). Skyblock's sole Event-C has worked tirelessly since joining the team, and her work ethic has helped her stand out as a fantastic role model. If only she'd stop changing her name more often than H1 changes his underwear.

Staff of the month Prison - Its_Rothy. Young Rothy continues to show unwavering enthusiasm in his attempts to bring exciting, original events to FruitPrison. If only everyone was as motivated as Rothy is! Keep up the good work.

Staff of the month Pixelmon - Benjabot_. Working alongside Benjabot_ has been quite refreshing - it's admirable seeing someone take so much pride in their work and continue to strive for perfection no matter what kind of task they have been given. Pixelmon's shaky start was very quickly rectified by Benja's efforts, and he now continues to provide updates nearly daily to improve everyone's experience on FruitPixelmon. Kudos Benja, keep up the fantastic work.
Survival, Skyblock, Prison and Pixelmon are lucky to have such strong moderating teams, however we are always accepting applications for all of our staff roles. Our wonderful Event and Build Teams in particular are still looking to grow so if you'd like to be a part of something special do consider looking into these roles. Think you have what it takes to join one of these fantastic teams? Submit an application at www.fruitservers.net/staff
As always we look forward to hearing feedback from you guys about possible improvements. If you have ideas, please share them with us either through the website, in-game, or via discord. We want to know what you think!
I look forward to seeing everyone at Fruitlympics, may the best server win!
End of Post.