Survival 0
SkyBlock 0
Prison 0
Pixelmon 0
Creative 0

Easter Holiday Fun!

Written by The FruitServers Team

Roll up, Roll up fruity friends! Here comes another week of exciting news just for you! Come take a look at the fruity circus as we start with all the stats and numbers!

❀ Survival ❀

✿ Skyblock ✿

❀ Prison ❀

✿ Pixelmon ✿

Players Joined: 6,751 

Players Joined: 7,985

Players Joined: 5,446

Players Joined: 413 

Monthly Goal -1013%

Monthly Goal - 258%

Monthly Goal -135%

Monthly Goal -625%

Current Top Donator:


Current Top Donator:


Current Top Donator:


Current Top Donator:


I want to give a big thanks to all of the Pixelmon staff and Builders that helped make this reset happen, without the help from everyone involved a lot of things this reset and new features coming in the future would not be possible. Thank you!

As with all resets we are bound to come across some issues, we will be continuing to iron out these issues over the coming weeks. If you happen to stumble across any bugs be sure to let our friendly staff team know!

In the next few weeks our in-game shop will be getting a small revamp including some new highly requested items and a few price changes.


You’ve all been asking for them and here they are! After our events on Monday night we will be releasing a few of what we are calling our ‘baby’ gyms. These new gyms will be significantly easier than the previous gyms. After successfully defeating our new Ice Gym, you will be rewarded with the Pokemon you chose to bring over from the previous map. Over the next few weeks more gyms will be released and the much loved gyms from our previous map will also make their return!

Also don’t forget! Throughout the duration of the crafting comp, carrot keys in our server crates and are handed out as prizes at our events and popup events! Be sure to come join in every Monday night at 8PM AEST for a chance to get yourself some keys!


Some balancing adjustments have been made to the following items:

  • Knockback stick now costs 1 diamond
  • Iron Golem has been removed from the store
  • Diamond Pickaxe is now enchanted with efficiency 2 (to help break obsidian faster)
  • Chests will be adding chests to all maps
  • You can now use /r in-game! Glorious!

We are in the process of making new maps for you all to enjoy, in a variety of sizes!
Feedback is always welcomed about Bedwars balancing and map layouts, let staff know in-game or on discord!

As we roll onto the staff update part of the post we see 4 new mod’s ranking up from t-mod to mod! Say congrats to Ajplayup and 1PLY from pixelmon for passing their tmod stage! We also have a new mod from t-mod on survival! congrats to Mikreneej! Another promotion on Prison I hear? mod MeifwaRap apparently woah! so good to see! congrats!

We also say farewell to H0yz and Buckwild_ from the survival mod team, they were such great moderators and their efforts will be missed.

Bucks last words were "Behave for Demski." so that is what we shall now do!

We are always on the hunt for new staff members for our moderating, event coordinator or builder teams, if you think you have something to offer why not put in an application via the website by clicking HERE

Join us every night at 8pm AEST for our nightly events! A brief reminder that all events onwards will be at 8pm AEST!

Check out this week's calendar for what games we will be playing.

Monday - Pixelmon event night

Tuesday - Prison event night

Wednesday - Horse race on survival

Thursday - Skyblock event night

Friday - Walk the plank on survival

Saturday - Skyblock event night

Sunday - Prison Games night

Congratulations to all this week's winners.

Come along to events and you could win yourself keys or tokens!

Every Sunday night at 10pm AEDT we hold our weekly Pixelmon Rental Team Tournament. For those of you that may not be aware, you will be supplied with Pokemon during these tournaments. If you’ve just started on the server you’ve got the same chance of winning along with the big bad Pixelmon sweats!

The winners of our weekly tournaments are awarded with a Perfect shiny Pokemon of their choice! Why not come give it a shot and see how you go!

~Fruity Marriages~

Wedding bells are ringing for this week’s happy couples!















Want to marry that special someone?  Contact a staff member and they can help you on your way to wedded bliss.


Selfie of the Week

We love to see what you get up to during the week, so make sure you post a selfie to the forum thread before Sunday midday to be in the running for a token. When you post your selfie be sure to mention which server you took the selfie on, and write a caption for it also.

Post your selfies HERE

As the end of the wacky post circus comes to an end you walk out with your showbags and fairy floss feeling accomplished you read all the post and survived!

Until next week~

~Bayleecraft & The Event Team