Survival 0
SkyBlock 0
Prison 0
Pixelmon 0
Creative 0


Written by The FruitServers Team

Hey Hey hey! It's fat alb- I MEAN It's me Jylon! Welcome to the weekly post.


Hello everybody and I hope you had a good week, anywho let's dive into the weekly post with your host Jylon. Oh and don't forget to get a spooky skin since it's October!



  • Number of players since opening day: 14022!
  • Current monthly donation progress: 125%!
  • Current monthly top donator: Natthisttic

Friday Night’s Game

Unfortunately, the server was having a tantrum and didn't wanna let people onto it, we we had many of Fruitloops being kicked for connection loses, People crashing...It was a big mess :( Because of this we couldn't do an event and even if we did it wouldn't be possible with all that lag. (i cri) Luckily those issues are gone now and hopefully we can have a much better event this Friday Night! I apologise for all that were having problems with the server, I myself was crashing too. You're not the only one who feels the pain.


One of our own

We've had numerous good people leave FruitServers, today is one of those days. The Network-Manager that we all know and respect has left Fruitloops and we should all remember the good times we spent with this man, he goes by the name of AUZombie. We won't forget how much you've done to help this community grow and how much time you've dedicated to helping us find our way. May we wish you luck in the future ahead of you. Stay safe buddy.


On the brighter side of things, we have three very positive, hardworking and downright beautiful staff members that have recieved promotions. First up we have the stunning Gamerbabe! She has contributed so much to the community and the server that we couldn't ignore her brilliance. She has earned herself the role of Community-Manager, well done! Our second and very manly man is Goldsta! This fine gentleman has done so much to help the players of Fruitservers feel welcome and for them to enjoy all of what the server can give them. Goldsta has sacrificed a lot of his own time to dedicate it to the community which has also earned him Community-Manager, Nice job! Last but not least we have the fabulous ipoodalittle! She may be the tyant but she's also the saviour for many, always finding justice for those that need it and making all feel comfortable in the community. (Not only that but she's the best wife I could ask for.) MissSquid has earned herself Veteran-Moderator! Let's give a round of applause to all and a Congratz to them if you see them in-game :)


Let's not forget that Skyblock is now a thing to do in FruitServers! There's - QUESTS, TRADING CARDS, CUSTOMIZATION, MCMMO! + With a whole new Tropical Spawn built by our very lovely Gamerbabe, make sure to thank her in-game! Keep in mind that we're just getting started on Skyblock and we want all of YOU to have the best experience possible, be sure to let us know if you've found any glitches, bugs or anything that may be game breaking suince Skyblock is still a work in progress.

SKYBLOCK SITE: www.fruitservers.net/skyblock

TEAMSPEAK: ts3.fruitservers.net

SERVER IP: mc.fruitservers.net

SERVER COMMAND: /server skyblock


Newly Wedded Couples

The love doctor is in and is ready to give her a daily dose of love. So step right up and have your vowels be read.

Congratulations to all of our newly wedded couples!
Gamerbabe & Natthisttic <3
-RainbowNinja18 & SugarSpiceNShit <3


Website Changes

A reminder to everyone that we have had some amazing changes to the website over the last month or so, we now have a Wiki, Gallery, Rules and Support page. These pages will help you Fruitsters out immensely, seriously! Now you can stop poking staff in-game and simply post a small description of your problem into the Support page so us staff can evaluate your issue and deal with it accordingly. Not only that but Enjin has now realeased their Wiki mode in order for you to post, edit and read about things avout Fruitservers without having to ask a question, it's all there dudes and dudettes!

Staff Applications

For those that want to apply you've just missed out on doing so, we take apps from the start of each month and take it very seriously. If you feel that you've got what it takes to be a staff member then prove to us in-game and be the best you can be. Be sure to check at the end of this month and apply as a Moderator, Event-Manager or Builder.

Build Competition

What's that?! A new theme for the Build Competition?!?!?! My golly it sure is! This month's theme is 'Heavens' and we wanna see you Fruities think outside the block and come up with one of the best ones there is. This will be hosted in the Survival World so get building!!11! I'm sure you all know the rules but if you don't then here you are;


- Build must be finished by the 30th of October- Users MUST work individually- Build must follow the theme of the month
- Build must be created in the survival world- Only one entry per user


-1st Place: $20 Store Voucher and $7000 in-game money

-2nd Place: $15 Store Voucher and $5000 in-game money

-3rd Place: $10 Store Voucher and $3000 in-game money.

Need some inspiration?

How to enter?

Very simple! You either leave a warp or xyz position to your build on this post or the October Post on the Home page
Make sure it's finished when it reaches the end of the month!

Meme of the Week

Lone- I mean Screenshot of the week


That's all I got for you Fruitloops this week, hopefully you didn't die halfway through that and respawn cause that would of been pretty bad.. Anywho! Enjoy you week and Jylon is outa heeerreeee~