Survival 0
SkyBlock 0
Prison 0
Pixelmon 0
Creative 0

Another Fruit Filled Week

Written by The FruitServers Team

Hi Fruitloops! Demski's back again for your weekly update. Sorry it's a bit late but with all those Christmas movies to watch I just haven't had the time! But i'm here now and I have loads to tell you so let's begin.

Donating Statistics



Player Count:  20.074

Player Count: 8.567

Currently   334%  of monthly donation goal

Currently 215% of monthly donation goal

Current monthly top donator: XX_Jantin_XX

Current monthly top donator: MEMELORD_

Beyond the Bowl

This week on Fruit Survival we hit a grand total of 20 thousand (!) players who have joined this map! This is amazing and we would like to thank each and every player that joined. We would also like to thank the existing community for being so welcoming and helpful to all these new players!

Staff Changes

We have just one staff change this week on Survival. Auri_Borealis joined the Survival Team as a Trial Mod! He'll be happy to help you with any of your questions and requests.

also one change for skyblock , we sadly seen the departure of D2xx who is busy with RL stuff. Thank you D2xx for all your help  ,wishing you all the best for the future

Remember, if you feel like you have the time and want to help out our amazing community you can go to the Staff Section on the Fruitservers page to apply for a Moderator or a Builder position. Just to let you know... At the moment we are not taking applications for Event Co-ordinator, but keep an eye open on the Application Page for the latest updates.



On Wednesday we did a few rounds of bingo! We had 6 winners all recieving a Token. Well done to cowskin, penguin_lover, penchis29, Auri_Borealis, CtrlSaltDlt and burger_Kingsz!

Last Friday we played a few rounds of Hide 'n Seek. The staff were hiding and H1N9 Broadcasting! Need I say more lolzzz!!!  Gratz to Penguin_lover, Auri-Borealis and Brekkie for finding 3 staff members! Close behind them with 2 findings was Ivyxo and static58 and BigSauce_ found 1 staff member.


On Monday Skyblock hosted a few rounds of bingo with again 6 winners! Gratz to Burger_kingsz and Xloco for winning 2 rounds and gratz to Aba-  and Fhoz for winning one round each.

And on Tuesday Skyblock hosted Corners! I luv this event!  5 rounds were played and MarskeyChai won 2 of them! InkedSquid, xnybx and GodfreyJr all won 1 round each.

I would like to give a huge big fruity Thank You to all the staff and builders who created these events and hosted them. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I would also like to give a huge Thank You to Bulk_Bogan! He recently returned to the game and has been hosting several of his own mini games which i have attended. There have been quite a lot of giggles! Thank you Bulk!

We are always open to fresh ideas. If you have a great idea and want to share this with the staff, feel free to put these suggestions in a thread on the forums and we'll look into it!

Upcoming Events

On Wednesday we have Corners on Survival (did I mention I love Corners? LOL!).












Thats it for this week . Another week over . Another week closer to those Christmas Holidays, I cant wait . Im like a kid in a Candy shop this time of year. Right im off to watch another christmas movie. , cya fruitloops .