Survival 0
SkyBlock 0
Prison 0
Pixelmon 0
Creative 0

A Small Introduction

Written by The FruitServers Team

Hello Fruitsters!

My name is H1N9 and I'm here to hopefully help fill the large gap that Eraze has left after moving on from the server.

Firstly, I would like to thank you all for your wonderful welcome to the server so far ! I'm still learning the commands and hopefully will be slowly getting to be more useful ingame when it comes to helping out players.

Hopefully however, you have noticed some of the changes that I have made so far. In particular the reduction of the lag issues that have been a problem on the server recently.

Currently I am planning to mainly take on the daily server tech role of the server, in updating plugins, fixing bugs and trying to make sure that everything will be running at 100%. AuZombie has kindly agreed to largely manage the community, dealing with areas such as staff, events and any issues that arise with players ingame. However, please always feel free to contact me about any issues you are having! I'm here to help - no matter what the problem is.

Having talked with all of the staff members the other day it is clear that Fruit Servers is built on it's community. I want you to know that it is in safe hands. From talking to Eraze I understand that there were future plans to add things such as minigames, skyblock and more. All of which I'd love to see come to life and add to the dynamic of the community.

As of today, we have started work on a skyblock server and will hopefully keep you updated with more in the future. But no hints for now!

While I won't fill the exact gap that Eraze has left I will always be working to make Fruit Servers a better community.

Looking forward to the journey!
