
Hey fruitflops! Goldsta here, bringing you the much-anticipated monthly recap. Buckle up and get ready for walls of text, interesting statistics and important changes. Onwards!
-Fruitbowl News
14670 Players!
Look at that phenomenal figure! The number of players we invite to this extraordinary server means more fun for everyone. As the community expands, so do our friends and FruitServers has a habit of turning those friends into the close family that we have at the moment. Let's keep the numbers rising, and make all our new players feel warm and welcome!
Donation Goals
Yet again, you amazing little fruitnuggets have impressed us by reaching 297% of the donation goal on survival and 143% of the donation goal on skyblock! We've got a heap of juicy surprises planned as the festive season draws closer, however they'll only see the light of day if you fruitsters keep donating.
October saw the release of the long-awaited 'Fruit in the sky', and although there were a couple of hiccups it's safe to say the launch was a massive success! Our amazing developer GeekxBoy has squashed any bugs that have stood in his way, however some of those pesky little things are still roaming around. Be sure to visit the official Skyblock bugs/requests thread if you've got something to report.
Skyblock site:
Server IP:
Server command: /server skyblock
Fruitservers is and always has been about its beloved community. The team takes a great deal of pride in working with you wonderful people, and we enjoy interacting with you at every opportunity. With that in mind, we'd like everyone to try and contribute their juicy knowledge to the Fruitservers wiki which can be found here, and their pictures to the Fruitservers gallery which can be found here. In our endeavours to organise and format the wiki neatly, we have to remind all players that the wiki will be monitored by staff and normal rules/policies still apply.
Fruitservers Gallery:
Fruitservers Wiki:
Congratulations to these winners! To be one of next month's winners, you'd better start voting!

Voting is one of the best ways you can help the server, and you get rewarded for it with keys! Vote consistently enough and you may end up taking home the top prize for the month, a little coupon to spoil yourself with. Not only that, your vote points get stored up and can be spent online in the vote point store.
Vote point store:
Build Competition
To celebrate the release of skyblock the theme of Heavens was chosen, and you lot certainly did not disappoint! Here are our winners for October's build competition.

The theme of November's build competition is 'Minigames'! You are free to interpret this theme however you wish, as long as you're creative!
This build competition will be held in the creative world. This is your chance to impress everyone with your ingenuity and possibly give event managers something to work with in future events!
Competition Rules
-Build must be finished by 29th November.
-Players MUST work individually.
-Build must follow the theme of the month.
-Build must be completed in the creative world.
-Only one entry per user.
1st Place: $20 store voucher.
2nd Place: $15 store voucher.
3rd Place: $10 store voucher.
How to post your Entry
To enter this month's competition, please leave a comment under THIS POST. If your build has been completed on someone else's creative plot, please remember to specify.

Slight changes have been made to the reward coupons given to top voters and build competition winners. Unfortunately these vouchers no longer contribute to your donation rank, and you will no longer be given a coupon code. This means you will have to message H1N9 through the website if you've earned a voucher and your perks will be applied manually.
Top Players
This is for you players who make the Fruitbowl what it is; a friendly, enjoyable experience for all every day, and every night. Every month one player and one staff member is selected and recognized for their contribution to the server, whether it be ingame or behind the scenes.

Player of the Month: Apatix4869. Very few can top the vibrant, fun-loving personality that is Apatix4869. You have been an absolute joy to interact with every single time you've logged in, involving yourself in conversations and stealing the spotlight with your wacky stories! Contrary to that dull default skin of yours, your charismatic personality lights up the fruitbowl every time you enter it. Well done Apatix!

Staff of the Month: GeekxBoy. It goes without saying that GeekxBoy is one of our hardest working staff members. He has worked tirelessly to bring a truly unique Skyblock experience to the Fruitbowl. Always available to answer Skyblock-related queries, he is more than deserving of this month's staff of the month award. Well done Geek!
-Beyond the Bowl
October saw some fairly significant changes in the staff team. After dedicating countless hours to the Fruitbowl, generously donating on behalf of others, welcoming people with open arms into our wonderful server, we had to bid farewell to our beloved AUZombie. We have no doubt in our mind that you are succeeding in whichever endeavours you've chosen to embark on now, and the Fruitbowl will miss you dearly. Let us take a moment to celebrate the induction of, wait for it, THREE trial-mods this month! Please welcome ImHiding, RohDawg1998, and Sleapy to the team. Remember to congratulate them when you see them online!
Staff applications will be open until 11:59 pm AEST, Saturday 7th November. Builder applications will be open throughout the month, feel free to apply! Those who are awaiting responses, we apologize for the delay. We are just finalizing the role and all the permissions that will go with it.
Thanks for reading. Let's hope November is just as enjoyable!
~This super-informative chunk of text has been brought to you by Goldflop
End of Post.