Thank goodness you're here!
We missed you ~
It's been a busy week for us all, and many are back at school! Wowza, the holidays really do tend to fly!
For all you lovebirds out there, the most romantic time of the year is just around the corner, and fruit is not one to miss out on the fun! Remember to get your loved one something special!
Our Pixelmon map has also expanded! So head over to /server pixelmon to check it out~
♡ Survival ♡ | ♥ Skyblock ♥ | ♡ Prison ♡ | ♥ Pixelmon ♥ |
Players Joined: 15,556 | Players Joined: 4,700 | Players Joined: 2,985 | Players Joined: 1,812 |
Monthly Goal - 210% | Monthly Goal - 197% | Monthly Goal - 36% | Monthly Goal - 39% |
Current Top Supporter: | Current Top Supporter: | Current Top Supporter: | Current Top Supporter: |
﹥ Revalore ﹤ | ﹥ TE_TaLeXx1 ﹤ | ﹥ 7153﹤ | ﹥ Robyrn ﹤ |

No staff updates this week.
No staff updates this week.
No staff updates this week.
It is with a heavy heart that we wish LifeOfBlu a sad farewell. Thank you for your commitment and enthusiasm in getting Pixelmon where it is today.
We are always on the hunt for new staff members for our moderating, event coordinator or builder teams, if you think you have something to offer why not put in an application via the website by clicking HERE

➴ Join us every night at 8pm AEDT for our nightly events! ➶
Check out this week's calendar for what games we will be playing.
Monday - | Pixelmon Event Night |
Tuesday - | Prison Event Night |
Wednesday - | Lilypad on Survival |
Thursday - | Skyblock Event Night |
Friday - | Valentines Day Event |
Saturday - | Skyblock Event Night |
Sunday - | Prison Event Night |
Congratulations to all this week's winners.
Come along to events and you could win yourself keys or tokens!

Fruity Marriages
Aw, this is my favourite part!
lindsayymca ♡ ZedB0
MajestiiicBlur ♡ Lilspagbog
Want to marry that special someone? Contact a staff member and they can help you on your way to wedded bliss.
Selfie of the Week
We love to see what you get up to during the week, so make sure you post a selfie to the forum thread before Sunday night to be in the running for a token. When you post your selfie be sure to mention which server you took the selfie on, and write a caption for it also.

Conga line at /warp shop!
Congrats Himydogsayswoof!

Raving with DJ Chimken on Skyblock!
Congrats Scorchemy.
Post your selfies HERE!

As Fruitservers grows, so goes it's social media. If you haven't already, go check out our Instagram page at @Fruit_Servers!
There's something new to look at nearly every day, not to mention all of the prizes you can win!
Every Sunday, we host a trivia contest with 3 unanswered questions. You can win up to 250 website points to spend server-wide!
The school holidays are done and dusted, but we have so many more exciting events to come! Keep an eye out for those insta posts, and comment your favourite memory from the holidays past below!
Your event team,
Galaxxia_, Bayleecraft, MrRandom287 and _Ravioli