Survival 0
SkyBlock 0
Prison 0
Pixelmon 0
Creative 0

2020 Recap

Written by The FruitServers Team

Sayonara 2020.

What an exhausting year it's been. I think I speak for everyone when I say thank the Fruitlords this miserable year is finally coming to an end! Although 2020 has been a year to forget, it's been an absolutely momentous year for our humble Fruitbowl - I'd go as far as to say it's been our busiest year on record. I hope you'll all join me in celebrating our many high points while bidding farewell to 2020.

Year in Review

★Survival: New Happenings on Familiar Territory
As Survival continues to boast the most impressive playercounts across the network, we've had to innovate to keep everyone happy. It goes without saying that some of you are quite difficult to please! Of note in recent months are the Fruity Quests which PoshKid has written about at length recently and /warp jollyfight which offers BedWars, FFA, and King of the Hill. No doubt there's plenty more planned for 2021!

★Skyblock: Changing of the Guard
Those of you who've been with us for a while now will know that Skyblock saw some fairly significant changes take place, first within the staff team and later on in the year during the reset/revamp. It's been a long time since the Skyblock team has looked so solid, so it's important to acknowledge all the things they've done right since their whirlwind of a start to the year.

★Prison: Bringing Ambition to Fruition
Quite recently our Prison team had the opportunity to showcase the result of months of planning and dedication in the form of our long-awaited revamp. Needless to say the revamp was a success with loads of positive feedback being given and a generally favourable reception. We look forward to bringing even more quality-of-life changes to our most underrated project!

★Pixelmon: Humble New Beginnings
Whenever our network grows with the addition of a server, it's always a milestone worth celebrating. In spite of our Pixelmon server being fairly new it has caught traction very quickly and now has a very stable playerbase. Expect a multitude of improvements over the coming weeks, as our playerbase grows so will the frequency of special events like tournaments. Let's all work together in having Pixelmon shown the recognition it deserves!

★Creative Reset
We're going to be showing Creative some love when we arrange a server wipe, this is scheduled to take place on the 8th of January. ExpressoYourself will be overseeing the saving of schematics, there's a few things you need to be aware of though.
* You may save 2 large schematics or 5 small schematics. 1 large schematic is equivalent to 3 small ones.
* A large schematic is anything up to 200x200, a small schematic is anything up to 75x75.
* What you want saved has to be considered a complete, proper build that cannot easily be recreated with a bit of world edit or manual placement.
* You may only save works that you are the owner of.
* You may request to have the build pasted in for you OR you may have it sent to your enjin account by H1 (provided you know what to do with the schematic).
* Schematics can be pasted back into Creative and ONLY Creative once the wipe is complete.

Another year, another message of praise for all of our supporters whether you've donated or not. Without the generosity of the players we wouldn't be where we are now, so thank you to everyone who continues to show the humble Fruitbowl the love it deserves.

★Fruitmas Crafting Competition
Our yearly tradition continues and the fat man (Santa, not Goldsta) makes a return to the Fruitbowl. Kudos to all of our winners, the last of which were announced tonight over on discord. You'll need to chase up with H1N9 (the other fat man) to redeem your prizes. We hope to see this level of interest in all of our holiday competitions throughout 2021, keep it up everyone!

★Vote Competition

Reminder to everyone that votes are tallied up for the post a few hours before the end of the month so sneaking in a couple of votes right at the end may not help. Props to everyone for keeping voting as competitive as it has been, looks like everyone is eager to win themselves a voucher! Great work Modestyy on 1st, _nck991_ on 2nd, and pancakemaddie on 3rd. Keep up the great work everyone, please message a Community-Manager or H1N9 to redeem your voucher.

Top Players

FruitServers is an amazing community because of the people that are a part of it. Every month one player and one staff member from Survival, Skyblock, Prison, and Pixelmon are selected and acknowledged for their contribution to the server, whether it be ingame or behind the scenes.

Player of the month Survival - AllGiftsPoint2. AllSignsPoint2 is well known for always being around to help or chat, they are a friendly and fun player to spend time with, and help brighten up the server with their amazing banner designs! Congratulations AllSignsPoint2. ~Ahtnamas80

Player of the month Skyblock - BelcherMC. While staff were preparing for their up-and-coming reset, BelcherMC was constantly offering his hand to other players in need of help. We are very grateful to have had someone as proactive and knowledgeable as BelcherMC in our midst! It's always nice to know that there are players we can rely on in our time of need! ~Gylfmeister

Player of the month Pixelmon - CozzaLAD. Young Cozza is not known to shy away from being controversial, however since joining FruitPixelmon we've seen firsthand all of his better qualities as he has championed our server from the moment he joined. A perennial finalist at almost every tournament he enters, Cozza's efforts to assist the server have not gone unnoticed.

Staff of the month Survival - The Whole Team! As a Community Manager, I am incredibly lucky to have such an amazing team around me who are always ready to help and support me in any way needed. A huge amount of work went into creating new and fun experiences on Survival, and it just would not be possible without the dedication and hard work the staff team put into everything they do. Thank you to all of you, Survival would not be the same without you! ~Ahtnamas80

Staff of the month Skyblock - Gylfmeister/Crezzie/Christmaxxy_. Gylf has been her reliable self throughout December, assisting Asc in maintaining a sense of order and somehow being 'everywhere at once.' Without Crezzie's assistance we simply would not have been able to address the plethora of minor hindrances when the revamp went live. Gal was phenomenal in holding the fort while the majority of the team helped set up the revamp, her efforts to bring exposure to the Christmas events were very well received.

Staff of the month Prison - Its_Rothy. Lately it's felt like a competition between B3ast and Rothy to see who can do more hours, who can carry more of the burden by doing the most throughout the month. December sees Rothy come out on top, well done!

Survival, Skyblock, Prison and Pixelmon are lucky to have such strong moderating teams, however we are always accepting applications for all of our staff roles. Our wonderful Event and Build Teams in particular are still looking to grow so if you'd like to be a part of something special do consider looking into these roles. Think you have what it takes to join one of these fantastic teams? Submit an application atwww.fruitservers.net/staff

As always we look forward to hearing feedback from you guys about possible improvements. If you have ideas, please share them with us either through the website, in-game, or via discord. We want to know what you think!

With that, we draw the curtains on 2020.
See you all in 2021!