Hey There Fruitsters! How are we all on this fine sunday evening? I dont know about you but im super excited for another weekly post tonight written by Meloonaa! We have some brand new and juicy xoxoGOSSIPgikda for all of you. So lets hop straight into it Shall we? ~ We Shall!
The Rundown
Survival Skyblock
Number of players joined: 8677! Number of players joined: 393! (Reset)
Currently 45% of the monthly goal! Currently 57% of the monthly goal!
Current top donator: CorruptedDrake Current top donator: SweetEmotion
What lovely statistics we have here!
Beyond the Bowl
This week we sadly have no new staff updates ;c If you fit the requirements of a role and wish to give it a go feel free to apply for our Moderator, Event-Co or Builder positions! We would love to see what you all have to offer… And can i just say.. Happy Fathers Day to all, to all the amazing fathers out there, its your day! Enjoy it!
On the 31st of August, we had a new fruity rounds of Hide and Seek! You fruitsters searched for our sneaky staff members and you definitely surprised us all with what you achieved! The winners were just given some pretty amazing prizes so lets hear some results!
Round One: Too_Advanced found __Chocolate__ ItsSquish found Meloonnn
Rainbowssss found Ahtnamas80 PotassiumDOT found Llittle
ReddeadFlame31 found Lagoonaa PotassiumDOT found Briezyy
Le_Commandant found Bloo
Round Two: ReddeadFlame31 found melongrip ItsSquish found __Chocolate__
Le_Commandant found Bloo ReddeadFlame31 found Meloonnn
ItsSquish found Lagoonaa Mash_Teh_Fwoot found Ahtnamas80
LuciferLyte found Llittle _Grn found Briezyy
Round Three: Mash_Teh_Fwoot found Meloonnn PotassiumDOT found Lagoonaa
_Grn found __Chocolate__ ItsSquish found Ahtnamas80
ItsSquish found Llittle Mash_Teh_Fwoot found Briezyy
Yehji found Bloo
On the 2nd of September, we took over Skyblock servers and had a few fruity rounds of hide and seek… yes… again! We sent our staff members to hide around spawn and again we were very surprised to see the amount of you players who found us with ease! Lets give our winners some victorryy!!
Round One: Spitfire1913 found 1 staff member Badgerrific found 2 staff members
PotassiumDOT found 2 staff members xXTacoMan23Xx found 1 staff member
Round Two: _Grn found 3 staff members Le_Commandant found 1 staff member
Spitfire1913 found 1 staff member ItsSquish found 1 staff member
Round Three: _Grn found 1 staff member Le_Commandant found 2 staff members
Spitfire1913 found 2 staff members PotassiumDOT found 1 staff member
On the 4th of September, we celebrated… Fathers Day! For our fathers day event we sent you fruit loops off into the wild in order to find a secret location…. Impossible? Not! It drove you all insannee!! But you were all so determined to find it, once you got there you caught a fish making you a winner! After this we also had a sneaky drop party and some hub games! Huge thanks to the staff for donating to give you all kits!
First ~ Amber_Mx Second ~ PotassiumDOT Third ~ TheSilentKnight_
Fourth ~ Matea78 Fifth ~ WackierSky3
Notable Weddings
Alydya + Purplyalyssa <3
CorruptedDrake + wetqaz <3
_GrN + G_rN <3
xXTacoMan23Xx + Shamalamba <3
Thats a rap!
It comes to the time of every post when we need to start to ‘rap it up’, sadly it has come to that time of this post! But dont worry!! We will have another amazing post for you all next week so stick around for the next weeks gossip! But...Theres no weekly post without the screenshots of the week & the meme of the week!?! So lets get straight into it!
Screenshots of the Week!
Skyblock: What a lovely screenshot taken by EstherBunny of Aphroditie and EZ420 arent they cute!!?

Survival: A huge throwback to the opening of Polar Bear Pets! Photo taken by EstherBunny!

Meme of the Week

~ Meloonaa Out