June has arrived!
The shock! Who is this strange person doing the monthly update? Yes, I don’t normally do news posts but as Goldsta has been busy tending to the needs of the Great Gikda worshippers I thought it was about time I did one.
Into The Bowl
Mother’s Day Events
Early May saw some amazing events held for Mother’s Day. Event Managers, staff and builders worked incredibly hard to deliver a fantastic day – despite Goldsta clearly still learning how to use World Edit.
New Perks
This month several new perks were added to both stores. Survival had loads of new entity disguises and some animal ones. As requested, Skyblock’s shop has grown to include many new features such as the MCMMO boosters, pets, spawners and more!
Tomorrow is also the last day for a long time to get the limited edition endermite pet.
Player Statistics:
Survival Players - 6190 FruitFlops :D
Skyblock Players - 5038 Fruitlets :D
Once again it is amazing to see the community over on Skyblock grow! A big thanks to Apapapapa and the very dedicated staff team for organising events such as the movie night and gathering feedback from players to make it even better! Geek also patched a number of bugs this month to make the server an overall smoother experience.
Donation Goals

Art Competition
Despite leaving entries open for the art competition for several more weeks we unfortunately, failed to get many entries. A big shout out to those of you who entered though! If you entered, message me ingame for something special!
Congratulations to HeyNath this entry which blew our minds:

Well done to these dedicated voters, you've each earned a store voucher to spoil yourself (or others!).

Voting is one of the best ways you can help the server, and you get rewarded for it with keys! Vote consistently enough and you may end up taking home the top prize for the month, a little coupon to spoil yourself with. Not only that, your vote points get stored up and can be spent online in the vote point store.
Vote point store: www.fruitservers.net/survivalvote
Build Competition
Congratulations to the winners from the May build competiton:

Theme: Transport / Movement
World: Creative

Gikda Daddy's Ferrari
Competition Rules
- Build must be finished by 29th June
- Players must work individually
- Build must follow the theme of the month
- Build must be completed in the creative world
- Only one entry per individual
- Transport must be large enough for Goldsta after he eats his cake
1st Place: $20 store voucher
2nd Place: $15 store voucher
3rd Place: $10 store voucher
How to post your Entry
To enter this month's competition, please leave a comment stating so or use a warp if you're building on someone else's plot. If you have run out of warps, please let a staff member know.
If you've won a voucher, please speak to a Gikda, Apapa or myself about redeeming it. Please remember that these vouchers do not count towards your ingame rank, and they may be used on others too! If you're really confident in yourself and you think you can nab a voucher in the next month, you'd be happy to know they do add up.
Top Players
Fruit Servers is an amazing community because of the people that are a part of it. Every month one player and one staff member from both Survival and Skyblock are selected and recognized for their contribution to the server, whether it be ingame or behind the scenes.

Player of the month survival – PotassiumDot. A valued member of the community, Potassium engages in conversations on teamspeak, is friendly to everyone and is more than willing to help out new players.

Player of the month skyblock – Cadius76. Cadius has had a fantastic month on the Skyblock server, helping out immensely with the growth of the community. He is always in good spirits and always happy to have some fun!

Staff of the month survival - Briezyy. Briezyy is a loyal staff member to Fruit. His support for the server has been unwavering and greatly appreciated. Thank you for all of the help that you have given the server!

Staff of the month skyblock - Aphroditie. Apapapa has spent an incredible amount of time and effort over the past several months improving Skyblock in every way she could. From building all of the new events to managing the staff team, the Skyblock server would not be where it is without her effort and love for the community.
Beyond the Bowl
There have been many changes to the staff team over the past month or so:
SparkleyFlopinmycorn >> Moderator
Melongrip >> Moderator
Azzo_ >> Moderator
MC_Gomps >> Trial-Mod >> Moderator
Dusty_Tornado >> Trial-Mod >> Moderator
EstherBunny >> Trial-Mod
H1N9 >> Supreme Owner
Congratulations to all of those who were promoted!
Reminder that staff applications will be open throughout the month, as well as builder applications. Think you’ve got what it takes to become a member of our incredible team? Apply today! Remember that our process is very strict and only the very best make it past the initial stages of the application process.
We are half way there! If you know where there is!
BTW is it classified as kidnapping if Gikda is not a kid?
~ H1N9