October Recap

Fruitsters, welcome to the spooky October recap. I'll be running through all of the things that have happened throughout yet another insanely busy month. There's no slowing down as we approach the tail end of the year, as usual there will be plenty of projects being worked on for players to enjoy during the Christmas holidays. For now, let's breeze through the recap!
Fruitbowl News
FruitSkyblock Reset
FruitSkyblock players rejoice, the server has been reset and everyone gets a fresh start! A reminder to all players to exercise patience for things like spawner claims as there is a long list of things to address after every reset - spawner claims are always a high priority so worry not! Along with the reset comes new daily quests for mining and mobs - a sneaky self-proclaimed Skyblock expert tells me there may be island roles being worked on...
FruitPrison Update
FruitPrison has finally made the dreaded transition to 1.14 and the results leave much to be desired. As I'm writing this, the whitelist has been turned on and a select few helpful staff are assisting H1N9 reach the bottom of this mess. Updates will be provided on discord, make sure you're keeping track of things via the #fruitprison text channel or by talking to people in the voice channels.
FruitSurvival Happenings
A word from Ahtnamas80 - "This week we had some fun on survival with some amazing halloween events built by our amazing build team and Demski. I would just like to thank them for all their hard work, they have spent weeks toiling away on creative getting everything just right for this weeks events, and I think the results speak for themselves! Demski, AidenMcG, RebornIV and Terra_morphous thank you for all your hard work, you truly outdid yourselves this time! And stay tuned to see what they have coming up for Christmas, I have had a sneak peak and it is AMAZING."
Huge thank you to everyone who contributed throughout October - all 3 servers managed to smash their donation goals! Keep your eyes peeled for more special additions as we get closer and closer to the jolliest time of year.

Voting Competition
Once again, thank you to everyone who continues to support the server by voting daily - it's one of the most important things you can do and it only takes a couple of minutes so be sure to continue voting every single day! For the third time in several months, we have three clear winners for the voting competition. Congratulations to Waba_UND3AD and Xtalize on placing equal 1st, with Bearryyy placing 3rd! Please be mindful that votes get tallied prior to the post being written so some last minute votes that you sneak in probably won't get counted. Vote reward vouchers do not contribute towards donation totals.

Build Competition
The Halloween build competition, which ran over the course of two months, produced just enough entries for us to pick winners. Disclaimer - Goldsta was not involved in judging build competition entries this time. Congratulations to ExpressoYourself on first place, EmeraldDragons on second place, and _Bunnyy on third place. The monthly build competitions will be put on hold until the new year - we were looking forward to seeing more entries as the competition had been stretched over the course of two months so we hope the next build competition we host will see greater participation.

Top Players
FruitServers is an amazing community because of the people that are a part of it. Every month one player and one staff member from Survival, Skyblock and Prison are selected and acknowledged for their contribution to the server, whether it be ingame or behind the scenes. Congratulations to everyone mentioned below! Their support for their server made these players the obvious choices.

Player of the month Survival - CrumpetCutie. CrumpetCutie is this months player of the month, they have been an active and friendly member of the community, who is a delight to spend time with. Always helpful, and polite in chat. Thanks for helping to make Fruit servers the fun place we love! - Ahtnamas80

Player of the month Skyblock - PotatoJacket. If you've been on Skyblock, you've seen Potato! He is an outstanding member of the community and gives 110% in everything he does. We've watched him grow a lot in the past month and we commend him greatly for his achievements! - Gylfmeister

Player of the month Prison - dnbAsterisk. Young dnbAsterisk has been active and gone out of their way to help new players since joining. They've also participated in event nights and joined in on discord chats! Well done dnbAsterisk.

Staff of the month Survival - xCurlyfry. xCurlyFry has been a real asset on the staff team this month. He is a reliable staff member who you can depend on to get a job done. Curly is also a lot of fun to spend time with, and always jumps to action when a player is needing help. Well done Curly! - Ahtnamas80

Staff of the month Skyblock - Galaxxxyy. Throughout the holidays Galaxxxyy did her best to help as much as possible. She contributed plenty of hours in the lead up to the reset as well, good job Galaxxxyy!

Staff of the month Prison - Tunrida_Fenriz. Tunrida has spent most of October building new events and expanding on older planets that need some love. His 'maintenance' work deserves some recognition, well done Tunrida!
Survival, Prison, and Skyblock are lucky to have such strong moderating teams, however we are always accepting applications for all of our staff roles. Our wonderful Event and Build Teams in particular are still looking to grow so if you'd like to be a part of something special do consider looking into these roles. Think you have what it takes to join one of these fantastic teams? Submit an application at www.fruitservers.net/staff
As mentioned in previous months we always look forward to hearing feedback from you guys about possible improvements. If you have ideas, please share them with us either through the website, in-game, or via discord. We want to know what you think!
In conclusion, I like potatoes.
End of Post.